chapter 7

Harry awoke with a start,  heart racing and as he slowly looked around the memories of the nightmare clashed with the memories from the night before. The minister welcoming him trying to cover why Harry  warranted such special treatment, and above all not mentioning Sirius. Looking around as hedwig chirped from her perch atop the weathered wardrobe.
"Morning beautiful." He said smiling he had really missed her those past year's she was such comfort for him. Hedwig swooped to Harry's shoulder and nipped his ear affectionately. Harry's smile grew to a full on grin. Moving slowly so as not to disturb the owl he made his way to the chair where he sat and began to plot. What to do now? Who to start with? With so many questions he took a page from Hermione's book and pulled some paper and a quill towards him and made a list
1. Gringotts
2. Bumbledork keeping things from me
3. Horcruxes
4. Sirius's freedom
5. Snivellus
6. Who is on my side?
7. Dobby
But what was the most important, what to tackle first. Harry sat there with hedwig on his shoulder contemplating what to do first all were priorities but where to begin. Gringotts could help him with at least 3 of the horcruxes and he would need Sirius for the locket but the question was how to contact Gringotts. Harry was sure that Dumbledore was blocking at least some of his mail, inspiration struck of course he could use Dobby to send and receive messages to Gringotts. Summoning his courage and fighting off the memories of the last time he saw Dobby he removed hedwig from his shoulder onto the back of the chair and called for the little elf.
"Dobby?" Harry said uncertain if he would respond to  the call. With a small pop Dobby appeared wearing the same dirty pillow case and a single sock. Dobby's eyes alight with joy at seeing Harry again.
"Master Harry Potter sir has called for Dobby." He said looking up at Harry with those big innocent eyes.
Harry reached out and pulled Dobby into a hug. Releasing him he asked " Dobby I am in need of a elf and I think you are the only one for the job. Would you like to be my personal elf?"
As Harry spoke Dobby's eyes got wider and wider, he began to almost vibrate with excitement.
"MasterHarryPottersiristhebestestmasteranelflikemecouldaskfor." Dobby said so quickly that Harry could barely understand him.
" Alright, alright Dobby slow down I guess that means you accept me as your new master then." Harry said with a smile at the exuberance of the little elf.
"Yes Master Harry Potter sir, Dobby wishes that more than anything." Dobby said the little voice full of awe.
"I'm glad of that Dobby but could you tell me how do we do this are you my elf now or is there some kind of spell that I have to do?" Harry asked.
"Don't yous be worrying Master Harry Potter sir it be very simple. Alls you must do is be placing your hand on Dobby's head and says I take this elf into my service." Said Dobby hopping from one foot to the other seemingly unable to contain himself.
"Ok then Dobby stand still for me then," Harry said and once Dobby was still placed his hand on the elfs head and spoke. "I take this elf into my service."
"I Dobby accept Harry Potter as my master."said Dobby. A golden aura engulfed them both then faded into nothing." It be done Master I is being your elf now."
"Thank you Dobby the first thing i would like you to do is take a message to Gringotts for me while your there I will get dressed and have some food sent up, after I have written the note." Harry said.
"B...but Dobby could get yous ready and getting breakfast." Dobby said his ears drooping.
"Its ok Dobby, the letter is the most important thing this morning as soon as I've written it you sending the message and waiting for a reply. I wouldn't trust just anyone with this message." Said Harry, and as he spoke the little elfs ears pricked up and he was visibly holding himself better.
"Of course Master Harry Potter sir Dobby will give you his best service." He said practically glowing at Harry's praise. Drawing a fresh piece of parchment towards him and crafting the right words and sealing it into a envelope and passing it to the little elf.
"Now Dobby find an elf called Griphook and give the letter only to him." Said Harry.
"Yes Master Dobby will be back soon." And he disappeared with a pop.

Appearing in the house elf entrance of Gringotts Dobby approached the young goblin on duty and spoke quietly "Excusing me Mr goblin but I have a letter from my master that must be given to Mr Griphook only."
"Very well." Said the goblin after a long moment. "Wait here I will contact him."
Dobby stood there very nervously while other elves popped in and out many giving Dobby strange looks because he was a disgraced free elf. Twenty minutes later Griphook appeared and looked cautiously at the elf.
"Well I am Griphook where is the letter?" The slightly annoyed goblin spoke he was angered that he had to lower himself to speak to this elf he had been long promoted beyond this duty.
"My Master Harry Potter told me to give this only to you." Said Dobby.
A what some would call vicious gleam lit the goblins eye as he tore the letter open.
Mr Griphook
        I wish to make an appointment with my account manager but as I have little to no knowledge of the protocol involved in such matters I am hoping you can assist me. I have reason to believe that my mail is being monitored and certain people blocked, as I have never had a statement from Gringotts, so if you could arrange an appointment for me. I am staying at the Leaky Cauldron and am at the goblins convenience. I would be most grateful for anything you can do for me please send a reply via my elf Dobby hopefully with the time of my appointment.
                       Harry Potter

Shock and suspicion rose in the mind of the goblin, it had been thought that the young lord had no interest in his family history but his claim that his mail was blocked set alarm bells ringing in the goblin.
"Follow me elf." Griphook finally spoke. Dobby was led into the maze of corridors endless doorways until they came to a plush looking door knocking and when a voice spoke in gobbledygook they entered.
"Master this elf has delivered a letter from Harry Potter he has asked for an appointment and claimed he has never received a banking letter of any sort from us." This was spoken in the goblins language so Dobby was none the wiser and started to get nervous. The longer the conversation went on between the two goblins the more Dobby began to shake, especially as both goblins were very angry. The goblin behind the desk wrote a note and handed it to Griphook. The goblin in turn gave it to the elf and said "This is for your Master I will await Mr Potter by the bank entrance. You may go now." Dobby gave a relieved bow and popped away Griphook nodded to the other goblin and exited the room.
