meeting up

i woke up sweating. It was just another nightmare. I started to remember that i was supposed to be meeting up with leorio on Saturday. i grabbed a ponytail holder from my dresser i wrapped my hair in a ponytail. laying back on my bed thinking about everything that gon, killua, and leorio did for me. The thoughts made me smile. It was like us 4 was one small family it was good that way until I messed it up.

A/n pov

kurapika loved the feeling of having his own family again after his clan got killed. leorio, killua, and gon was everything to him. He knew in his heart he could get that back just if he went and met up with leorio. He wanted that warm feeling having leorio be so sweet to him and hear the other 2 boys scream at each other over the most smallest things.

kurapika's pov

9:09 AM

i sat at my kitchen table drinking coffee i wanted something to do i always used to be busy but now i'm not and bored i always thought about going to look for the troupe to keep me busy. But giving it more and more thought every day i don't thing my clan would want that. I feel like they would me want to live my life to the fullest because they didn't. But that won't stop me from hating and i will still go after the phantom troupe. At one point.


leorio pov 7:06

My heart was racing i was already sitting at my table drinking coffee i was already ready to meet kurapika i knew he wasn't going to be up at this time because we're meeting up in the afternoon. I was just so excited it caused me not to sleep.

killua: Hey leorio what are you doing up right now you don't have work?

leorio: I'm just meeting up with a old friend today i was just a bit excited.

Killua: mhm

killua yawed and sat down at the table.

leorio: why are you up?

killua: me and gon stayed up all night and he fell asleep in my bed and he kicked me out the bed.

leorio: but do you guys want to come with me there a game shop you and gon can go to close there.

killua: yeah sure but i'm going go ahead back to sleep.

i nodded and kept drinking my coffee

kurapika pov

Where is he?! God how is he late to something he planned. I was tapping my feet against the floor.

waitress: hey Ms is everything okay you've been-

kurapika: i'm a sir

i growled

waitress: oh... sorry okay would you like to get something you've been sitting here for a hour now almost 2.

kurapika: no i'm fine.

he nodded and walked away.

leorio pov

killua: hey leorio get up!!

killua started to shake me screaming.

killua: leorio your late come on me and gon are ready to go now.

I checked my phone I was late. I jumped up I had fallen asleep at the table.

leorio: come on kil and gon

i grabbed my coat and wallet running out of the house.

A/n Pov

when the three males got in the car the oldest tried starting the car as fast as he could he didn't want to keep kurapika waiting. But then he started to think what if kurapika didn't came. His heart started to pump faster. He knew kurapika wouldn't do that to him, well that's what he wanted to think.

The 2 younger boys got out of the car.

Leorio: The game place is over and i'm going to go over there.

he pointed at the 2 locations.

gon: hey leorio...

leorio: hm

gon: we need money.

leorio sighed pulling his wallet out getting his card.

leorio: don't spend to much money I'm not a walking bank.

gon: got it!

killua: thank you old man!

leorio: hey I'm-

The 2 younger boys ran off leaving leorio. He started the car again and drove to the cafe.

leorio got out of the car wrapping his scarf around he neck locking the door.

leorio pov

kurapika was in this cafe waiting for me i just knew it and i couldn't help but smiling. I opened the door to the cafe and started to look around i spotted him he looked up at me and looked back down. I made my way to kurapika and sat down.

leorio: hey...

kurapika: hi

he said softly

leorio: sorry for being late.

I smiled. I started to remove my scarf and coat. kurapika was still silent.

leorio: did you order something?

kurapika: no not yet.

leorio: okay good.

i smiled.

leorio: is there anything you want?

kurapika: no there isn't you don't have to buy me anything its okay.

leorio: it's the most i can do is buy you something.

he went silent again

leorio: so how are you.

kurapika: good i guess.

leorio: well for me I'm doing the best i could ever be doing like being able to talk to you again.

kurapika: well then i guess i feel the same.

he smiled pulling a piece of his hair behind his ear.

kurapika: well how has life been without me?

kurapika pov

i tried to joke around a bit maybe lighten the mode... no i was trying to lighten my mode after all those years i didn't want me and leorio's first time together again not enjoyably.

leorio: everything's been fine everything is put together but the only thing that was missing was you... i really did miss you.

i rubbed my neck.

kurapika: I'm sorry.

leorio: hm.

kurapika: I'm so sorry leorio.

leorio smiled and looked down.

leorio: I wanted to think that you stopped talking to us because you wanted to get in control of your mental health but if it was true it's none of my concern. Why ever you did it is none of my concern it's okay I'm just glad i can see your face again.

kurapika: thank you.

he smiled at me.

kurapika: Have you became a doctor yet.

leorio: Mhm it's pretty nice it's all i really wanted to do with my life. how about you what have you been doing these past years.

kurapika: Things have been moving slow... I'm getting more sleep now since you know killing the troupe kinda didn't go as planned but i'm planning to start again.

leorio: Well that's really good. Have you been eating well.

kurapika: I have been trying at least.

The waitress came over to use.

waitress: Is there anything you two would like to order.

leorio: Yes we would.

leorio told her what we wanted and she walked away.

kurapika: How are gon and killua doing.

leorio: Don't even get me started on those 2 their 16 now have the body of 16 year old's but still have the brains of a 10 year old. Mostly gon and it so much to handle but when they get here then they can tell you.

kurapika: kinda sounds like your their father

leorio nodded rubbing the back of his neck

The door to the cafe opened letting cold air get in and there stood killua and gon

leorio: hey guys over here!

gon & killua: kurapika!!

they both ran to me and hugged me.

gon: I knew it!!

kurapika: you knew what?

i said laughing hugging them tighter.

gon: i knew you would be here because leorio doesn't have friends! Plus it was just a guess i hoped was right because i really did want to see you.

killua: dang i should have thought of that.

leorio: i do have fr-

killua: don't lie old man.

leorio rolled his eyes soon laughing after.

i wanted it to stay like this... to start our friendship again and maybe start a new chapter to my life I liked it like this my heart felt so warm
