Chapter 24

Upon entering the bank the guards bowed slightly to the trio as they passed them by. Sirius looked a little curiously at them it didn't happen the last time. As they approached the line for the tellers a goblin appeared and bowed to Harry.
"Heir Potter-Black how may Gringots serve you today." Griphook said certiously for a goblin.
"Good day to you Griphook."Harry replied bowing to him in return. "Is Silvershard available?"
"Of course, please follow me." The goblin gestured to them and led them done the now becoming familiar to Harry. After knocking on the door Griphook opened the door said a sentence in gobblediegook got an answer and led them into the room. This was all very bemusing to Sirius who had never been so well treated by the goblins in his life. He sat down wondering how Harry seemed to be on such good terms with them. He even had a goblin who gave him personal service, how had that happened.
"Good day to you Lord Black and to you Heir Potter." Silvershard said as soon as they were seated. "How may I help you today?"
"Good day to you Silvershard." Harry replied. "We are looking to have an object cleansed and we are hoping that you can help."
"Gringotts is always ready to help for a price." Silvershard explained chuckling slightly.
Harry gestured to Sirius who had been silent until this point.
"What? Oh yes Kreacher please place the object on the desk." He said a little nonplussed. As Kreacher placed the object on the desk, the desk glowed a sickly dark colour. Both goblins grimaced and Griphook pulled a strange looking tubular device from behind the desk and proceed to have a rapid conversation with gobblediegook. Sirius and Harry exchanged sombre looks.
"Nasty dark magic." Kreacher muttered.
"Your elf is indeed right Lord Black." Silvershard spoke as Griphook continued his conversation. "That is some of the worst dark magic we have ever come across. We will of course cleanse the item for you. Griphook has called for a containment box as items such as this can effect the area around it."
"How much will it cost?" Sirius asked glaring at the locket.
"With such a dark item it can be costly but no more than 5000 galleons." Said Silvershard evenly.
"Small price really for ridding the world of such evil." Harry remarked. Sirius looked at Harry in suprise at the statement not that he didn't agreed but the venom in Harry's words startled him.
"Harry do you have knowledge of such objects?" Sirius asked. Harry fidgeted under his gaze, he would have to tell Sirius at least some of what he knew.
"When I came here the day after leaving the Dursley's I asked for a health check from the goblins. I didn't think I could count on discretion from St mungos and the goblins took great card if me." Harry explained. "Silvershard do you have a copy of my health record?"
"Yes Harry it's right here." He said shuffling the papers on his desk, passing one piece over to Sirius. Sirius's face as he looked at the paper was a range of emotion. Shock, eye raising suprise, red faced anger to full on rage. Harry supposed it wouldn't be long before he exploded and he was right less than a second later.
"YOU HAD A HORCRUX INSIDE YOU!!!?" He cried alarmed. "How is it that no one ever found out?! God I thought you would have been well looked after by Dumbledore but this-" Sirius broke of seemingly unable to continue.
"I know Sirius I know." Harry said speaking softly. "Dumbledore may be the leader of the light and defeater of Grindlewald but he is just a man. He does tend to think of us as chess pieces rather than living breathing people who can make our own decisions."
"Yes we have seen the evidence even here in the bank." Silvershard said coarsely.
"Well I don't, I mean I think- rather I just-." Sirius began to ramble. "I need time to think about this"
"I did too." Harry agreed. "He hid so many things from me and now. I don't know it makes it hard to trust him."
"There is an old muggle saying 'trust but verify.' " Silvershard added. "A most appropriate saying in this case."
"Yes that is very true." Sirius said eventually. "Well it's almost time for dinner we must be going but I will be in touch soon. My thanks Silvershard please notify me when the item is cleansed. We need to go to the Black family vault before we leave."
"Of course Griphook will escort you." Pressing a button on the desk the goblin replied rising to escort them to the door. "May your ventures be profitable and your enemies fall at your feet."
"Good day to you Silvershard may your gold heap in mountains and your enemies fear your every breath." Sirius gave the formal farewell to him and both he and Harry bowed to Silvershard and were met outside the office by Griphook.
"Lord Black how may I be of service?" He asked politely.
"We wish to visit the Black family vault please." Sirius replied. After a hair raising trip and a quick rumage through the crates Kreacher found the sleeping portrait of Regulas Black. Ordering the elf to take it back to Grimmauld Place they left the bank.
As they walked back towards the Leaky Cauldon Sirius began to digest the startling news he had just heard. He could rarely believe the callous manner in which Dumbledore had treated not just Harry but them all. He knew that Potter Manor had some of the toughest wards that rivaled Gringotts in it's strength. So why had James and Lily not stayed there? Why had Dumbledore not trusted the same magic's that had kept the Potter's safe for generations? So many questions buzzing through his head he barely noticed they had arrived back at their temporary home. Pushing his dark thoughts aside Sirius decided to make the rest of the holidays the best he could for Harry. After a loud but happy dinner the kids retreated to Harry's room to play exploding snap for a while. The adults however were gog up to speed on the events in the bank.
"That wasn't in the health record I saw." Remus exclaimed angrily. Having arrived just before dinner Remus was insenced at the actions Dumbledore had taken.
They spoke for quite some time on the course they should take and the way to react when they saw Dumbledore again. They eventually agreed to do nothing for no. As long as Harry was not in danger nothing would be done but the headmaster would be watched carefully. Talking things over with the Weasley's Sirius asked if they could plan a few days out. Upon Remus's advice they would take the kids to the cinema and the zoo before they went back to school. Having worked at both places Remus could help them muddle through well enough so no obliviators were needed. As most of the plans for the house were done it only needed the house elves to clean up the place. Work would start when the kids were back at school. Fun times would be had and maybe some shopping. Enthused by the plans in place they went there separate ways to get some rest. Molly checked and found the kids having a card tournament despite the late hour. After scaring them out of their skins she sent them off to bed with the promise of fun activities tomorrow. Harry settled down for the night happy that Ginny had started to open up and be friendly towards him. Rather than her hero worshipping attitude that he used to get from her. Breakfast was an even more joyful time once the plans for outings were announced by Sirius. Arthur was particularly excited to see a 'moving picture' as he called it. And it was decided that if they liked it hey could see at least one more before going back to school. The day passed quickly with lots of fun and laughter, and not one incident with Hermione helping with the money and what to do when in the cinema. The twins and Ginny loved Jurassic Park. Molly, Percy and Hermione watched the Sercet Garden a film based on a book whist the others watched the Last Action Hero. The rest of the time was spent praising the muggle technology and food. None of them had ever had popcorn before. They eat at a McDonald's before returning and as they had all exhausted themselves went straight to bed. Even the twins didn't argue about the early night. The next day they went shopping and Molly was impressed at the wide range of stores and how much cheaper things were. New clothes were brought for all as well as a few muggle items for Mr Weasley to tinker with when he got home. The Zoo was next and everyone marvelled at the different animals. Harry even had a brief chat with a python. Though he didn't set that one free. The twins convinced the others to go back to the cinema one last time before school. They decided on a comedy called Robin Hood Men In Tights which made them all laugh and had the twins singing the songs for the next few days.

Harry couldn't remember the last time.e he had laughed so hard. It was the best thing as tomorrow the Black Family Meeting was being held. Harry had a feeling it would not be an easy day.
