Chapter 14

Looking around the room Harry was suprised to see Snape sitting as stoically as ever. Flashing back to the man's death caused Harry to flinch when their eyes met. Harry recalled his shields and tried to settle his mind. Andromeda and Ted Tonks sat with Dora on other side of the room as he sat looking he realised he knew of almost everyone in the room. He even recognised Amelia Bones from the old future timeline. Silvershard cleared his throat, reminding Harry of Umbitch for a second.
"Hem..hem thank you all for being here today. Each of you is named in the will in some way or other. The Potter's made a pensive will which we will now watch it will be notarized and copied for filing with both the ministry and to the heir of the family." As he finished speaking a large pensive rose from the centre of the table.
"This is the last will and testament of James Fleamont Potter and Lily Marie Evans. I Silvershard Potter account manager stand as witness."  The ghostly goblin intoned solemnly.
"I James Potter have to say sorry to Severus Snape I was an arrogant bully and I took that out on you I hope that one day you can forgive me." Said the image of Harry's father.
"I Lily Potter bequeath to Severus Snape my potions journals and 100 thousand galleons in the hope you will continue the research we once began. Also I have a number of letters that I have written but failed to send, you were my first and oldest friends just know I forgive you and hope you don't let the darkness around you damage your heart." Said Lily.
Harry looked at Snape who was paler than usual and seemed to be carved from stone.
"To Arthur Weasley I bequeath 500 galleons to settle our drunken bet of who would die first. Rather stupid I know but we were both rather drunk that night and I can honestly say it was the most fun I had in many months." Said James.
Harry was confused at his dad's words but the pensive was still playing.
"To Minerva Mcgonagall we bequeath 500 thousand galleons a year, to use to help muggleborns with equipment and supplies to attend hogwarts. We would like you to head a board of muggleborns to choose who are the most deserving. Once Harry comes of age we would like him to have a place on the board." Lily continued."To Filius Flitwick I bequeath my Charms journal's and my Charms thesis project in the hopes he will complete my work."
"To Andromeda and Ted Tonks we bequeath 100 thousand galleons. Thanks you for the love and kindness you have shown my blood brother Sirius. And anyone who can get kicked out of the Black family is alright by us." Said James.
"To Frank and Alice Longbottom we bequeath 200 thousand galleons for being   two of the best and bravest people we know." Lily said. Augusta Longbottom looked as though she might cry at her words.
"To Peter Petigrew we bequeath 300 thousand galleons as our grateful thanks for being our secret keeper." Said James. "If we died whilst in hiding please inform the head of the dmle as he must be the spy in our ranks." People all around the table looked shocked and angry at this.  Harry could only sit there unable to rein the emotions raging inside him. But the will continued.
"To Remus Lupin we bequeath the property known as The Wolf's Den and the Stewardship of the house of Potter till our son comes of age." Lily said. "We also gift him 400 thousand to use as he sees fit."
"I know what your gonna say Moony but we want you to have a better life you have no choice, and for gods sake moons buy yourself some better robes." James practically begged.
"To Sirius Black we bequeath our only son Harry James Potter, as his bonded godfather we hope you will raise him as you own."
"We would hope you will settle down and be the great man we know you can be. To that end we have named secondary guardians to help you along the way as discipline is not your strong suit. The secondary guardians are as follows, Frank and Alice Longbottom.
Minerva Mcgonagall.
Andromeda and Ted Tonks.
Severus Snape.
Amelia Bones.
Filius Flitwick.
We would have included you Remus but we know where Sirius is you are never far behind. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS HARRY TO BE LEFT WITH PERTUNIA AND VERNON DURSLEY." Lily almost shouted that last line.
"To Harry Potter we bequeath all other monies and property to be held in trust until he comes of age. We love you so much son and we are sorry that we won't see you grow into the wonderful man we know you will become."
"As we have spoken so mote it be." This line was spoken by them both, and with a flash of light the memory ended and silence reined.
