kindergarten (side story)

Leorio: Hold still Akane!

Leorio held a brush in his hand and a rubber band being held by his index finger and thumb.


Leorio: If you would let me get the damn rubber band on this would go by fast.

Akane: I'm telling daddy you cursed.

Leorio sighed.

Leorio: Come on, we have to go when Dada's done getting your brother ready we have to go.

Akane groaned and rested her hands on Leorio's knees.

leorio: good girl

he smiled.

Leorio again brushed her hair up into his hand and next put the rubber band on wrapping it around twice.

Leorio: You're finally done now. Get your book bag and sit on the couch.

Akane nodded and ran down the hall.

Today was Akane's first day of school. Everyone was excited for the five year olds first day of school, even Killua and Gon.

Akane: Daddy!

Akane ran to the next room, stopping at the room that Kurapika and Akio were in.

Akane: Me and dad are done.

Akane smiled, putting her hands behind her back.

Kurapika: Me and akio will be ready soon. k?

The 5 year old nodded running back down the hall into the living room plopping down on the couch.

5 minutes later

Kurapika finally came out of the room with akio in a car seat.

Leorio: Let's get going, we don't wanna be late plus we need to pick up Killua and Gon.

Leorio grabbed his car keys off of the coffee table taking akio from kurapika.

Kurapika: Thank you

Kurapika said, giving Leorio a kiss on the cheek. And the family of 4 left the house.


Akane gasped, putting her forehead to the window.

Akane: Uncle Gon, Uncle Killua!

Akane bounced up and down inside of the car as she watched her two uncles walk out of their apartment together. Gon smiled, opening the car door first he got in the next killua.

Gon: You look so cute today Akane!

Akane: Thank you!

The little girl squealed she absolutely loved compliments.

Killua: You're getting so big.

Killua giggled, rubbing Akio's cheek.

Akane: What about my uncle Kil?

Killua: You to Akane it felt like you were still a baby a few weeks ago and look at you now you're in kindergarten.

Killua smiled and gave Akane a kiss on her forehead.

Leorio: Well I hope you're ready akane because you're finally in school and you're not gonna be able to see me and daddy until school is over. Are you okay with that?

Akane quickly nodded her head.

Akane: Mhmm yep.

Akane put her hands in her lap not letting the large smile on her face fade.

Kurapika: You're gonna meet a lot of friends, okay? And I want you to tell me about your day after you get out of school.

Akane: Got it!

Killua ruffled Akane's hair causing her to scream at him.

Akane: Hey! you're gonna mess up my hair!

She whined.

The white haired boy covered his mouth and chuckled.

Killua: Sorry~


Leorio wiped a tear from his eye and placed both of his hands on Akane's shoulders.

Leorio: Are you sure you're ready to go inside of there?

Akane: Yeah I'm sure.

Akane rolled her eyes at her crying dad.

Kurapika: She's going to be fine, Leorio , don't be a cry baby.

Kurapika turned his head to Akane.

Kurapika: Have a good day at school.

Kurapika kissed Akane's cheek.

Akane: BYE GUYS.


Killua smiled and waved while walking back to the car as Kurapika dragged Leorio back to the car.


So this is the end to this short story there might be more coming and i see more and more people reading this fanfiction and i also said i would make small side storied when i first end this book therefore i will be trying to upload short stories for the people that are close to done reading and the ones already done reading. ALSO thank you so much for the ones reading, voting, and commenting on this fanfiction. Yes I do read you guys' comments and I'm actually working on another fanfiction called Dark Red on AO3 and my username is iidayamaeater so if you would like to read that, be my guest and thank you all for supporting this book. One last thing i did aged up Kil and Gon when i first started this book they were 16 years and since it's been a 5 year time skip they are now about 21 years old so if you would like me to add killua and gon more into the ff and see into the two's relationship more i can definitely do that too.
