you can talk to me.

Kurapika sat in bed bored. he had finished reading his favorite book again. He thought he may just read it over again but his hands won't move to pick up the book. He stared at the wall for a few more minutest. After getting out of bed he went to the kitchen maybe some tea or milk would get him to bed... right?

He walked into the kitchen it was really dark but he saw someone sitting in the chair things like this didn't scare him like it may some other people. Kurapika flicked on the light and saw Killua still in a chair drinking from a cup.

Kurapika: What are you doing up this late.

Killua: Could say the same for you.

Kurapika took a sit next to killua.

Kurapika: Hey kil?

Killua: Mhm

Kurapika: You know if you have anything on your chest you can talk about it right? I know I just recently showed up again. But you know you can trust me right?

Killua: Yeah of course I know you're one of my best friends after all.

Kurapika: Well if you want to talk about anything I'm not tired at all

kurapika smiled.

Killua: Well since we're both up i guess

Killua: Well were do i start?

Kurapika: Maybe tell me when you and gon first moved in with leorio and tell me anything your comfortable with.

Killua: Well after we all went our different ways gon ended up going back to whale island to see mito-san and me and alluka were together for most of the time. I was too scared to even take my little sister back to that mansion. But you may not know who alluka is tho.

He laughed

Kurapika: I didn't know the zoldyck's had a daughter?

Killua: well biologically she's a male but-

Kurapika: yeah I understand.

Killua: After a few months i got a call from canary telling me i should get away fast because illumi was looking for me again and with the help of hisoka. So that's what i did it took me along time to find someone that i trusted and that would trust a zoldyck. The lady that i found was a pro hunter and she took alluka out of the country some where that illumi and hisoka would never look so i called up gon. Who was still at whale island and told him my plan about starting over my life again to get away from all at assassin shit. He said he would also come with me i tried to tell him that it was fine and he didn't have to do that for me.

Kurapika nodded and got up walking to the sink to pour himself some water.

Killua: Gon worked so hard for everything he had and just pushed it all way for me... i love him so much

He mumbled the last part.

Killua: We then told leorio everything since he was our friend he deserved to know so he was on with it to help us out since we were still really young. Leorio tried over and over to call you. email everything so we can inform you just so you wouldn't be left in the dark but we ended up giving up and tried to live on.

Kurapika: I'm sorry...

Kurapika mumbled.

Killua: it's fine i'm just glad your here now.

The 2 males smiled and kil got back to talking.

Killua: Gon was a pro at making friends even with the teachers everyone loved him some teachers gave him A's just for being so close to them. But of course i had to be the complete opposite the teachers always had trouble with me i was considers the class jerk/ bad boy but not bad boy in the hot way the girls liked.

Killua rolled his eyes.

Killua: I'm sure people noticed who i was some people even came up to me and asked i pushed it away and some people even gave me weird stares. I even dyed my hair black and tried straightening it to get them off of my back. Sooner or later I started to notice that i wasn't meant or raise to have friends or be in a school just like illu told me. The only person i could get along with in that school was gon and outside of school was leorio or other people that mean't a lot to me... but i haven't seen them in years. I was raised to be a violent brat that was all i could think. School isn't for me at all i see how many people in school say how much they hate it and want to drop at but all i want to do is at least try to like it. I want to like it but i will always be a assassin at heart and a zoldyck by blood and my life now wasn't meant to be and it's always going to be that way. Pop p

Killua sighed.

Killua: That was a lot!

Kurapika took a deep breath and hugged killua resting his head on top of killua's head.

Kurapika: Don't be so hard on yourself okay.

Killua nodded wrapping his arms around kurapika's waist.

Killua: All I wanna do is cry... I hate it, I hate that I have thoughts of leaving everything behind. Thinking of leaving gon, you and leorio was on my mind for so long and i hate it i don't want to die any time soon but i can't stop thinking about it.

Killua whimpered hugging his older friend tighter.

Killua: I love you guys so much I don't want to leave but these damn thoughts won't get out of my fucking head.

At this point killua couldn't hold in his tears.

Killua: I hate it so much it's so scary just thinking of it brings back unwanted memories.

Killua cried

Killua: Dammit... i haven't cried in front of someone in a long time.

He said still crying he wrapped away he tears but that didn't stop them from spilling out of his eye's. He laid his head on kurapika's lap squeezing him not letting him go. Kurapika ran his hands throughout the pale boys hair. Soon Killua fell asleep on kurapika's lap. Making the blond boy smile. He drunk more of his water patting his cat like friend on the head. A few seconds later kurapika got done with his water and gently carried killua to his room. Next it was kurapika's turn to sleep.