"That..that idiotic bumbling old fool thinking he knows best." Minerva Mcgonagall's outburst made all the thoughts buzzing in his head fly out. Even Snape looked insenced at everything. Harry to almost everyone's suprise started to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
"Harry are you ok?" Remus asked face full of concern.
"Well I just found out that I was never meant to be stuck with the meanest people I've every met. My mother was friends with the teacher who hates me,cos my dad was a bully. And my bonded godfather is not a criminal who murdered my mum and dad but the person I was supposed to live with all along. But because someone thought they knew better I was treated more as a house elf than a person by my blood family." Harry said bitterly. "Ok is not really anywhere close right now."
"Well sorry to interrupt but here are the keys to your vaults containing your bequests. You may use this room for as long as you need, Harry  I will see you on the 28th. May your vaults overflow and your enemies be few." Said Silvershard as he distributed the keys bowed to Harry  and left the room.
Augusta Longbottom moved forward thanked Harry on behalf of her family and left. The Tonkses approached and spoke to Harry briefly then left citing they had to get to work. Minerva and Filius said they would see him soon and left the room. Severus stepped forward and said "I know that we have had a checkered past Mr Potter but I will try to be more civil in the future. Your mother was a good person and she made me a better one through her friendship."
"Well I can't promise to alway behave I am a teenager but I can be civil if you can." Harry replied. They nodded to each other and Snape left the room his cloak billowing behind him. Harry was left wondering not for the first time how he did that.
"Mr Potter would you mind coming to the ministry tomorrow to discuss the situation with your godfather?" Amelia Bones asked having approached Harry when he was detracted by thoughts of Snape's billowing cloak.
"Of course what time would you like me there? I can get Remus to escort me." Harry replied.
"Would 10am be alright?" She asked.
"It should be fine." Remus replied for Harry when he looked at him for confirmation. Making her goodbyes she left the room. Harry asked Griphook who seemed to be hovering around to talk to Silvershard for a moment . Once he returned Harry asked, "Silvershard  can you send the money that was supposed to go to Peter to the Weasleys instead?"
"There should be no problem with that as his was the only one not payed out. Are you sure? Well it will be added to the Weasley vault." Silvershard asked "Will that be all. Well good day room you both." Remus and Harry left for lunch and talk about the day. As they were sat down for another wonderful lunch Remus asked "Why give the money to the Weasleys?"
"Well Ron is my best friend and...well my first year at hogwarts I happened to mention that I wasn't expecting any Christmas presents. Ron wrote to his mum and even though she has seven children of her own she made me a jumper and some homemade fudge. It was the first present I remember getting. And when we went to get the philosopher's stone he sacrificed himself so we could win hurting himself in the process. The summer before my second year he and his brothers Fred and George flew a car to rescue me from the Dursley's. They brought me to their house and Molly Weasley welcomed me in without a second thought. They took care of me for the rest of the summer, took me to diagon alley and never once have they hurt or humliated me. I know they are true friends." As Harry spoke Remus's eyes ran through a range of emotions.
"Well I can't fault you for that but they might try to give it back, they are proud you know." Said Remus finally after a few moments to calm his rage.
"Its because of who they are. Their kindness to me deserved a reward."
After lunch Harry broached the subject of getting Remus some new robes. It took at least an hour and the threat of Dobby going put to buy the most colourful and lurid patterned robes he could find for the wolf. Eventually Harry wore him down and reluctantly agreed to go to Madam Malkins to get them. Harry then forced them twice as many than Remus thought he should get. Harry supposed it was because he was used to not having a lot of money. The afternoon flew by and all too soon it was dinner the main topic of discussion was what to in the meeting tomorrow. With ideas from both his parents and grandparents paintings and Remus, Harry went to bed with several thoughts  running around his head. For the first time since ridding himself of the horcrux Harry had bad dreams.
