Chapter 44

After about an hour of getting bored staring at hedges red sparks shot up. A few minutes later a bruised and bloddy Fleur Delacour was escorted out of the maze. From what Harry could gather the acromantulas suprised her and she got trapped in some devil's snare. Another half an hour and three Weasley pranks later  a flash of blinding light and Cerdic appeared on the platform and the band began to play. Cedric stood swaying slightly and he had a cut on his forehead and his clothes were ripped. The money was quickly given and the congratulations from the minister and the head master's and he was all too soon given to the tender dare of Madam Pomfrey. Victor was quietly led out of the maze and in to the medical tent. Harry was on his way to congratulate Cedric when a hand went to his neck and a potion was slipped into his open mouth. As Harry slipped into unconsciousness he thought 'shit here we go again.'


Harry woke tied to tree he could hear in the distance the sound of celebration. Although his vision was foggy he could hear a few people moving around him. Once his eye sight cleared up he could see four at least in deatheater garb. As he moved his head a voice rang out.
"Ah good the brats awake." One said.
"He he he now we can gave some fun." Another voice laughed gleefully to his right.
Focusing Harry counted seven deatheaters in total. Crabbe and Goyle's fathers were easily recognisable as their sons mirrored their stances completely. Yaxley had a particularly nasal voice that made him memorable to Harry. But he could only guess who the others were. He had to get out of there. Testing the rope holding him and he found it to have no give. As he twisted the men surrounding him chuckled as they watched him struggle. The one who was standing between Crabbe and Goyle spoke in what Harry assumed was his most menacing tone, but Harry couldn't help but think he sounded like a whining toddler getting ready to throw his toys out of his pram. Well Harry could help with that.
"Ah Mr Potter-Black how nice of you to join us." The man said.


Ginny screamed as she saw Harry being dragged into the darkness by the robed figure. It drew the attention of the head master and Auror Tonks who had been assigned to hogwarts to keep an eye on things. Before Fumbledork could stop her she sent a patronus to Madam Bones asking for back up and triedto run in his direction. The press of people made things tough going and by the time she reached where he was last seen no one was there. The Minister and the majority of the crowd had no idea what was happening and continued with the celebrations.
"Auror Tonks report." Kingsley stated once he reached her.
"Sir during the award ceremony someone in a dark robe was seen drugging Harry Potter-Black and now we can find no sign of him." Tonks reported hurriedly. Two of the Auror's standing by Kingsley nodded and ran to gather evidence when Madam Bones nodded towards them.
"Kingsley I want you and Tonks to organise  a grid search of the grounds and have Hagrid help as he know them better than anyone." She turned to Dumbledore who had that damn awful grandfatherly expression on his face. "Could you tell us if the wards have been tripped?"
"Thankfully once Cedric appeared with the cup the Port-key wards reactivated and the apparition ward was never down." He replied.
"While that may have been an answer" Madam Bones said coldly. "It was not the answer to the question I asked. Have the wards been tripped?"
"No they have not" Albus said looking shocked at being questioned. "I will let you know if I feel anything and I will have my staff check to see if the visitors are all accounted for."
"Auror Smythe and his unit will take charge of that." She replied gesturing to the group of auror's to her left. "I'm sure the staff will cooperate with anything you need."
"Of course we shall" Said Minerva appearing in the circle with a crying Ginny being supported by her brothers and Hermione. "Miss Weasley was the one who alerted us to Harry's disappearance."
"Right can you act as he guardian while  the Auror's take her statement." Madam Bones said. Albus tried to interrupt but was cut off by her asking "has Lord Black been notified?"
"Surely there's no n-" Albus began but was cut off by Minerva.
"Not yet but I will do so at once of you wish." This was said ignoring the head master completely.
"Don't interrupt the celebrations but perhaps guide people inside." Madam Bones half ordered half asked. "When Lord Black gets here he may be able to find Heir Potter-Black with his godfather bond."
Minerva nodded and rushed to find the other heads of house.
After five minutes of searching a potions bottle was found. Severus was called for and it was found to be a knock out potion that the dark had developed for kidnappings. Sirius arrived with in a rush with a ragged Lupin following. They soon joined the search and Remus used his superior sense of smell to try and track them. With Remus and Hagrid leading they made their way into the forbidden forest.


Harry meanwhile was getting kind of bored these guys went the best or the brightest of wizards. Voldemort would have started to torture him by now. Bellatrix would certainly have had him under a cruciatus curse as a wake up call. If it wasn't the useless taunts and treats with no follow through it was the seemingly endless monologue. 'Where's the dark Lord? What have you done to him? How did you destroy him?' And similar questions. Eventually when he realised they were more interested in questions than hurting him he tried to concentrate on getting free. He had come up with a plan he thought would work. He had been stalled with his animagus training as he still couldn't change his head but he was out of options he had to try. He started to delve deep into his animal mind. Thankfully the idiots that had captured him were distracted by fighting each other. Harry finally managed it and as soon as he was free he transformed back and started to hex the deatheaters. He got Goyle with a well aimed reduto and Crabbe fell soon after to Harry's knock back jinx. Yaxley was next after trading a few spells Harry hit him with a bombada. The other two were fighting back hard and Harry was having a hard time getting any hits in. He was back in to a corner and hit with a crucio. Although it was not as strong as the ones he had experienced from old moldyshorts it wax still enough to knock him off his feet.
"Got you at last Potter." One of them shrieked. "Avada-"
He was cut short by a flash of red stunner.
"Harry!?" Sirius and Remus shouted alarmed.
The last deatheater took the opportunity to try and flee but Hagrid shot him with the crossbow he always carried when in the forest.
Harry was engulfed in a hug from both Sirius and Remus. Taking in the scene the Auror's took charge of the downed men and began to escort Harry back towards the school. As they cleared the edge of the forest he could see Hermione, Ron, Ginny and the twins waiting with Professor Mcgonagall. Harry was rushed to the infirmary and given over to Madam Pomfrey's tender loving care.
As injured as Harry was he was given a night of rest before he had to give his statement. With a draught of dreamless sleep Harry was sent off to sleep holding Ginny's hand with Sirius and Remus watching over him.
