Chapter 5

Kreacher showered Harry with concern as he tried to calm his rapidly beating heart. Drawing on the techniques that Hermione swore by he eventually approached something like a steady rhythm and began to breathe easier again. As Kreacher fussed around him Harry began to plan for the first time in his life it was his own, no threats hanging over his head. What to do now that was the question he would need a plan. Harry chuckled to himself , someone up there had it out for him when had his plans ever gone right. But at least he could get his life going in the right direction picking up the pieces and starting over he could do that. Maybe Ginny could be by his side too, as a plan formed in his mind Kreacher entered the room with breakfast telling Master Harry that it was time to eat and be getting on with the day.
After a morning spent helping Kreacher rebuild the house he returned to the burrow and the consistency of chaos that was the weasley family.
Yes there were things he could do planning in his mind a trip to diagon alley. Funnily enough books were on his agenda yes he could get books on occlumency and animagus transformations. He wouldn't allow himself to be blindsided again.
Days passed and things morphed into a new kind of normal Harry spending time rebuilding the house, learning his new skills and talking with friends and most importantly being the best godfather he could be to little Teddy. And so the days turned into weeks and the weeks months of healing and rebuilding of lives George started to work again and meet old friends. Things flowed from the past to the future and pretty soon it was the first anniversary of the battle of Hogwarts. There were speeches and ceremonies and endless conversations with people who Harry had never seen before and just had to talk to. Ginny was the rock by his side when things got too much and memories overwhelmed the trio. The day passed with the least amount of pain in the circumstances and just like before life began again. Harry proposed to Ginny and suprisingly George to Angelina soon after. With Christmas soon approaching Ron pulled Harry aside to help plan his proposal to Hermione, which gobsmacked the lady in question as she hadn't even dropped any hints to Ron. As she said it just proved that Ron was growing up. Harry eventually moved into his new home and decided to work as an auror for the time being as he didnt know what else to do with himself. In the new year rumours of a new sect of death eaters sparked outrage and fear in the wizarding world and Harry was rushed into his new role as fully fledged auror. But it turned out to be nothing more than a few misguided teenagers who came to regret their roll in things.
The days moved  into that happy calm and just when Harry thought things were looking up an owl arrived from Headmistress Mcgonagall asking if they would come to the memorial that year.
Harry was in half a mind to say no but Hermione and Ron told him they would be lost without him by there side so with a great amount of reluctance and a few pointed looks from Gin, Harry had no choice but to go.
2nd of may dawned and Harry could hardly suppress the pit of dread in his stomach. The nightmares from the night before swirling in his mind took all of his newly found mind skills too keep calm. It was almost as bad as he feeling he used to get on Halloween, something bad always halloween.
Memories threating to overwhelm him, Harry  almost jumped out of his skin when Ginny appeared by his side.
"Bad dreams love." She said softly.
"You know me Gin how can I sleep well without you by my side." Harry said sincerely. " Ready for today? Is George coming?"
"I dont know he hasn't answered us yet." She said sadly a tear slipping down her cheek. They both knew that George had trouble on this day more than any other and harry could not blame him. His dreams this time of year always started with Fred's laughter. Shaking his head to clear it he hugged Ginny close and murmured in her ear.
"Come on we best go meet Ron and Hermione."
"We wouldn't want to get on her bad side again," said Ginny "I mean we were only 5 minutes late to dinner last week and she acted like it's the end of the world."
"Oh I think she was just covering as she had that wild look in her eyes and the flush on her cheeks." Harry said chuckling.
"Eww Harry  I dont need to hear about my brothers romance." She said with disgust lacing her tone.
With a laugh and releasing his girlfriend Harry pulled his wand and disapperated with a soft pop.
