Chapter 25

At breakfast Sirius announced the plan for the Black family meeting later that day. As Harry and Sirius would be busy all day Hermione decided to hound Ron about his summer homework. Molly hearing Ron had barely started his corralled her children so she could check their work. Luckily for Harry and Percy they had both finished and the twins had only the potions essay left.
Laughing as he left with Sirius Ron gave Harry a glare and a rude gesture that Molly caught. Harry's laughter increased as his best friend was getting yelled at by his mother.


A quick trip via Dobby and they were soon at the vastly improved Grimmauld Place. The elves had done a fantastic job on the place. Kreacher bending low to them informed them that the 1st floor and kitchen were completely clean not only of dirt but also all dark objects. The library had also been completed on the second floor, with all dangerous books locked to the shelves until Sirius decided what to do with them. They could not believe the light and airy feel of the house. Sirius said it had never been that way even as a child the house had never looked so good.
As they explored Sirius's eye was drawn to the portrait of his brother. Kreacjer explained that it would sleep until activated by him. Cautiously Sirius approached the painting. He simply stared at it remembering all the good times with Reggie, and tearing up at the thought of the last conversation he had with him. He had told Regulas he would be dead within a month if he joined Voldemort. They had said such harsh words, and although their parents had disowned Sirius, Regulas never did. Not until that day.
Harry came to stand beside him.
"Go on Pads." Nudging him. "We should wake him now. I mean he can't be any worse than your mother's portrait."
Harry had hoped the joke would cheer him up a bit but instead Sirius chocked back a sob.
"I guess so." He said eventually his voice uneven. As he pressed the Lord Black ring to the frame and pushed a bit of his magic into it Regulas awoke blinking.
"Brother?" Regulas asked softly.
"Yes Reggie it's me." Sirius said his voice coarse with emotion.
You could Regulas look around with wonder. Eventually he disappeared from the frame. Surprising Sirius when he came back praising the condition of the house and Kreacher and the other elves for their hard work.
"Regulas we are having a family meeting soon." Harry said. "Perhaps we can move you to the dining room so you can watch over it."
"I would like that." Regulas replied. "But who are you? You look like Potter but not the eyes."
"Oh yes let me introduce you." Sirius finally spoke recovering from the shock. "This is Harry James Potter my godson and Heir to the house of Black."
"Well welcome to the family Harry." Regulas replied. They were about to continue when Corbey popped in to say that the Tonks family had arrived. Sirius ordered Regulas moved to the dining room as they left to greet Ted, Andromeda and Nymphadora. Both Harry and Sirius were engulfed in hugs from Andi as she told Harry to call her. Sirius had arranged for them to arrive earlier than the Malfoy's so Sirius could tell them the plan. After greetings and introductions they led them into the dining room. Tonks was thrilled to meet Harry and her wayward cousin. Ted and Andi were happy to be accepted back into the house of Black. As they began discussing what would happen with Lucius and Narcissisa, Andi let out a godawful shriek when she saw the portrait of Regulas hanging above the fire behind Sirius.
"Oh Sirius where ever did you find him?" She half asked half exclaimed.
"Kreacher told me of his portrait and Harry thought it would be better than the screaming banshee that was my mother." Sirius chuckled. "So we replaced her with Reggie."
"Now Siri you know I hate that name." Regulas drawled. "Lovely to see you again cousin. Well it's lovely to see anyone." They all chuckled at Regulas's joke.
"We will be sure to include Regulas in the discussions we will be having today." Sirius added. Talk then turned to the plans for the Malfoy's and different scenarios were made depending on Lucius and Narcissisa's responses. A light lunch was delivered by Kreacher who treated everyone with the respect. As the clock chimed one Tiskey popped in to announce the Malfoy's had arrived. As Sirius went off to greet them Kreacher cleaned the table and brought tea. As the Malfoy's entered the room the tension rose. Lucius looked again that the Tonks had been included. Narcissisa looked at her sister's family with a kind of longing. Draco on the other hand looked bored and disinterested. As they sat at the table Sirius ag the head one end. Harry as the Heir sat at the head the other end. Andromeda sat to Sirius's right with Ted  next to her. Dora sat on her father right nearest to Harry. Narcissisa took a seat opposite her sister. Lucius sneered at Harry and sat next to his wife. Draco copying his father sat closest to Harry.
