Chapter 48

The screen showed Harry standing by the front  window of privet drive watching Vernon pack the car. Petunia was collecting the last of the boxes from the kitchen. They watched Hestia and Dedalus escort them to safety. Harry was left alone and looked at his old room.
Albus sank down low in his seat at the glares that were sent his way particularly from Minerva who looked as if she would hex him if she could.
Many laughed at Harry's attempts at trying to stop them going through with the plan. They all gasped at the ensuing battle.
Fred gripped his brother tight when he saw him being brought in unconscious. He only relaxed when George made that bad joke about being 'holy'. Moody's death was met with yet more gasps and a gruff retort from Moody.
"Not how I want to go cursed in the back."
The arrival of Scrimgeour and Percy had many inraged at how things were. The gifts from Dumbledore raised many eyes even his own he was wondering why he left them such things.
Harry watched dispassionately as Bill and Fleur got married and the intrusion of the deatheaters. The flight to Grimmauld Place and the explanation of Kreacher had many in tears. The fight between Harry and Remus had the old wolf ashamed. How could he be so cowardly. Tonks on the other hand beamed at the news she was pregnant. The revelation the Umbitch had the locket had the twins hissing at the screen. Amelia was impressed with the level of planning they went to, to break into the Ministry. The camping in the woods and  the general aimlessness that followed. Ron's increasing agitation got him glares from the twins and his exit from Harry and Hermione had him sinking in his seat. The visit to Godric's Hollow had them sad and terrified in equal measure. The doe sparked some interest and the discovery of the sword and Ron's return had many in tears. The abuse from the locket had Ron cringing and Hermione gave him a glare that had him turning bright red. Their return to Hermione was met with laughter as Harry backed away from his friend. The trip to Luna's house and the discussion of the deathly hallows confused many of them. Luna was complemented on the art work and she was ashamed that her father had turned. The twins cheered at the radio program and everyone was Horrified as Harry broke the taboo. Their capture and imprisonment at the hands of the Malfoy's had Draco grimacing at his father's actions. Luna's imprisonment in the Malfoy Dungeon came as a shock and cleared up the change that was in her father. Dobby coming to the resuce and Wormtails death had them glued to the screen. Dobby's death made many emotional and no words were said as he was put to rest.  The subsequent conversation with Griphook had many peole wondering how this was possible. The revelation that Dumbledore had the elderwand and that Voldemort went after it had many hanging on the edge of their seats. The watched as the trio planned to break in to the most secure place in the country. The breakout of the bank had many laughing at their brazen Gryffindor nature. The escape and the vision of Voldemort's rage had many cringing at the blood Voldemort had spilled.
The travel to Hogwarts and the conversation with Aberforth had many questioning the old man's motives. Neville's arrival had them gasping at his wounds. Luna's laughed at Ginny's treatment of Cho and they gasped as Alecto spat at Minerva and Harry's response. The flight from the Ravenclaw common room and the confrontation with Severus had them questioningwhat would happen next.
Severus himself was wondering why he was there by all rights Harry should not be able to look at him let alone be as civil as the boy no man had been these last two years.
Albus wat he'd proudly as so many stood for the light.
They watched as Hogwarts mobilised to defend and Percy's return to the family. Tonks tried to get a closer look at the picture of Teddy so much so she fell put of her seat. She blushed as she was helped back into it. The meeting of Ron and Hermione and the news that another horcrux was gone had them cheering. The hunt for the diadem and Draco's actions had him sinking his chair. His mother looked at him in a way that he could only interprate as 'see who you would have become because of your father' causing him to sink a little more.
Harry saving his life suprised him and he thanked him for it.  But laughs were had when Harry punched Draco.
They watched the decimation of the school and the death of Fred that had the Weasley's and Harry on a knifes edge and Molly was openly sobbing. George was gripping on to Fred harshly. Ginny had nearly cut of the circulation in Harry's hand. There was near silence as they watched Harry look into Voldemort's mind and Severus's death. The revelation that Remus and Tonks had died along with Fred had Sirius reaching for his friend. They watched horrified as Severus's childhood memories were viewed and the startling news that Harry had to die. They watched as Harry voluntarily walked into the forest towards his death. The ghostly forms of his parents and Sirius and Remus had many crying anew.
His death was met with gasps as nothing could be seen as Harry's eyes were shut. They could only hear what Harry had heard untill he opened his eyes. Draco sat up proudly as his mother lied to the dark Lord. The sight of Hagrid carrying Harry struck a cord with Professor Mcgonagall as she remembered the sight of Hagrid carrying him to Privet Drive. Voldemort's speech and Draco returning to his parents had many shooting glares his way but he could understand why he did what he did. Neville standing up for what's right had a nod of approval from his grandmother. When Neville pulled the sword from the hat and used it to kill the snake had her commenting that he is much more like his father than she ever thought. Bellatrix dying by Moly's hand had her kids praising her skills and silently vowing not to piss her off too badly anymore. The fight between Harry and Voldemort revealing the loyalty of the elder wand and his subsequent defeat. The celebrations and victory was bittersweet. The conversation  with Albus's portrait had many wondering where Harry was going with this and when he repaired his wand and broke the elder wand Albus silently cheered the boy being able to do what he was not.
As the memory ended Harry removed his hand from Ginny's and began to speak.
"Life went on after that we rebuilt hogwarts and tried to get back to every day life. But things had completely changed. Ron, Hermione and I all had terrible nightmares and sometimes daymares about the war. Though we were not the only ones. George locked himself in his room for at least a week and grieved far more deeply than I could. I repaired things with the Goblins and we recived medals from the Ministry. Kingsley was named Minister and was doing a very good job. Life got better we cooped. The first anniversary of the battle was a trial as the press wanted speeches and interviews. Ron did most of the talking on our behalf. We honoured those that had fallen. It was the next anniversary before we knew it. George still couldn't face it and had refused to return to the school. A monument was erected on the grounds for those who had died. So many names, names of friends and family. Too many to count. We lost so many that the magical population was at its lowest in England since the statuette of secrecy was enacted. I was wandering around Hogwarts and some how I ended up at the mirror of erised. When I looked into it I could see all those people that I had loved and lost. I got angry so angry. I remembered in that moment that the last time I had felt such anger was when Aunt Marge came to visit  summer before my third year. All I know is there was a flash of blinding light and a loud crash and when I opened my eyes I was in my room at Privet Drive." Harry explained. "If you have any questions now is the time to ask them."
They were all silent for the longest time until Unspeakable Croaker asked.
"So have you taken care of Voldemort or should I get my department to track down those horcruxes?"
"No Voldemort is gone." Harry said chuckling. "Between me and the goblins, Riddle will never return. We found out from Draco that once he died his dark mark vanished completely instead of fading. As Professor Snape can show you his mark is gone his magic is finished. He is dead never to return. I hope I can have a somewhat normal life now."
