
there's going to be a small smut

Friday 4:50

Leorio: Kurapika's been having a bad attitude all day. I'm kinda afraid to go in the room.

gon: just get him food and maybe he won't do anything.

leorio: i really wanna check on him but...

killua: maybe if gon goes kurapika won't do anything.

leorio: yeah go gon.

gon: no i'm not going!

killua: just go ask him if he's hungry.

Gon sighed and started to walk down the hall.


leorio: So what did he say!

he said, lifting his eyebrows.

gon: well- um the aura in that room is pretty scary and he told me to leave him alone.

killua: is that all?

gon: he also told you to sleep on the couch because he wanted the bed to himself.

leorio: I didn't even do anything.

he said putting his hand on his face.

gon: let's just get him snacks that makes everyone happy.

killua: okay gon you stay here and me and leorio will go.

gon: no i'm not staying!

Gon complained.

leorio: well someone has to stay to watch over him.

killua: hey why don't you do it your boyfriends.

leorio: I have to drive!

leorio: you know what we're all gonna go but we have to be fast.

the younger two nodded and 3 of them ran out of the door.


kurapika pov

Why does my body feel so damn weak all of a sudden? I was wrapped up in about 5 blankets. I've been sleeping all day but I'm still tired. And also been getting more annoyed faster than usually. I'm hungry. i wonder if leorio got food. what if he did and didn't tell me. I should just get up and see. But my legs are so sore. i groaned slowly getting out of the bed with the covers still wrapped around me. I walked out to the hallway then into the living room. next killua and gon room. I had gotten back in bed looking at the ceiling.


Leorio: hopefully he didn't notice we were gone.

Gon nodded and put the food on the table.

Leorio: I'm gonna go get pika.

Leorio walked down the hall thinking maybe he should read more into kurta men's pregnancy just so he could know what more he could do for kurapika. Once Leorio got to the door he slowly opened it.

Leorio: kurapika?

Kurapika: oh... what is it?

Leorio: I brought food.

Kurapika nodded

Kurapika: Can you bring it in here?

Leorio deeply sighed, stepping in all the way.

Leorio: Are you sure you don't want to eat with us?

Kurapika: My body is sore and I can barely move.

kurapika whined

Leorio: Then we will eat here then.

Kurapika: you don't have to-

Leorio: I will anyway.

Leorio: killua! gon!

For the rest of that night the boys ate and laughed. Killua and Gon had ended up falling asleep on the bed. Also kurapika the 3 of them were cuddled up together which made leorio smile. He grabbed his computer walking in the living room. He sat on the couch, his legs crossed as he pulled his computer on his lap. The first search he made was "Kurta pregnancy" leorio clicked on the first thing that popped up and started to read.

( you don't have to read this part but you should for more info)

Kurta pregnancy for women is not so different from non Kurta's woman pregnancy, though for Kurta women pregnancy lasts for a short amount of time since Kurta babies develop faster. So there isn't much to a kurta woman's pregnancy. Now for kurta men like kurta women their pregnancy time is short but a bit shorter. Unlike women kurta men bellies don't get as swollen so most of the time you wouldn't notice. threw out a kurta men pregnancy there are a lot of challenges so you're in for a ride! First off, kurta men can start getting bad sickness before they even know they're pregnant. kurta men mood swings usually get really bad but not so much for kurta women. Kurta men usually like to stay in dark quiet places. Soreness is something that happens almost every day also with non-kurta women. clinginess is a big part of kurta pregnancy so be ready. last but not lest sex! YES i know how it may sound but kurta men need a lot of it when pregnant i mean a lot it maybe tiring at times but....

That's where leorio stopped reading.

Leorio: Well that explains it. I will do more research later.

kurapika: Leo.

Leorio: kurapika?

kurapika: come get in bed.

Leorio: gon and killua's already there and i don't want to wake them.

Kurapika pouted, walking over to Leorio, sliding himself onto Leorio's lap.

Leorio: Wait, what are you doing?

kurapika: it's hard to sleep without you.

Leorio laughed and patted his head.

kurapika: when are we gonna tell the rest of your family.

leorio: i'm not sure how much of my family knows your a kurta so therefore we would have to explain everything to them.

Kurapika nodded.

1 week later

It was finally killua and gons the last day of school. Leorio and Kurapika had gone to go pick up the two since Kurapika didn't want to be in the house alone. When leorio finally got to the school they saw killua and gon standing outside with a group of people.

Leorio: Hey you guys get in the car we're going out to eat!

Gon's eyes lit up and grabbed Killua's wrist running to the car.

Leorio: since kurapika's appetite has been growing and you guys are now on summer break so we're going to a all you can eat restaurant



The boys got home pretty late because after eating the four went shopping. Gon and Killua were pretty worn out so the two of them headed to bed.

Leorio and Kurapika were in the bed but not doing much sleeping.

kurapika: Ahh o..oh!

Kurapika covers his face with his hand arching his back. Leorio started to make his movements faster, making the headboard hit the wall harder than before.

kurapika: f-uucc Leorio!

leorio pushed his lips into kurapika's slowly starting to suck his bottom.

kurapika: Mmph!

Kurapika wrapped his legs around Leorio, which wasn't for too long considering how weak his legs felt.

Kurapika: Nngh-

leorio grabbed kurapika's waist thrusting deeper.

leorio: d-dammit

Leorio laid his head on Kurapika's shoulder, his thrust getting more sloppy.

Kurapika: i'm gonna-aHhh

Before Kurapika could finish his sentence both him and Leorio came. Their breathing was heavy, both of the boys sweating with their foreheads pressed together. Kurapika put his hands on Leorio's chest, laying his head back.

Kurapika: Damn I'm so worn out.

Leorio laid by Kurapika's side pulling him closer to him.

leorio: I would be surprised if you weren't.

he said, kissing Kurapika's forehead.

uh.. That's the end of this chapter... But i'm going on summer break in a few days so i may start to be faster with uploading chapters and i really want to make this leopika AU i was gonna call it a stripper AU but i'm not because it's way more then just that and it's going to be that long i'm not gonna say to much but i'm not really sure if i should do it or not i honestly have a lot of ideas for it tho. :)
