Chapter 3

Harry felt full of nerves as he sat down next to Bill weasley. How to go about this he had the start of a plan but his plans had almost zero chance of going right. As Mrs Weasley fluttered around the kitchen Harry gathered his gfyfindor courage and spoke
"Bill I have a plan for the meeting with the Goblins today and i was hoping you would tell me what you think about  it?"
"Well why dont you explain and I will help where I can." said Bill watching the boy carefuly.
Harry looked towards Mrs Weasley's back and motioned towards the garden, knowing that she wouldn't like the plan he had come up with.
Bill got up and Harry followed they walked thrrough the garden towards Mr Weasleys shed opened the door and gestured to Harry.
Once they where inside Bill put up some privacy charms and turned expectantly to Harry.
"So my plan is basically to offer half of my complete wealth to the goblins as compensation for my actions." he said in a voice that sounded firmer than he felt.
Bill was quiet for a few seconds and several emotions passed across his face.
"Well I can see the merits of it Harry but are you sure this is what you want?" he said eventually.
" Yes I have thought about it but I did break in and steal from them, as Hermione said repartions should be made, and I really dont want to start another war." said Harry.
"Fine but first ask for a inheritance test and full audit of your accouunts first." said bill firmly. "Professor mcgonagall said that Dumbledore kept lot of your heritage from you and that now everything was over you should know."
Harry looked shocked that the man he had trusted most in the world had kept things from him but that was just par for the course for him nodding to Bill he said "Ok thanks for letting me know but i best be getting ready to leave my appiontment is at 10am and I dont think I want to be late."
"Yes dont be late infact get there early the goblins like that." said Bill " Try to remeber the names of the goblins you talk to, say please and thank you and above all dont smile to them showing teeth is a sign of agression." he said whilst rushing to get back to the house and finally saying "I have to go now but I will try to meet you to help smooth things over see you later ." He turn to his mother and kissed he on the cheak turned on the spot and diapperated.
As Harry walked up the stairs lost in thought , but after glancing at his watch hurried along to his room and rushed to gett ready for the day.
After a tense few minutes of Ron and Hermione trying to come along with him Harry finally jumped into the fire and with a handful of floo powder and a flash of green he was gone.
