Chapter 4

Stumbling through the floo Harry only just manged to right himself before he was crowded by the patrons of Diagon Alley. It took Harry at least 20 minutes to exracte himself for the many people crowding around to touch the Boy who lived , the chosen one. Harry was feeling decidedly sick of it all. Walking towards Gringots he could see the damage that had been caused by th dragons escape.
Goblin guards gave  Harry decidedly nasty looks asa he walked into the bank and two of them rushed to his side before he had even got to the makeshift counter. The closest Goblin spoke to Harry and said he would be escourted to see the head Goblin Ragnok.
Harry  said ok and asked the goblins to please lead the way his politeness earning him points with all the Goblins present. But Harry was nervous wht would they say to his proposal. Would they even listen to him or just kill him outright?
Harry was led into a spacius office and a well dressed Goblin spoke 'Ah Mr Potter please take a seat. ' As Harry sat he continued 'As you have comitted a crime on the grounds of Gringots the goblin nation has the right to try you as a enemy of Goblin race.'
Harry felt the sweat begin to form on his brow and he felt that familiar sense of dread creep over his soul, was he wrong coming here alone was he actually going to die this time. what could only be called a predatory smile stole over the Goblins face as he basked in Harry's obvious discomfort.
'However we must take recent events into account and your letter to us was very detailed in your reasons and help from Griphook who has payed the ultimate price for his betrayal. So now we must deal with you ,you said you would explain when you got here Mr Potter how you plan to make this up to the Goblin Nation?'
'Well um,' Harry hesitated as he had not been introduced and didnt know this Goblins name.
'I am Ragnok head of Gringots.' he said .
'Right sorry Ragnok I would like to start by asking for the total for all the accounts of house Potter please' Harry said as politly as he could manage.
'Certainly Mr Potter we have prepeared things for you already may I ask why?'
'Please call me Harry and as to why, well I never knew of the accounts for house Potter I thought that all I had was what was in the vault that I saw when I first came with Hagrid. Until Bill weasley told me otherwise, I had no idea that there was any more.' said Harry quietly.
'You mean to say you have never recived a statment of your accounts or the yearly profit report for your houses investments?' Ragnok asked with anger marring his tone.
'No never' said Harry his own anger rising now. Who would have hidden this from him. A sudden realiseation spread over Harry, Dumbledore he never expected me to survive of course he would have kept this from me no point telling me if i was going to die was there.
Without a word Ragnok handed over a file and as Harry looked through it he got angrier and angrier all this was kept from him by the person he had trusted the most. Red mist surrounded Harry and he nearly leapt to his feet to go and blast that damn tomb apart when Fawkes appeared and the phoenix's song washed over him calming him enough to not rush off at least.
'Sorry about that ' said Harry trying to even out his breathing. 'I just worked out who kept this from me and it made me very angry. My appologies for not keeping my temper better.'
"No need to appologise Mr Potter in your shoes I would already be hunting the miscrent down, blade at the ready.' said Ragnok with a wicked grin and it was wicked he had never seen the like before.
'Well on to the damage I have caused you  from the looks of my balance I could quite easely afford to pay for the repairs to Gringots and the rest of Diagon Alley and it wouldnt put too much of a dent in my finances, so I must ask aside from money what else can I offer you as compensation?' Harry asked getting back to the matter in hand.
Ragnok seemed to be weighing up what Harry had just said and after what for Harry had seemed like an enterinty said 'A full appology infront of the bank reported in the Daily prophet.'
' To the Goblin Nation or to you personally?' Harry asked.
Again there was a moment of silence and in a measured tone Ragnok said
'Both I think and of couse the Money.' This was said in a stern tone with a sharp look as if he was expecting harry to object.Harry nodded his head in agreement and then said 'When the bank is restored to its former golry I would like you to access the contents of my vaults for Gobin made items so i can pay rent or return said items to the Goblin Naion.'
Ragnok looked at Harry in suprise no wizard had ever proposed this before and he quickly agreed before the man before him could take it back.
'May I ask what gave you that idea Mr Potter?' Ragnok asked trying to keep his voice even.
'Bill Weasley has done a very good job educating me on Goblin customs.' Harry replied.
'Yes he is a very skilled curse breaker.' Ragnok said.
'And a good friend one of my best.' said harry 'Perhaps you could contact the Prophet and they could send a reporter, we might as well do this today.' said Harry without enthusiasm. He would never like reporters but the sooner this was over with the better.
'Of course Mr Potter.' said Ragnok signaling to a guard who nodded and left the room.After a while of small talk concering payment methods and repair timetables, untill a new Goblin came and with a whisper and gesture to Harry he was soon swept out of the room down the hall and out onto the steps and infront of the bank.
Harry made a brief statment and then therr were questions and eventuallly Harry was able to make an escape with a bow to Ragnok and a handshake. Finally free he all but ran to the Leaky Cauldron and with a small smile at Tom the bar man he was off not  to home (aka the burrow) to the ministry he had more business to take care off.
After stumbling yet again through the floo to the ministry Harry  was oncw again surrounded by fans and well wishes . Harry strated to panic , not that the people around him noticed they were to busy trying to touch him to grab onto the boy who lived fortunately Kingsley appaered and ushered Harry to his office. Seeming to know that Harry needed some peace and quiet he left Harry in the corner of his office went to his desk and began to do paper work until Harry was ready to talk to him.
"Thanks for that," Harry said after a good 10 minutes implamenting the all the calming techniques that Hermione had taught him and Ron in an efffort to help them heal. "I hate when that happens."
"Its alright Harry after all that you and the others have been through I am suprised your still standing." Said Kingsley mirthlessly. "Now what brings you to the ministry today, got some ground breaking anouncement to make."
The tone of Kingsleys voice reminded Harry of sirius in that moment the teasing tone calling to him bringing with it some of harrys better days.
"Well it occured to me as I was standing on the steps of gringots that I never passed my apperition test and I thought that it would be a good idea to correct that I wouldnt want to be arrested. You know a war hero and all would not want to make the ministry look bad."
"I cant argue with you there I will call down to the test department and let them know your coming or did you need an auror escourt to save you from your adoring fans?" Said Kingsley in that same joking tone making Harrys heart clench oddly.
"No thanks I will be ok."  said Harry not really thinking that he would but if there was one thing Harry knows how to do is fake it. "Thanks for the offer but I think I will be ok. But um where do I need to go I was gonna ask at the help desk but well I got ambushed."
"No problem Harry just ask at the lift for the department of transportation." Said Kingsley. "Tell Molly  that I will be round later in the week for dinner, that is once I get out from this pile of papers."
This was said with a wry smile. "What regretting becoming minister already?" Harry asked with his lopsided grin.
"Sometimes I wish I was still just an Auror much less paperwork, it's a hangover from Fudge he like to micro manage every single department and I'm having trouble getting them to see I trust them and I dont need daily updates from them. But such is the way of things we will progress slower than I would like." Kingsley said chuckling. "Good luck on your test but I imagine you will do well."
With that Harry left the office and got round fairly quickly passed his test quite easily with the examiner in awe that The Chosen One had to pass the test like everyone else. Exhausted Harry apperated to Grimmauld place asked Kreacher to send a message to the  Burrow that he would be back by lunch at the latest the day had taken too much out of him and he needed the solace that being there would provide. Making his way to one of the few rooms that Kreacher had managed to repair he fell on to the bed and was asleep almost before his head hit the pillow. But as was usual for Harry he woke a few hours later screaming his heart racing and found Kreacher looking on at him with what could only be elfish concern.
