tour ig

Saturday 9:00

leorio: hey pika

kurapika: yeah?

he said sipping some of his coffee. Every was at the table eating the fresh pancakes and eggs leorio made.

leorio: my little brother called me and asked if we wanted a tour of his new apartment since we did give him most of his things.

he picked up a piece of pancake stuffing it in his mouth.

kurapika nodded in agreement

kurapika: yeah

gon: can we come to!

leorio: no only me and pika.

gon: whyyyy why does kurapika get to see your family and we have to stay here!

kurapika smiled and patted gon's head.

kurapika: i will take both you and kil out for candy.

even tho the boys were 16 they could always get happy over ice cream or candy who wouldn't?

Gon: just us.

he whispered

leorio: HEY what did you say!

gon: nothing!

he stuffed so more of his pancakes in his mouth running away killua.

killua POV

Gon pulled me in his room closing the door after him. I laid on his bed watching him look in his closet. He was so cute i couldn't stand it.

Gon: what should we do while leorio and kurapika are gone.

i shrugged and gon tilted his head.

gon: it's been so boring lately i would have a full convo with hisoka then be so bored.

killua: fuck him.

i rolled my eye's grabbed gon's wrist pulling me in bed next to me.

gon: hey what are u doing-

killua: sh idiot.

gon eye's where wide open looking at me

killua: hey stop staring it's weird and why is your body so tense your gonna be uncomfortable.

gon: um... okay

A/n pov

gon lowly wrapped his arms around killua's waist. gon heart was pumping fast. Why was he feeling so flustered. He tried to calm himself down his breathing slowing as well. gon slowly opened his eye's again looking at his cat like best friend sleep. He smiled and closed his eyes a few seconds later feeling kil lightly squeeze him.

Leorio & kurapika POV

kurapika: hey leorio stop and get ready!

Leorio: we can wait a few minutest

he mumbled into kurapika's neck kissing it.

kurapika: no we can do this when we get back you horny dog!

Leorio: Hey that's mean... But i like when your mean to me.

he smirked.

Leorio: it's really sexy.

he whispered into his partners ear.

Kurapika: Stop Stop Stop your so weird.

he pushed leorio away and ran out of the door with his clothes. Leorio laughed slipping his shirt over his head.

9: 45

Gon: bye guys and leorio can you pick up some food when you get back!

leorio: i will think about it.

gon pouted and closed the door walking back to his room with killua

gon: move over kil

killua moved over a bit and once gon got into the bed killua wrapped his arms around gon hugging him tight.

Gon: umย  kil

Killua: yeah?

Gon: why are you being like this all off a sudden?

Killua: what do you mean?

Gon: kinda clingy-

Killua; OH I'm sorry!

Killua unwrapped his arms from around gon.

Gon: No it's fine... i just thought that was something couples did and we're just friends.

Killua: That doesn't matter!

Killua laid his head back down.

Killua: But if you don't want to-

gon: Huh! i want to be friends with you killua.

gon looked in killua's eye's. His getting watery he looked like a little helpless baby making killua's heart flutter.

Killua: no you idiot! That's not what i was going to say you should've let me finish.

gon: oh

gon said looking down.

Killua: i wanna be more than friends... this being just friend stuff isn't working out for me!

killua said casually.

gon: what-

Killua: every time i look at you i can't help but want to kiss you. I don't want to be just friends i need more then that got it.

gon bit his lip and nodded.

gon: i feel the same

gon whispered.

killua: so from now on we're boyfriend and boyfriend understand.

Gon: mhm i like the sound of that.

killua pulled gon close to him and kissed his forehead.

Leorio & kurapika POV

Leorio: please let me kiss you pika!

kurapika: no drive and leave me alone.

Leorio: are you still upset! i didn't even do anything!

kurapika: would you shhh and drive.

kurapika rolled his eye's and looked out the window.

Leorio: I love you baby~

Kurapika: mhm

Leorio: You have to say it back!

Kurapika: I love you now leave me alone.

Leorio: your not going to be saying that when your horny.

kurapika covered his hands with his face.

Kurapika: stop

he mumbled.

10: 47

Leorio: kurapika we're here.

kurapika nodded and opened the door to get out. The both of them walked to the apartment door and rung leorio's little brother door bell. After maybe a minutest the two males could see him walking down the stair through the glass. He opened the door and smiled.

Marco: Ah you gays- op i mean guys are here.

leorio: please don't start the gay jokes.

Marco: it's not like i'm not homo to~

he laughed.

Leorio brother was almost as tall as leorio but his hair was down and you could see his nature hair pattern even tho it was straighten. He wore a white t-shirt and black short's with these old looking sandals.

Marco: I'm glad to see you again kurapika.

Kurapika: i'm glad to see you to.

kurapika smiled.

Marco: also thank you again for all of this stuff.

Kurapika: I'm glad i could help.

Leorio: damn how many stairs to we have to walk.

Marco: just a few more stop complaining.

the 3 boy's walked up the stairs until marco stopped.

Marco: okay here we are!

he pushed the door opening walking in.

Marco: So i didn't do much decorating yet but when i do it's gonna be great.

Marco: So here you can see kurapika's lovely white couch and i bought a black rug

after marco was done explaining everything that was in the living room they next went into the kitchen.

Marco: mom gave me all her old kitchen stuff.

Leorio: wow i can't believe she still had this.

Kurapika: wow your mother really has good taste.

Marco: yep she always had the best stuff.

Leorio: we love her.

marco sat on his counter putting one leg up also.

Marco: Leorio your such a perv.

Leorio: what did i do!

kurapika: he's not lying.

kurapika mumbled.

Marco: Look at your poor boyfriends neck.

he shook his head.

Marco: you could have put them in places they couldn't be seen

kurapika grabbed his phone out of his pocket and looked at his neck then glared at leorio.

Leorio: what i'm Sorry.

Marco laughed.

Marco: don't be ashamed one time my boyfriend put hickeys all around my jaw all the way down to my neck i didn't know until my teacher told me.

Marco: He told me to start putting makeup on it because he wasn't gonna stop.

Leorio: Is my little brother a bottom~

Leorio teased.

Marco: shut up!

Leorio: there's nothing wrong with being a bottom.

leorio laughed.

Marco got off of the counter.

Marco: shut the hell up you horny horse i know you wanna fuck your boyfriend so lets get this over with.

kurapika was speechless

Leorio: why do i keep getting called names today!

leorio whined.

That's the end of this chapter i may make the next pretty soon but sorry if there were any mistakes. I type fast and aggressively even when i read over and fixes some mistakes i leave out some so sorry if there's any typos in some of the chapters.
