His first ( SMUT)

leorio: are you sure pika? you don't have to you know!

kurapika nodded and kissed leorio.

leorio: w-well shouldn't we wait until we have time by our self this is just so all of a sudden.

kurapika placed one last kiss on leorio's neck and looked back up to him tilting his head to the side

kurapika: do you want to or-

leorio: yes i want to but i'm shocked really-

before leorio could let out another word kurapika then again attacked his lips slow grinding his body against leorio's. Soon after both of the two males tongues were fighting for dominance. Kurapika won of course. The kiss instantly turning into a hot make out session lip biting, tongue sucking which kurapika did most of. Both of the boys pulled away with a string of saliva pulling away from their mouths.

leorio: your amazing at that are you sure it's your first?

kurapika nodded

kurapika: i'm not sure what i was doing.

he said rubbing the back of his neck.

kurapika: i'm really not sure what to do next?

leorio: Well i guess that's my q to take control.

leorio grabbed kurapika's back flipping him over going straight down to his neck softly sucking and biting. As the sucking got more intense soft whimpers left kurapika's mouth. This made leorio chuckle that he was making his small male partner feel things he never felt before. kurapika wrapped his legs around leorio grinding himself on leorio's lower half throwing his head back.

leorio: looks like someone's impatient huh.

leorio then proceeded to bring kurapika's shirt over his head as fingers moving over kurapika's nipples.

leorio: don't rush into it alright you don't know what your getting yourself into~

he teased.

kurapika: don't get so cocky.

kurapika said swallowing down a moan. leorio smiled as he slowly placed kisses over kurapika's chest. Moving close to kurapika now hard nipples. He placed his lips on the right one bring his fingers to pinch the other. He softly sucked on kurapika's nipple licking and biting in the process the soft sounds coming out of kurapika's mouth was just enough to get leorio more turned on. Causing him to start flicking his tongue and sucking harder.

kurapika: ngh

kurapika flinched as leorio pinched his left nipple harder then before. Kurapika couldn't explain what he was feeling but all he knew was that he loved it and wanted more.

kurapika: p-please ah leorio i need more.

He said rubbing the back of his boyfriends head. Leo placed on last kiss on kurapika's chest. This time taking off his own shirt. He started to bring up the blond haired boys hips up to easily slip of his shorts.

leorio: baby you sure you ready.

kurapika: don't be a wuss and do it already.

Kurapika said making his way down to his underwear to pull them off if leorio was going to take a second longer. Leorio stop kurapika's hands, moving his head down to kurapika's underwear to pull them down with his teeth. When he had the underwear fully off he threw them to the side. Grabbing something from inside of the night stand. He sat it aside a turned his eyes back to kurapika. Leorio lifted up kurapika's hips once again wrapping kurapika legs around his neck.

kurapika: what ar- ungh oh my god leorio!

Leorio tongue had made contact with kurapika's hole before he could say anything else. kurapika's hands were covering his mouth as leorio licked and sucked at his hole.

kurapika: ah hah.

kurapika grabbed hand fulls of leorio's hair his moans getting louder by minute. leorio knew it was now time to get kurapika ready for...

bigger things~

he took one of his fingers slipping it into kurapika's asshole.

kurapika: faahh ah mmm.

leorio starting thrusting at a medium pace so it wouldn't be to much for kurapika.

kurapika: ah-ah l-leorio.

leorio: you okay should i add another?

kurapika nodded covering his mouth.

kurapika: y-yes please.

leorio inserted another finger inside of kurapika slow thrusting in and out waiting for a signal to go faster.

kurapika: Leo please faster.

Leorio movements got faster causing kurapika's back to arch.

kurapika: f-f-fuck.

leorio fingers started to go in scissors motion to open up kurapika more.

kurapika: more aha please!

Leorio took his fingers out after kissing kurapika's cheek. Kurapika couldn't last another second without something inside of him and he knew that leorio was trying to go as slow as possible. So he lifted up his feet to leorio's waist pulling down his boxers. When his boxers were fully down kurapika wrapped his feet around leorio dick stroking it. Leorio let out a low groan in kurapika's ear after lowly chuckling.

leorio: i didn't think that you would be so impatient doing this type of stuff it's really turning me on~

kurapika: sh-shut the hell up.

