Chapter 46

As Harry could have predicted his friends rallied round asking loads of questions and Ginny refused to leave his side. Once word began to spread Harry was once again the subject on everyone's lips. He had tried to get people to talk about the Triwizard Tournament and Cedric as Champion but once they had learned Harry had been kidnapped no one could speak of anything else. All too soon it was time to leave hogwarts for the summer. Harry had felt he had done well on his exams despite the little kidnap episode. He sat in a compartment with his two best friends who he hoped one day would finally admit they liked each other and Neville and Luna. Ginny who had never been far from him since he got out of the hospital wing was perched on his lap. They all talked quietly and as the pulled into the station Luna looked at him and asked to speak to him privately before they got off the train.
"What's up Luna?" He asked.
"It's time." She said in a dreamy but firm voice. "Time for your secrets to be told. Even the old goat deserves to know."
"H,how do you know?" Harry stuttered out.
"I know lots that most people miss Harry. " She replied. "Or would you rather I call you Heir Potter-Black-Pervell-Gr-"
"Just Harry is fine for you Luna." Harry cut her off before she could say anymore. "And thanks I will think about it."
And Harry did think about it. Over two weeks passed and even though he was trying to enjoy being home he was plagued by nightmares.  All the bad things that had ever happened all the misery and death. After one particularly bad night Harry sat down to write a letter.


Headmaster Dumbledore,
We have not had many good interactions in the past few years and I have no wish to change that. You have repeatedly lied, omitted and circumvented situations that I need answers from for my own peace of mind. While I believe you may be a great wizard and a good man you are far from perfect and have made many mistakes. That being said there are things I have kept from you. Things that I think it's time you know. But I will not just tell you I must tell ALL the order of the phoenix and ALL the Weasley's. Plus Madam Bones and Madam Pomfrey. I know you may strongly disagree with my next choice but I  want Lady Malfoy and Draco there too. I would also like Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Madam Longbottom and Unspeakable Croaker to be there, and all the heads of house. As I said I will tell all of them my secrets or no one. There is a room on the seventh floor opposite the tapestry of the dancing trolls that can become any room you want. Please arrange a time when everyone can be present for the full day as what I have to say may take some time.
            Harry Potter-Black

As he finished up his letter he gave it to Hedwig and breathed a sigh of relief. Things were going to be easier from now on, no more lying to his family and friends.


Later that day Albus was suprised to get a letter from the one person he never thought would want to voluntarily speak to him again. Looking the letter over he was most aggrieved at the obvious anger in the boy but couldn't help but be pleased he was going to get his answers. It was slightly annoying that he must share those secrets with so many people and how did Harry know of the order? Albus could only hope his questions would be answered soon. The inclusion of Unspeakable Croaker was a worrying one what could Harry have to do with them. But the boy made things clear either all were there or he got nothing. Sighing he reached for a stack of parchment and began to write several letters.
It took two weeks and at least a hundred letters on Dumbledore's part to get everyone on Harry's list to agree on a day but it was finally agreed for the 12th of August. They would arrive by 8:30am and would be escorted up to the seventh floor where Potter-Black would reveal all. Albus hoped he would get the answers he so craved.


Since Harry had sent his letter to Dumbledore he had been waiting for confirmation of the day and getting nervous. Would they believe him? Would they think he was crazy? It didn't help that as soon as Hermione had got her letter from Dumbledore she had a barrage of questions for him that he steadfastly refused to answer untill the 12th. Remus tried the disappointed parent angle and Sirius tried to prank it out of him but neither was successful. A week after the date was set on the 3rd of August Harry found himself sat in courtroom 10 watching as the men who had tortured and tried to kill him were placed on trial. It didn't last long with Harry's memories the court decided they would be sentenced to life in Azkaban. Harry felt no guilt over their families loss. He hoped it would show the rest of the deatheaters that he was not to be trifled with, and hope with their master gone for good this time Harry could have a peaceful life.


The night of the 11th Harry was the most nervous he had ever been. One more night and they would know everything he only hoped they would believe him. Eventually Harry called Dobby to help him sleep without nightmares. When he woke the next day he felt refreshed and ready for what was to come. Having breakfast with Remus, Sirius, Hermione and all the Weasley family he spent much of the time dodging questions from them all. In the end Ginny threatened to bat-bogey Sirius if he asked again as we would all find out soon. As they had done in the summer before 3rd year they all troop through the floo and into Professor Mcgonagall's office. Neville and his Grandmother were waiting with Luna. They were met along the way by the heads of house, Cedric, the few order members who were not teachers and a man in a hooded black robe. Once up to the seventh floor Harry opened the ROR and was met with a room that looked kind of like a cinema. It had a big screen on one wall with comfy chairs with little tables next to them with parchment, quills and ink waiting. As they began to sit Dumbledore came into the room with Draco and Narcissisa. Harry looked at Ginny who nodded her head in silent support and took up station in the centre of the group.
"Thank you all for coming. I know the headmaster had been cryptic as to why we are all here today bit that was my fault. I have a pretty big secret that I have been hiding since the summer after second year." Harry said nervously. "This secret involves all of you in some way or another. Today we will be watching some memories of mine. My third to seventh years at hogwarts. I know you will have questions that is why you have parchment on the desks near your seats. As you watch these memories things will become clear. Things you thought you knew will be wrong and things you have never seen. I know I am not making a lot of sense but it will be clearer once the memories are done. One other thing there will be no magic and no fighting. You will see things that will make you angry and one that will make you want to attack a person in this room but you will not be able to move if your intent is to harm another. The memories will also stop if you get too loud."
As Harry walked to the screen a pensive slid out of a consealed compartment underneath. Harry focused and puĺed the required memories and placed them in the pensive. The compartment closed and the lights dimmed and Harry sat back next to Ginny to watch his memories.
