Chapter 17

Frowning Harry crossed to the door removing his wand from his pocket. Carefully he opened the door to the sight of Mr Weasley looking down at him.
"Harry I had thought it might be too late but I am glad your still awake." He said, Harry could see the tiredness in him as he asked. "Would you mind if I came in for a few minutes?"
"Please come in and sit down you look like you might fall." Harry said herding him towards a seat. "Would you like a drink? I'm sure Dobby wouldn't mind getting us a hot chocolate."
"Thank you but no." Mr Weasley said leaning back tiredly. "We arrived a few hours ago and things have been hectic ever since. An auror confiscated Scabbers as soon as we portkeyed back, I was told by Madam Bones in confidence about the rat. I hope you won't hold that against us."
"Oh course not its neither Ron's nor Percy's fault the my parents betrayer choose to hide with your family." He assured him. "I did tell Madam Bones that you and your family are wonderfully kind and generous to me and I wouldn't want you affected by Petigrew's choices."
"Well I can only thank you for that and hope anyone else who had you had befriended would do the same." Mr Weasley looked almost teary at Harry's words. "Well that was the start of my worries, I received a letter from Gringotts and was asked to meet my account manager. Not something people like to hear when coming home from a trip I can tell you. But I was pleasantly surprised to find a bequest from your parents. Although I have to say Harry I cannot except it. That money should be for you, I really think you should take it back." Harry took a deep breath he had thought Mr Weasley would have a problem with this.
"Mr Weasley your son was the first real friend I have ever made. My cousin actively attacked those who tried to befriend me. My first year Ron was my only guide to the wizarding world. When I said that I didn't expect any christmas presents he wrote to your wife, and although it wasn't much it was more than I was expecting. It was the best Christmas I could remember to that point. Ron's brothers were sure to include me and treated me like I was part of the family. When we went to stop Qurriell getting the stone. I told Ron and Hermione to leave they refused. Ron sacrificed himself to let me continue on to face Voldemort. The summer of second year your sons risked themselves to rescue me from my guardians. They had locked me in my room and put bars on the window. You took me into your home without hesitation. I was treated a thousand times better than I ever had been before, and eat the best meals of my life. When most of the school was calling me the heir of Slytherin your sons defended and protected me. This money is a small amount in comparison to the things you have given me. Please take this money you deserve it. Now I know your going to say its the money your parents left you. But honestly I have morethan I could hope to spend in three life times. Moreover the money was originallyput aside for Petigrewas thanks for being the secret keeper. I think this is a much better use for that money. " As Harry finished his speech Mr Weasley had tears in his eyes. Seemingly unable to speak he could only nod.
"You have so much of your mother in you." He said after collecting himself.
"Anyone would be proud to call you their son. I am equally proud to know you."
"Thank you." Harry said looking flustered. "I have booked the private dining room for breakfast. I hope you guys will join me."
"Of course we shall see you about 8am?"
"See you then. I have loads of stuff to tell you but it would be better on the morning." Said Harry.
"Yes sleep well. I will probably fall sleep standing up if I stay up any longer." Mr Weasley said chuckling to himself.
"Bye then see you tomorrow." Said Harry eyeing the sleepy man warily. "Dobby can you make sure he gets back to his room." Harry asked the elf as Mr Weasley stumbled towards the door.
"Dobby can be popping him to his room sir. Dobby will bes back soon master." The elf said rushing to the man and disapprating on the spot. Harry turned off the lights and settled down to sleep. Unlike the previous night Harry had no trouble getting to sleep and it was morning before he knew it.
Arthur Weasley woke to the sight of his beloved wife, felling more rested than he ever had before. As he stretched and sat up Molly opened her eyes and yawned.
"Morning love, did you sleep well?" She asked.
"Mollywobbles my love it was the best I ever had." He replied.
"You spoke to Harry last night then?" She question getting up and making her side of the bed.
"Yes I did." He said carefully not really sure how to broach such a sensitive subject with her.
"You gave him the money back then." She said.
"No." Molly's face went red and Arthur could see a storm coming. "My dear he gave very good reasons why we should have the money. Not least that it would have gone to Petigrew if we didn't accept it. And I might add it was our families attitude towards him that made him ask for us to have it. He said we were the first to give him a Christmas present and that his guardians never bothered in all the time they had him. He also said the way the boys accepted and befriended him made him happy. Honestly Molly if you had heard the boy last night he almost made me cry. I have taken the bequest and that's final. But we will be buying Harry a wonderful present for Christmas this year."
The news that Harry nearly made Arthur cry stopped any objections but she had to add. "But doesn't he need the money for himself."
"Not according to him he has more than he could spend in three lifetimes." Arthur replied. "Besides it would mean the children could get new robes and books this year. I will speak to our account manager later and find some things to invest in."
Upon waking Harry dressed quickly andwas directed to the dining room with Dobby on his heels. It was barely eight in the morning so no one was there yet. Helping himself to a cup of tea to wait for the Weasley's Harry hoped they wouldn't be long. As Harry was finishing his tea the door burst open and the boisterous redheads piled in to the room. Harry smile at Ron's enthusiastic greeting with a hug from Mrs Weasley and a handshake from Percy, followed by Fred and George copying him. Harry had to fight the breathe looking at their faces, Ginny was next and Harry longed to pull her into his arms. Overcoming the suffocating feeling Harry soon settled back onto his seat.
Breakfast passed with small talk and questions from Harry about the trip and sly glances towards Ginny.
Eventually food was done and Harry asked to explain to them all why he was there. Telling the tale of blowing up his aunt and his flight from his guardians had Molly Weasley both insenced and afraid for him. The telling of his bonding to Dobby and the meeting at Gringotts was met with awe. Harry went on to explain about the will and how he was never meant to be left with the Dursley's. When he told them about Sirius, Molly almost jumped from her seat to send a howler to Dumbledore. Furious that he could have let such a thing happen. When he said the trial was happening today, Arthur volunteered to take Harry to the Ministry. Harry was about to answer when Remus knocked and entered the room.
"Here you are Harry." He said
"Remus allow me to introduce you to my best friend and his family." Harry said greeting him. Remus went around the room talking to each person.
"Its so nice to meet the family that has helped Harry so much." Remus said. "I will look forward to teaching all of you at hogwarts this year." The Weasleys were happy to hear Remus would be teaching and was the steward for house Potter. Laughter flowed through them all until Remus said that they must be going. It was decided that Arthur would accompany them, with wishes of good luck followed then out the door. Arriving through the floo Harry stumbled and was caught by Remus.
"You know you remind me more of your father when you do that." Said Remus chuckling. "Completely unsteady traveling unless he was on a broom."
Harry rolled his eyes secretly pleased that Remus was so comfortable telling stories about his dad. A shadow loomed over Harry suddenly.
Augusta Longbottom looked them over tutted and waved her wand over his clothes. Ordering them over to the security desk and then herding them to the elevator, they were taken to the large wizengamot chamber. Augusta directed them to the seats in the witness section and left to take her seat. The rest of the wizengamot filed in and after several minutes the meeting began.
"Good morning and welcome to this emergency session of the wizengamot at 11am on the 17th of august." Cornelius began. "I as minister will be filling the position of Chief warlock. Due to the serious nature of this case the auror's will now seal the room."
A few red robed auror's began to ward the entrances and exits. A murmer began to whisper through the assembled wizards and witches. Lords Malfoy, Nott and Parkinson looked especially nervous at the display.
"A few days ago I was shown evidence that exonerated Sirius Black of all charges against him."
