Chapter 31

In the private dining room the tension could be cut with a knife.
The twins were on tenterhooks waiting to see if their mum would let them go with Harry. Ginny and Hermione were gathering their courage to tell Mrs Weasley they wanted to go with Harry and the twins. Ron sat glumly thinking that maybe he should be brave like Harry and go too.
Molly sat trying to eat while facing the realisation that she had to let the twins go as they had behaved so well the past few days. Arthur sat secretly excited at the prospect of going down into the chamber of secrets. Once they had finished Mrs Weasley spoke up.
"Ok boys as you have been so well behaved I will allow you to go with Harry." She said looking at them sternly. "But just you continue to be good as you will be surrounded by teachers and goblins."
"Mum?" Ron asked softly. "I would like to go too." At Ron's words Harry smiled at his bravery and Mrs Weasley nodded her agreement.
"Hermione and I would like to come too." Mrs Weasley looked like she wanted to protest but Ginny continued. "I think it would help with my nightmares."
Molly softened hearing that and quickly agreed.
"We might as well make this a family outing." Percy added. "As the oldest and head boy I can help keep an eye in things. And I want to be there for Ginny."
Both Mr and Mrs Weasley beamed with pride at Percy's words and Ginny went and hugged him.
"Right well we best be going." Sirius said clapping his hands. "Professor Mcgonagall will be waiting for us. The floo address is Gryffindor  and the password is Lion's den. Make sure you speak clearly and move from the fireplace quickly so as not to cause a pile up."


Minerva Mcgonagall sat in her office trying to do paperwork and glancing at the clock expectantly. As a green glow flared in the fireplace and Mrs Weasley came through. Covering her suprise she greeted her as Percy followed. Each Weasley popped through in turn with Harry and Sirius coming last. Molly cleaned everyone down with her wand and Minerva greeted Harry warmly. 
"Welcome Mr Potter." She said smiling. "Sirius I had expected you but not all of the Weasleys."
"Well once I told them they couldn't pass up the opportunity to see the beast that terrorised the school last year." Hary explained.
"Well we best go and meet the goblins at the gate." She said softening slightly. "Most all the teachers want to be there as well. We will meet them in all in the entrance hall once the goblins arrive."
"Ron did you want to take your family directly to the entrance and we will meet you in a while?" Harry asked turning to him.
"Yeah mate." Ron agreeded quickly. "Meet you outside moaning Murtle's bathroom."
"Ok." Harry replied waving them off. They walked quietly to the main door and out into the sunshine. As they got to cross the bridge they saw Hagrid walking a group of goblins led by Silvershard. Greetings were made all around and they began the trek back to the school.
"All the preparations have been made to your specifications and the appropriate vaults opened." Silvershard said as they walked. "Once we have the sale completed the money will be transferred and the people notified. Head renderer Kraglus will be incharge of the carcass."
Harry nodded along to the goblins words.
"Judging from the memory of it I saw we have made a portkey to transport the beast to a room in the bank for ease and security." Kraglus stated gruffly.
"It would be appropriate as we don't know how safe the chamber is." Professor Mcgonagall agreed.
"Well as long as we can get it done today I'm happy." Harry said brightly. "I have been thinking though that if it's made safe perhaps we could show the other houses the chamber once school starts again. Maybe even the school board too."
"That is certainly an idea." Minerva agreed proudly. " I will discuss it with the headmaster later."
As they approached the doors Harry could see all the teacher with Dumbledore stood in the middle reminiscent of his dream. Pushing his anger down as the headmaster greeted him.
"Ah Harry my boy welcome. Sirius I was pleased to hear of your release." Grandfatherly tone and twinkling eyes in full force. "My I offer you greetings honourable goblins."
Silvershard and Kraglus returned his greetings.
"If we could continue we have much work to do." Silvershard said in a imperious tone.
Harry led the strange group with two goblins by his side the headmaster, deputy head and Sirius behind him and the teachers behind them with the team of goblins bringing up the rear. Upon reaching the second floor girls bathroom, meeting the Weasley's outside they headed in and gathered round the sinks. Harry and Ron exchanged looks chucking to themselves.
"And just what is so amusing?" Professor Mcgonagall asked.
"Well it's just the last time me and Harry stood here we shoved Lockhart down first to make sure if was safe." Ron said suppressing a laugh. Though the goblins fad no objection to laughing.
"Open" Harry hissed in parceltongue. The sinks rose and the opening was revealed. "Lights, stairs"
As he spoke lights and stairs appeared turning to Ron he shrugged apologetically. As Harry went to lead Dumbledore stepped in front and said.
"Please allow me to go first and make sure it's safe." Placeing a supposedly soothing hand on his shoulder.
"Sure that's fine with me." Harry said not meeting the headmasters gaze.
As they descended down in to the chamber silence fell. Lighting the end of his wand Dumbledore stopped infront of the rock fall. With a wave of his wand the rubble reformed into an archway. Wands lit from all sides as the dark cavernous space was opened to them. The shed skin of the basilisk was inspected and one stepped forward.
