
2 months and 4 days later.

Kurapika was sitting down at the table eating leftovers while Leorio was cleaning their room. Kurapika was enjoying his meal until he started to feel a slight pop and a wet sensation between his legs. His face soon went serious as he noticed what just happened.

kurapika: m-my water just- LEORIO LEORIO!

leorio came rushing out of the room.

kurapika: my water just... broke.

Leorio: oh shit , hold on a second.

Leorio ran into the bathroom grabbing a towel and then back into the kitchen getting kurapika.

Leorio: shit shit shit!

Leorio grabbed his keys from the counter then ran to the front door. Once the two got out of the car. leorio laid the towel down on the seat then kurapika. After going to the other side of the car.

leorio started to call it aoi.

aoi: hello.

Leorio: kurapika's water just broke-

aoi: YAY i'll have a room ready for you guys.

Leorio: yay?

Aoi: Well never mind, is he having any bad contractions?

Leorio: doesn't seem like it.

Aoi: Well most likely has not gone into labor but get him here quickly he could go into labor any time now.

Leorio: got it!

and he hung up.


Kurapika and Leorio had made it into the hospital.

Aoi smiled at kurapika.

Aoi: So if you start getting contractions like they're unbearable there's a button on the side of the bed.

Kurapika nodded and Aoi walked out of the door.


9:02 pm

Kurapika was asleep and Leorio was up eating and texting his sister.

aimi: has he gone into labor yet.

leorio: no but he's sleeping right now.

aimi: oooooh i can't wait until she's born.

leorio: mhm.

leorio had stopped texting and finished eating soon drifting to sleep.


10: 38

Leorio had been woken up by a nurse shaking him.

nurse2: Mr. Paladinight the babies coming!

Everything was pretty much a blur for leorio since he just woke up.

Aoi: you gotta breathe okay!


Aoi: Just give me 2 more big pushes okay!

Leorio: Baby you're doing so good!

Kurapika clinged onto leorio trying his best to at least push once more after the first long push. Kurapika threw his head back letting out a cry.

Aoi: come on she's almost out just give me one more big push!

which kurapika did again. The room started to fill with loud cries once Kurapika made the last push. The nurse closest to Aoi quickly wrapped the baby in a blanket. And immediately but carefully placed the baby on Kurapika's chest. Once leorio took one glance at the baby, nothing could stop him from bursting out in tears. He hugged Kurapika and the baby, still letting the tears flow.

Aoi: I'm gonna let you guys have some skin to skin contact and I will be back to cut the umbilical cord and run a few tests to make sure there's nothing wrong with her.

and she left the room.

Kurapika stared at the baby for a bit and looked back at Leorio, who had tears running down his face.

leorio: s-she's so beautiful.

kurapika: she really is.

he said softly.

The baby had dark hair just like leorio. Kurapika noticed he also noticed as Akane opened her eyes they flashed red but then to brown.

kurapika: Leorio , she has your eye color.

leorio cover his mouth and start to fan his eyes.

leorio: I'm gonna get emotional again.

Kurapika chuckled and looked back down at the baby.


When Kurapika was asleep he went home to get the baby's diaper bag. Aoi had taken Akane to run a test which also gave leorio time to get kurapika food for when he woke up.

Leorio was currently sitting on the couch waiting for Aoi to come back with the test. After a few minutes she finally was back.

Aoi: As expected the baby is really healthy. There's no signs of any problems and since it's been a few hours the babies are gonna have her first bath and you can come and assist if you want since Kurapika is asleep.

Leorio: Yeah, I would love to.

Aoi: Also bring the diaper bag.

Leorio nodded and grabbed it walking out of the door after Aoi.


Akane was finally done with her bath and was wrapped up in a blanket in leorio's arms.

Aoi: we would usually put the baby in a nursery while kurapika gets sleep but since you don't want her in the nurse we can bring a bed in here.

Leorio: thank you so much Aoi.

Aoi: mhm your welcome!

she said, skipping out of the room.


Kurapika had eventually woken up and one of the nurses walked into the room to talk to him. about the baby, dizziness, lightheadedness etc.

nurse: also if you want to take a shower you are welcome to but you will need the assistance of leorio or a nurse to prevent falls.

kurapika: Yes, I understand.


When Kurapika was taking a shower leorio's mother had stopped by to see the baby.

rose: oh lord leorio she's too cute.

Leorio: Have you washed your hands?

leorio said, raising his eyebrow.

rose: yeah...

she nodded

Leorio handed her the Akane after sitting back down.

rose: I never thought you would be the first one to give me grandkids. I feel so old now.


4 days later 9:25

Kurapika was feeding the baby as Leorio finished up his shower. A lot of people wanted to see the baby but since the baby was so new a lot of people had to wait. There were only certain people that could see the baby threw out the 4 days that had passed. Like leorio's family and of course killua and gon.

Leorio: I can take over if you're ready to sleep.

Kurapika shook his head.

kurapika: no it's fine.

Leorio sat on the floor watching Kurapika feed the baby.


Kurapika had finally put the baby to sleep. He slowly put Akane in her crib. After that he and leorio headed to bed together. The both of them took no time to fall asleep considering how tiring these few days have been for them. Leaving no time for leorio to think about the perfect time and place he was going to propose to kurapika. He had already told killua and gon and they were on board to help him. He even called the melody and she was obviously on board too.

i literally had to research everything in this chapter : / 
