Chapter 33

The next day Harry decided he wanted to get an early start on his christmas shopping ad he would be stuck at school the rest of the year. Some of the others did as well. Splitting up they had a fun day of shopping and once they returned Harry gave them their trunks. Percy, Fred and George loved them. The bags were a big hit with Hermione and Ginny. Ron was the only one with a problem.
"I can't except this Harry it's too expensive." Ron said red faced with anger and a bit of shame.
"Ron you are my best mate. The irst friend I ever made." Harry said looking him in the eye. "You offered to share your lunch with me on the train, even though it wasn't much it was more than anyone else had ever done for me. My parents left me more money than I could spend in a lifetime. I can't think of anyone better to spend money on than you guys. You have always treated me as one of the family and this is the way I show my thanks. Get used to it cos I probably won't stop."
Ron looked dumbfounded at his words and eventually nodded.
"Thanks mate, just no need to get me anything for Christmas ok." He said quietly pulling Harry into a hug.
"Can't do that sorry mate." Harry said smiling. "Do you think you would like a solid gold chess set or a new broom?"
Harry chuckled as Ron pulled away looking shocked.
Harry couldn't keep a straight face any longer and burst out laughing.
"Oh ha ha" Ron said sarcastically. "Real funny mate. But thanks for the trunk and bag it's very cool."
"They are." Harry said addressing the others. "Not only can they shrink they are weightless and bottomless. They all have six compartments. The first is a wardrobe. Next a library compartment, a bathroom and a bedroom. The last two are storage that can be converted into any use. There is a pamphlet with descriptions of the features and instructions from the security."
Hermione was practically vibrating with the library compartment feature as she always had to leave some books behind. Ron thought the bathroom feature would save a lot of hassle at home. Ginny was glowing at the thought of having something so new. Percy was reading the security features and planning to use it as a place to study in the coming days. Fred and George shared a look a private place to plan and create. Harry was pleased his idea went down so well. They each went to pack their new trunks and sort the security out. The next few days passed in a haze and before they knew it they were standing on the platform looking at the hogwarts express.


Harry and Sirius stood together saying there goodbyes when Narcissisa approached.
"Cousin how are you?" She said mask firmly in place. Draco stood at her side looking bored.
"Very well cousin and how are you Heir Malfoy?" Sirius replied. As they had planned many people were watching their interaction. "I hope you will have a good year. I hope you will conduct yourself in the proper manner."
"Of course Lord Black I will conduct myself as you have instructed." Draco replied supposedly letting his mask slip annoyance clouding his tone.
"Good, good." Sirius replied brightly. "Well you best be getting on the train. I will see you for the family yule celebration."
"Of course, until then Lord Black." Draco said bowing slightly. Nodding to Harry and hugging his mother. "I will write soon." He turned a left without another word disappearing into the crowd.
"Farewell Lady Malfoy I am sorry for your loss." Harry said before bowing and turning to Sirius. "Don't cause too much trouble. I will miss you Pads."
"I'll miss you too pup." Sirius replied pulling him in for a hug. "Try not to get into trouble or at least don't get caught." This was said with a chuckle and a wink. Saying goodbye one last time Harry boarded the train and went to find his friends. The journey was spent with the typical fun and laughter the only dark spot was when Draco entered with Goyle and Crabbe.
"Potter still hanging around with trash I see." Draco drawled.
"Draco, Draco, Draco did you not listen to my godfather?" Harry asked. "Have you forgotten what you were told."
Draco flushed and left the compartment in a huff.
"Erm Harry." Hermione began. "I thought we had a truce with Malfoy?"
"Just goes to show you can't trust him. No good slimy snake." Ron muttered angrily.
"That was agreed on so Draco could keep his standing in Slytherin." Harry replied to Hermione. Smacking Ron on the head. "Draco has to keep a certain amount of fake animosity towards us or the kids might report him as a blood traitor to Deatheaters still free. So until he can be himself without being attacked his own house this is what we must put up with."
"Well I suppose it must be difficult for him now." Hermione mused. "On the one hand he can think for himself, but then he must keep up appearances."
"Well I hope at least he keeps to himself." Ron added angrily.
"Oh well I am going to change, you should too." Hermione said changing the subject.
All too soon the train stopped and they began the trek towards the carriages and back to school. As the crossed over the boundary Harry felt a warm wave of magic wash over him. Hogwarts was welcoming him back. As they sat at the Gryffindor table to watch the sorting Harry locked eyes with the headmaster and had to bite back a wave of hatred for the man. Once the sorting was over and their bellies filled Harry went to sleep hoping for a quiet year. The only bright side was that Remus was at the school. His lessons were just as fun as the last time. Potions seemed easier too, Snape was not as cold and cruel as he used to be but still the dungeon bat. Harry's favourite lesson became Runes as he never had the chance before. Ron lasted one Dinivation lesson before transferring to muggle studies. Harry suspected Hermione had the time turner again but never said anything to her. But he hoped she wouldn't burnout like last time.
Two weeks into the school year Harry received a letter and a small trunk from Silvershard.
Dear Harry,
   We have completed the rending of the basilisk and have set the auction for the 20th of December. As per your instructions we have placed the skin in your vault. The trunk accompanying this letter has the basilisk potion ingredients for you to pass along. We will give you a complete itemised accounting once the auction has concluded.
     Silvershard head of Potter accounts