Leorio went back to the night stand grabbing the two things out of the bag

kurapika: what's that-

leorio: condoms and lube two very important needs right now.

leorio opened the box of condoms and opened the pack that it was in slipping it over his dick. Next came the lube he opened the tube and squeezed some on his finger rubbing it on the out side of kurapika's hole and on the inside.

kurapika: mah

soft moans left kurapika. The warm liquid touching his insides. Leorio positioned himself at kurapika's entrance lowly pushing his tip against kurapika's hole. He started to try to push in without hurting kurapika or being to harsh

kurapika: hmn.

he still took a few seconds for leorio to get just the tip in.

leorio: kurapika give me your hands.

The two locked hands one by kurapika's head and the other by kurapika's waist. leorio pushed harder to speed up the process. Another hard thrust got more of leorio in.

kurapika: holy f..uck leorio ah!

kurapika had wrapped his legs around leorio from the sudden pain in his ass.

leorio: f-f-uck.

on the other hand leorio felt great he been pretty much backed up for along time, he could finally get someone on his dick and that person was kurapika. He finally started to thrust lost in his own pleasure that he forgot that the person under him was only having his first time.

kurapika: leorio not so hard dammit it hurts!

once leorio heard that he came back to his senses.

leorio: sorry...

he moaned into kurapika's ear.

A few minutes past with the two have slow light sex soon not being good enough to please kurapika. His wrapped his arms around leorio's neck.

kurapika: please more~

When leorio heard those words he didn't take a second to give his partner what he wanted. His thrust was now deep but slow he kissed down to kurapika's chest breathing on his nipples.

kurapika: s..hit aha that feels so gf

leorio: mhm Uugh you feel so good.

He said biting and sucking kurapika's bottom lip.


kurapika: HaAh... Uuggh Aaah

leorio: Ah fUcK YES kurapika!

leorio thrusts were powerful and fast each thrust of the older male gave them both amazing pleasure.

kurapika: st..t ...ease

leorio: nngh!

every thrust was hard he was so deep in kurapika at this point he didn't ever want to come out. kurapika body bounced up and the down. The couple sweaty bodies rubbed together.

kurapika: please don't stop A-Ah i love this shit so much!

kurapika was panting like a dog he could barely get breath. His nail's dug in Leo's back. Not once did leorio slow down. He was already to deep in kurapika already he wasn't going to stop. He wasn't going to stop until he got kurapika crying and begging like a little whore to stop.

leorio: uh-uhh dammit.

kurapika: ah ah leorio-

kurapika moans were on beat with every time his partners dick was pounded into his ass.

kurapika: i-m gonna cUm!

leorio: Me too!

The two came together, leorio in the condom and kurapika on the sheets. he pulled out pulling the condom off to put another on. He flipped kurapika on his stomach pushing his head down in the pillow and pulling kurapika ass up. He gave his ass a slap and after pushing himself in. kurapika moans were being held in by the pillow so leorio grabbed a hand full on his hair yanking him up. kurapika loud cry's, leorio groans, and skin slapping was all that could be heard in the dark room.

leorio: damn i love you so much pika.

kurapika: i love you to leorio!

leorio kissed kurapika's back moving his hands down to kurapika's dick stroking it almost as fast as his thrust.

kurapika: A-ahhmma stop leorio your gonna make me- aH!

with a few thrusts leorio started to hit kurapika prostate over and over.

leorio: your so damn t-tight!

leorio hadn't felt this good in years and he couldn't control himself he slammed himself into kurapika prostate many times he could hear something from kurapika but he was to deep on pleasure to notice.

kurapika: Mmm-ahh... A-aahh- please i can't take it anymore leorio please!

Kurapika cried.

Leorio still didn't care to hear what kurapika was saying but went deeper and faster.

leorio: fuck-fuck-fuck.

leorio had came into the condom and next kurapika came but that didn't stop leorio.

kurapika: Gnghnaaa please stop! AH no more- uhhh please leo!

kurapika cried and moaned louder this time leorio listen to him pulling the condom off throwing it away. Kurapika collapsing right after leorio pulled out.

leorio: I'm sorry pika.

he laid down next to kurapika and kisses his forehead.

leorio: sorry baby i got ahead of myself.

he looked down at the one that just got intensely fucked and there he was sleeping like a angel.