"Well now that we are all seated. You are all aware of who's who. Yes good you might be wonderingwhy Harry is here I have named him as my Heir. So he sits as the official Heir to the house of Black. " Sirius said brightly. Lucius looked slightly green at his words. "I call the Black family meeting to order. May the magic of the house of Black protect and defend the line of the house of Black. So mote it be." As he spoke the last words a golden glow engulfed the room. Draco looked suprised he had never seen the Black magic's at work before.
"Now on to business. I Sirius Orion Black head of the house of Black do formally induct Andromeda Tonks back into the Black Family. I as head of the house do declare that all rights and dowery's are restored. Also her husband  Ted Tonks and daughter Nymphadora Tonks are welcome into the house of Black. So I have spoken so mote it be." A golden glow surrounded the three Tonkses at his words. Narcissisa looked surprisingly pleased. Both Lucius and Draco wore twin faces of horror. Ted, Andi and Dora felt the magic's wash over them. Andi who had felt like something was missing all these years was suprised at the contentment she now felt. Everything was back where how it was supposed to be. Smiles were shared between the Tonkses, Harry and Sirius. Clearing his throat Sirius began again. "I as head of the house of Black anull the marriage of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange and cast out Bellatrix Lestrange for dishonouring the family and pledging loyalty to the Dark Lord Voldemort. All dowery and property will be returned to the Black family vault. I call upon the family magic's to pass judgement on their actions. So I have spoken so mote it be." A golden glow once again filled the room and in the sitting room next door the faces of Bellatrix and her husband smoked silently. Lucius looked decidedly uncomfortable at this and Narcissisa had a slightly smug smile on her face.
"Now before I begin with you Lucius." Sirius said with a nasty edge to his voice. "Have you explained to your son just what the primacy means? No well no matter I will explain now. When your father was given my dear cousins hand in marriage it was under the contract that Narcissisa was the one in charge of your upbringing. She should have been teaching you the rights and rules as a member of the house of Black.  Also providing you with the appropriate rules for conducting yourself infront of the wizarding world. But hearing the stories from my Heir you could do with a refresher in behaviour." This was said glaring at Lucius. They all knew where Draco would get such attitudes.
"Now on to the options we have for you Lucius." Sirius continued an evil tone filling his voice. "Now as Narcissisa is now your head of house she will choose the option you will have to live with. As you cannot be trusted Andi can you do a health scan on her to make sure her mind is her own." At his words Lucius drew his wand and pointed it towards Sirius.
"Adarv-" Lucius began but the family magic's fell upon him turning the dark curse back upon him. He fell to the floor in a heap. No one moved Draco looked at his father in part horror part relief. Narcissisa recovering from the shock swooped Draco in to her arms clutching him in relief. Spurred into action Sirius and Andi went to Narcissisa and Draco.
"Are you both ok?" Sirius asked.
"N-no." Narcissisa said her voice uneven. " He had us both under the imperious curse and he regularly used the cruciatus curse to keep us in line." Horrified by her words Andi asked. "May I use my wand to check them?"
"Yes of course." Sirius said waving his wand. "I call this meeting of the house of Black to a close. So I have spoken so mote it be." The room glowed one last time and the doors opened.
"Dora can you report to the Auror's please they will want a full account. Ted I think it's best we move to the sitting room and wait for them to come." Sirius ordered. Ushering them from the room Harry ended up the other side if Draco holding him up. Draco didn't protest as Harry help lower him to a seat. Looking at him Harry could see the after effects of the curse in Draco's arms and legs.
"Sorry for everything." Draco said suddenly catching Harry's attention. "My father, well he made sure I would behave a certain way in public. Although I could see how I offended you in the first year. I then had to follow what my father instructed or would be hit with the cruciatus. Every time Granger beat me to the top spot was not a pleasant experience for me. Please pass on my appologies to her. It was very wrong of me to call her a mudblood but father had me under the imperious then. Still I acted like a fool sorry." Draco spoke softly but clearly and Harry could see genuine regret on his face.
"I can accept your apology for me but Hermione will make her own choice." Harry replied. "I dont think we will ever be friends but I can be civil if you can."
As Harry spoke he held out his hand to Draco. Draco smiled nodded and shook Harry's hand. Looking over at his mother and cousins he could see they were pleased with his and Harry's words.
Bustling in to the room Dora was followed by Rufus Scrimgeour and Amelia Bones.
