suspended ( smut)

there's going to be a little smut :)

kurapika sat up from yelling at the door and yelling.

leorio: i can't believe you got in trouble at school again killua!

killua: well the teacher was being a bitch.

leorio rubbed his forehead.

leorio: for gods sake killua she was pregnant.

killua: i didn't know

he said looking down

leorio: killua please go to your room you do know your suspended right.

killua: okay dad! what you gonna do ground me!

leorio: maybe i will!

kurapika sat on the couch speechless as he watched leorio drag killua to his room. kurapika sat there from a few minutest waiting for leorio to leave killua's room. when he did he came to sit by kurapika.

kurapika: so how was your day?

leorio: it was okay until i found out what killua did.

kurapika: well i could make you something to eat if that makes you feel better!

leorio: no it's fine i'm just a bit frustrated i didn't know i would ever feel how it would be like to be a dad this early.

he laughed

kurapika: well at least you'll be ready when your really a dad.

leorio pulled kurapika closer to him. kurapika grabbed leorio's hand and looked up at him.

kurapika: anyways how do you feel about kids?

leorio: i love kids actually i come from a big family so i want kids of my own.

kurapika: that's cute.

leorio: how did your day go though.

kurapika: i did some cleaning.

he smiled.

leorio: i can see that.

leorio lend over and and gave kurapika another kiss after getting up.

kurapika: wait where is gon?

leorio: oh he's still at school doing get more help with his work. his really doing better then kil i didn't really think this school stuff would fit him.

kurapika: way did he want to enroll in school anyways.

leorio: something him and gon wanted to do like... i think they wanted to live the life of normal kids.

kurapika: i can understand why killua would want to he never got a chance to really be a kid.

leorio: i felt the same so that's why the two moved in with me because there was a school where i was going to be living so it's like i'm there dad like killua said.

kurapika smiled and looked down

leorio: i really do love the both of them like they're my own they don't say it very much but i know they love me as much as i love them.

leorio face got hot just from talking about how much he loved the boys.

kurapika: you're so sweet it's kind of a turn on.

leorio: oh so your really bold

leorio smirked.


gon: sorry i'm late guys my teacher kept me back.

leorio: that's fine at least your learning.

killua: gon's here now get the chicken and pizza.

leorio: i don't have to get you anything after what you did!

killua: i said i was sorry!

leorio: well sorry isn't gonna cut it her baby could have died.

killua: don't you think i feel bad already stop rubbing it in dammit!

kurapika: leorio...

leorio sighed

leorio: im gonna order the pizza

he said walking away.

killua: this school shit is getting harder and harder everyday.

he said walking away.

gon: killua!


Gon: Leo the foods here!

leorio: okay bring it to the table.


smut part coming up!

kurapika: Nnmm l-leorio f-fuck!

leorio thrusts were hard and fast. His thrusts went upwards every time hitting kurapika's spot kurapika held leorio's arms to keep him from falling.

kurapika: Aaah!

kurapika laid his head on leorio chest his nails sinking into leorio's skin.

leorio: god you feel so damn goOd.

leorio threw his head back grabbing the smaller mans ass ramming his ass hard on his dick. kurapika soft cry's could be heard all threw out the room. leorio didn't stop for a second to give his boyfriend a break. kurapika grabbed leorio's face biting and sucking on his lips. He enjoyed every second of what leorio was doing to him. He couldn't control himself when it come to getting fucked by leorio at the moment he didn't care if they were heard. He just wanted leorio to fuck the shit out of him then after cuddle with him.

kurapika: Aah...~ Fuck yes~

leorio: s-shit Nnngh fuck i'm about to cum!

after a few more seconds leorio came in the condom and kurapika on leorio stomach.

leorio: fuck kurapika what time is it?

kurapika grabbed his phone off of the night stand

kurapika: n-nine

leorio: shit

kurapika got off of leorio pulling the cover over him.

leorio: sorry baby i'v gotta get to work.

kurapika nodded and leorio kisses kurapika walking out of the room with some clothes.

Sorry for the short chapter but if anyone wants anything pacific to happen you can DM me on wattpad or comment it. Also some idea's please also smut idea's my brain is dry.