"I claim this for the goblin nation." Gronurk said. The other goblins looked on approvingly.
"Of course please do clear this from our land." Dumbledore said but only Harry saw the brief flicker of rage pass his features.
Harry led them over to the second door. Hissing at the door to open it the smell hit them as soon as the door opened. Flitwick and Mcgonagall recovered first and cast air freshening charms. Harry called for lights once inside. As the light flared many gasped at the size of the beast. Pushing forward Kraglus and his team got to work, magicing ropes around the thing. As they did so Harry found himself confronted by the Weasley's full of praise and worry that Harry had faced and killed such a thing to save their sister. Percy was especially dumbfounded Harry had brought Ginny back from that. Sirius was side by side with Remus stareing at the beast who could have killed his godson. The teachers who came down to the chamber were equally shocked and amazed at the sights. Severus Snape could only stare at Salazar Slytherin's sculpture in awe. Dumbledore had a brief conversation with the goblins and all but Silvershard disappeared with a soft pop.
"Mr Potter I am amazed that you survived." Minerva Mcgonagall's gushed suddenly. Many of the teacher began to explore the chamber and Snape seemed to snap out of his trance.
"Well done Mr Potter." He said approaching. "Might you know when the sale will commence?"
"Silvershard said they would put an add in the Daily Prophet." Harry replied. "But from my share I requested that 2% of all potion material would be donated to hogwarts." Severus's eyebrows nearly disappeared into his hairline at that.
"Well thank you it shall be put to great use in the future." Nodding to Harry he walked to join a few of the Professor's nearby.
"Very generous of you Harry." Dumbledore smiled at him. Harry returned it stiffly.
"Indeed Heir Potter-Black has been very generous with the profits and it will benefit hogwarts greatly." Silvershard explained. "You know about the potions profits Harry has also set aside much of it. 10% will be put in a vault to fund new brooms for all the school and quidditch supplies."
At that Madam Hooch came and expressed her thanks. New brooms had been needed at hogwarts for many years.
"I've also added to the Lily Potter scholarship fund." Harry said. "And 20% of the profits will be placed in a vault to make improvements to hogwarts."
"Are you sure you want to give all that money away?" Professor Mcgonagall asked suprised at his generosity.
"Yes when I claimed my heirships I learned that I have a lot of family money this is just extra." Harry replied.
"Well thank you for that." She added proud of her little lion. As many wandered around Harry chatted to then while wondering about the place the basilisk came from. Just as Dumbledore was about to gather them all to leave Harry hissed.
"Speak to me Slytherin greatest of the hogwarts four." As the last word left his mouth the statue began to open and Harry began to move towards the opening.
"Where do you think your going Mr Potter?" Severus asked dryly.
"I just thought that that's where the basilisk came from there might be something important in there." He replied.
"That's a possibility but perhaps a person better suited should go first in case of danger." He stated solemnly.
It was agreed that the heads of house and Dumbledore would go first with Harry following. In the large room was a empty space with a nest heated by fiendfyre. On the opposite side was an archway cloaked in darkness.
As Severus approached he waved his wand trying to detect any wards or traps present. Finding none he stepped forward into the doorway and jumped back as two snakes lunged at him.
"Stop." Harry called to them, hearing his words they stopped.
"Who disturbs our master's study?" One hissed viciously.
"The Heir of Slytherin." Harry replied
"Prove it." The other hissed. Harry crouched down infront of them and twisted the founders ring so the Slytherin crest was visible.
"As heir you and your friends may enter." One hissed moving back. "The founders Library is yours."
With that grey disappeared in to the shadows. Harry stood and turned back to the others who were watching in shock.
"They said the founders Library was now open to us." Harry said looking flustered.
"Well lead on Mr Potter." Professor Flitwick said softly. As they entered lights flared and the many shelves of books sectioned in the respective houses  were revealed to them ag the forefront was a desk with a open noted book. Harry looked at it in suprise reading as the others looked at the amassed books in wonder.
"What have you found Mr Potter?" Professor Sprout said.
"Oh it seems to be Slytherin's diary." Harry replied.
"It just looks like squiggles to me." She countered.
"I think it's written in parceltongue it hurts my eyes to look at it too long." He said rubbing his eyes.
"Well this is the most amazing find of history of hogwarts. Thank you for allowing me to join you." Professor Sprout said kindly.
"Your most welcome." Harry said smiling at her.
"The question is what do we with all this now." Professor Mcgonagall asked coming over to them.
"Maybe the house elves could pack the books into trunks and movd them to another room in the castle?" Harry questioned.
"That could work we certainly have plenty of room, and headmaster you have a pensive we could use our memories to recreat the library for the children to visit." Professor Flitwick said excitedly.
"All good ideas." Dumbledore said from behind Harry making him jump. "Kimmy."
"Master called Kimmy?" A small elf enquired.
"Yes could you get a few elves with trunks to come and get these books and place them in the storage room till we find a place for them." Dumbledore ordered the elf. "They should be done quickly and Harry's generous donation will help us preserve them for years to come." Within five minutes the entire contents of the room was empty and they were on the way out of the chamber and back up into the school.