As it was a Saturday Harry checked the time. 8:32 hopefully Snape was still at breakfast and he could pass the trunk over to him. Or maybe.... Yes he should call a house elf to deliver it with a note. Then it could be put straight in his quarters. Nervous about calling an elf in the dorms Harry decided to go to the kitchens snd ask an elf directly. Bringing the trunk Harry found himself at the entrance. Tickling the pear the doorway opened and Harry was met by many rounded eyes.
"Hello." He said letting the door close behind him.
"Master Harry sir how may wes be helping you?" A elf moved from the crowd to ask.
"Just Harry please." He replied. "What is your name?"
"I be Kimmy master, hoggywarts head elf." She said proudly.
"Nice to meet you Kimmy." Harry said allowing himself to be led to a seat. "I have this trunk I need delivered to Professor Snape's quarters please."
"Miley be taking this trunk to Professor head Snakey." Kimmy ordered to a elf.
"Miley be doing so but miley hopes nothing bad is in store cos Professor Snapey doesn't like nastiness." The elf said unpleasantly.
"Not to worry." Harry said before Kimmy could admonish him. "I promised these ingredients to Professor Snape but it would be best if I didn't deliver them myself. He has a reputation to uphold."
The little elf nodded took the trunk a popped away.
"Kimmy does be sorry for Miley he be a bit like the master he serves." She said.
"Does master founder need anything else?"
"Master Founder?!" Harry exclaimed. "What ever do you mean?"
"You bes the four founder's heir all hoggwarts elves will do as you ask." Another elf replied bowing.
"Um could you not tell anyone I don't really want Dumbledore to find out." Harry said looking shocked.
"We elves not be sharing our masters secrets yous can be sure of that." Kimmy said.
"Well thanks all I will be going to join my friends to eat your excellent cooking." Harry said getting up to leave.
"Does master founder have a favourite food that we can make you?" A young looking elf inquired.
"I can honestly say the normal hogwarts fare is the best I have ever eaten. So whatever is on the menu this morning will be fine thank you." Harry replied smiling at the elf. Harry managed to leave the room and went to join his friends for breakfast.


When Severus Snape returned to his office from breakfast he stopped the trunk. Eyeing it suspiciously he cast several detection spells and found nothing hostile and no traps.
Cautiously opening the trunk it was full of precious potion ingredients. Basilisk venom, Basilisk heart strings, pieces of eye and few scales. The potions he could make with these, excitement like no other filled him. He used to live for experimental brewing and he had had to settle into being a teacher. He lived for the day when he no longer had to have the protection of the castle and could be the potion master he was meant too.


All too soon it was Halloween and that morning Harry had a letter from Sirius detailing the progress of the house and the plans for yule. Harry almost felt as if something was wrong but he chalked it up to never having a normal year before.
As they sat down to the Halloween feast Dumbledore stood and called for their attention.
"Welcome one and all." Grandfatherly persona in full swing. "This day 13 years ago the Dark Lord Voldemort was defeated I ask you all to raise your glasses in a toast to all who died in that war so we could live in peace now. A moment of silence for those brave souls." Silence descended and to many's suprise Professor Severus Snape was the one to break the quiet.
"Animis Fortibus Saluto Te." * 'brave souls I salute you.
Snape downed his glass and sat a mpve repeated by the staff and with much mispronouncation by the rest of the school. The feast continued on as normal and Harry felt for once that everything would be ok. All school work seemed to come easily for Harry. A fact the annoyed both Ron and Hermione for different reasons. It came to a head two weeks before the Christmas break when Ron the prat appeared.
"Come on Harry all you do now is homework why don't you take a break and play some chess with me?" Ron grumpily stated. "It's like your turning into Hermione."
"And what would be wrong with that?" Hermione asked icily. "Just because you leave everything till the last minute doesn't mean everyone else does."
"You should stop corrupting Harry and keep your big nose out of it bookworm." Ron shouted red faced. Hermione was about to reply when Harry closed his text book with a loud snap.
"Ron please don't speak for me." Harry said coldly. "And I do agree with Hermione there is nothing wrong with getting my work done. I mean that's why we came here to learn not play chess all day."
"Bu-b-but th-" Ron started but Harry cut him off.
"Remember first year the mirror of erised. How could you be quidditch captain and head boy if you don't put the work in. I need to do my best and unlike the last two years no one is actively trying to kill me." Harry added. "I have family now, a family that expect me to do well. I won't let them down cos you want to play games. Besides if I get the work done tonight my weekend is free for fun."
"Oh whatever." Ron said sarcastically stomping up to the boys dormitory.
"That was well said Harry." Hermione said quietly.
"Thanks 'Mione I will go finish the conversation once I've done this last bit of my Runes homework." Harry said turning back to open the book and writing on the parchment infront of him.
"Runes isn't due till after the holidays, why are you doing it now?" Hermione asked.
"So it's done." Harry replied. "I will do my homework as soon as I can then I have nothing to do but enjoy the time off."
"That's very mature of you." Percy said. "Hopefully with both you and Hermione, Ron won't do too bad on hid exams." Harry smiled and turned back to his work. Half an hour later Harry was done packing up his things he went to try and talk some sense into Ron.
Seamus, Dean and Neville were playing snap in the corner of the common room so he knew the coast was clear. Ron sat in his bed looking glum, muttering to himself.
"Ron." Harry called as he put his bag down.
"Oh bugger off Harry." Ron said gruffly. "I don't need to hear any more."
"Petrificus Totalus." Harry froze Ron. "That tough mate cos I have a few things to say and you are going to hear them. First off I am gonna say you may be a prat sometimes but your still my best mate. Even though you can put your foot in it I know you mean well. Second I want to do well. No scratch that I need to do well Voldemort will come back one day he's tried to kill be three times and I need to know all I can to stop him. You are a great strategist right now and I  believe you could be even better if you can just stop the prattish side. You were the first friend I ever made and your family has welcomed me into expecting nothing. I know your angry right now but I hope you can see I mean the best for you. I know my fame can be a pain and you get pushed back like with your family. But no matter what my come your my best friend and brother. Finite."
