proposal thoughts.

Leorio, melody, killua, and gon, were all sitting in the living room discussing the proposal. Leorio had a pen and paper in one of his hands and Akane in the other.

melody: so how much time do we have to discuss this.

Leorio: mostly the whole day kurapika is out with my mom so they may be out pretty late.

Killua crossed his legs.

killua: well does anyone have any thoughts.

Gon shook his head.

gon: nope.

melody: maybe do it on a beach.

killua: nah at a restaurant because some give free cake depending on the occasion.

Leorio: I'm not gonna do that, it needs to be special.

gon: right so how about a private proposal you can do so much with a private proposal.

killua nodded

killua: yeah it would also save you embarrassment if he says no.

Killua laughed.

melody: you shouldn't say things like that killua.

Leorio just blinked in shock.

Leorio: I'm pretty sure you're not gonna be much help.

killua: but think about it, not everyone's ready to settle down and get married.

gon: killua that makes no since he just had a baby why wouldn't he marry leorio.

Killua shrugged.

gon: well take him on a vacation and when you guys get in the hotel do it then.

melody hummed in agreement.

Leorio: But where would I take him? He's practically been everywhere.

melody: take him somewhere that brings a lot of good memories.

Killua: like yorknew?

Leorio: good memories!

gon: i think you should leave.

killua: what i'm just trying to help!

Leorio shook his head.

Leorio: don't talk for the time being.

gon: what about Zaban City, that's where we all became friends and plus I heard that there was an expensive love hotel built there like 2 years back.

killua: what do you even know about any love ho-

Killua got cut off and Akane started to cry.

Leorio: I'm gonna be back.

and leorio left with the baby.

killua: anyways what do you know about love hotels?

gon: i think you keep forgetting i'm the same age as you i'm not clueless.

gon: i can search the hotel for you guys.

melody nodded as Gon started to search the hotel.

gon: the rooms inside aren't erotic and it looks like the prefect place to propose.

melody: i really like that idea.

Leorio finally came back with the baby in hand.

gon: so since i just came up with your whole proposal place can we get pizza and chicken.

Gon grabbed Leorio's pen and paper.

gon: i will even write it on paper.

When he was done he handed it back to leorio.

leorio: okay but when and i also have to make reservations to the hotel.

killua: think about that on your own time to get the pizza.

Melody chuckled.

Leorio: You know what killua? I don't like the way you talk to me.

Killua shrugged.

Leorio sighed and grabbed his phone to place the order.

leorio: melody can you make a reservation for the best room in the hotel for next week on sunday.

melody nodded.

Leorio: Also I think that it would be better off if I were to take Kurapika's last name. I know how much the kurta means to him and it would make no sense for him to take mine.

the other 3 nodded in agreement 


Kurapika and rose POV

rose: So how's leorio?

kurapika: uh he's good?

rose: no no not like that how's he in bed.

Kurapika covers his face.

kurapika: huh?

rose: it's perfectly fine you can tell me he's my son after all.

she whispered.

rose: rough or a gentle man.

kurapika: it depends.

he said blushing and Rose changed the subject.

rose: how long do you keep your hair?

kurapika: I usually don't keep it this long. It's pretty annoying and it's easier for leorio to pull.

he said, twirling his hair around his finger. Not notice what he said

rose: oh.

she laughed.

rose: then let's get you a haircut.


After the haircut, Kurapika and Leorio's mom did more shopping.


Leorio was lying on the couch after putting Akane to sleep. Leorio's eyes were closed until he heard the door open. He sat up and saw Kurapika walking through the door with bags. Kurapika put the bags down and walked over to leorio.

kurapika: Where's Akane?

Leorio wrapped his arms around Kurapika and kissed his cheek.

leorio: she's asleep.

Kurapika hummed and laid his head on Leorio's shoulder.

kurapika: I'm so tired.

leorio: then let's sleep.

He grabbed Kurapika's hand and the both of them walked to their room.

When the both of them entered the room Kurapika started to remove his clothes changing into something more comfortable as Leorio waited in the bed for him. When Kurapika was finally done changing he crawled into bed with Leorio laying his head on Leorio's bare chest. Leorio rubbed Kurapika's back then up to head.

leorio: I didn't notice your haircut.

kurapika: it was getting to long

Leorio nodded.

leorio: hey ya know i'm going back to work tomorrow will you be okay with akane?

kurapika: of course.

Leorio pulled Kurapika closer to him, softly kissing his nose then his lips. Leorio smiled.

leorio: I love you so much.

Kurapika kissed Leorio back.

kurapika: Mm i love you too

These next few chapters may be shorter than usual. I really didn't have any idea after Akane was born but I'm trying my best to not leave this story on a boring note. Also I don't know why this came to mind but I think if you were to tell Kurapika a deez nuts joke he would say something like "I don't quite understand your humor. Could you explain?" ruining the joke idk why this is so funny to me 😭  
