Chapter 27

Once Severus returned home he went to the spare room cast several silence and protective wards. Allowing his mental barriers to drop and his anger to flow. His magic was unleashed in a torrential wave of rage. After his anger abated he was a little breathless and sore. Gathering his strength he waved his wand and righted the room and left to try and sleep. But sleep wouldn't come this holiday was worse than previous ones. First the will reading, learning that Potter's life was close to his own childhood had rocked him to the core. Then the letters, Lily's Letters. Her words brought out the best in him. She was the kindest person and she had passed that on to her son. But he had never let himself see it before. Then there was Albus's interference dumping the boy with those awful people. Then Lucius what was he thinking. Treating his family that way. Of all the things that had happened that was the worst. Sleep finally claimed him in the early hours of the morning. Waking at his alarm blinking sleep from his eyes. He noticed an owl tapping on the window. Letting the owl in he took the letter and recognised the gringotts seal.
Lord Severus Snape
We regret to inform you of the death Lord Lucius Malfoy. He has named you in his last will and testament. We ask that you be present at the reading at 10am on the 26th of August.
Head of Malfoy accounts.
Swearing he sent a quick note to Minerva explaining his absence on that day. He was thankful that Albus was still at the I.W.C meeting.


Narcissisa woke with a stiff feeling in her neck blinking she began to recognise the room she was in. Memories from the previous day came flooding back. Her husband was dead she could almost dance with joy. Trying to sit up she groaned waking Draco and Andi. Andi rushed to her sister forcing her back down.
"Don't move. Severus came last night and left some potions for you." She held out the potions for her to drink. "Draco be sure to take yours too."
From the other sofa Draco did as he was bid and drank the foul potions grimacing at the taste. At that point Harry entered the room.
"Morning, Tiskey has breakfast ready for you in the kitchen." He said greeting them. "Do you want it brought to you or are you up to eating in the dining room?"
"Could you have the elf bring the food here I don't want Cissy to move just yet." Andromeda replied before Narcissisa or Draco could speak.
"Of course." Harry called the elf and breakfast appeared on trays. Tiskey conjured tables and placed food in front of all of them. Sirius entered as soon as they were done.
"Morning all." He said cheerfully. "I have letters for you and Draco. Also we must decide on how things will play out outside of the house. As I now hold the primacy over house Malfoy, Draco as your fathers heir you are now under my protection. Cissy we must have a discussion on what we will do now. Did you want to remain at Malfoy Manor or did you want move to a Black property?"
"I don't quite know the terms of Lucius's will I don't know if he will be required to stay in the Manor or not." She replied.
"Well either way we will just have to wait." Sirius said in a resigned tone. "Thankfully one of the letters I received this morning was from Gringotts the will reading will be on the 26th at 10am."
"That's tomorrow." Andi said.
"I have a few days off from work did you want me to stay with you."
"I'd like that thank you sister." Narcissisa replied grasping her hand. "Do you think we could stay here?"
Looking at Sirius as she asked.
"Well I don't know the state of the bedrooms but I'm sure we can get them cleaned at least." Sirius said thoughtfully.
"Do you think we could share the room?" Draco asked quietly. "It's just I don't want, I mean I'm not-"
"You want to stay with your mum so you can see that she is safe." Harry finished for the boy as he was having trouble getting the words out, Draco nodded.
"Yeah what he said." He agreed.
"We must also decide when we want the news of his death to break." Sirius said. "Did you want to him placed in the family crypt or I don't know rolled into a ditch in the countryside."
"Perhaps a small family only burial ceremony and a quiet party for his business associates." Cissy said grinning slightly at Sirius joke. "If you could be there it would reinforce the Black connection and the hold you have over the house of Malfoy. I have no doubt many of his friends wouldn't hesitate to try and get control of me and my son."
"Yes I agree." Sirius's face darkened as he imagined what certain members of society could do with the wealth and power of the house of Malfoy. "Im sure you know what people to invite. Are your house elves answering you?"
"Yes the are quite happy that they now serve us. They should be able to make all arrangements and get the invites sent." Cissy said. "The day after the will reading would be best. Rip the bandaid off ad the muggles say."
"I agree the sooner we get this over with the better." Draco added. "And it serves to prove that we are under the protection of the house of Black. But I think that Harry shouldn't be present I wouldn't trust one of them not to try and kill him."
"I agree with you. Perhaps a short statment could be made to the Profit." Sirius nodded. "Not Rita Skeeter she has a way of sensationalising everything. Harry do you remember the name of the reporter from my trial?"
"Oh yeah it was Richard Simons or Simmons." Harry replied.
"Good I will contact him and let him take a brief statment as long as he promises not to let Skeeter anywhere near it."
With the promise that any further news would be passed on Kreacher was called and asked if there was a bedroom ready. Kreacher infromed him that a room had already been half done. With the elfs promise that it would be finished before nighttime, Sirius and Harry said their goodbyes and returned to the Leaky Cauldron. After explaining the situation to the Weasleys and Hermione with the promise not to repeat what they were told.
The day progressed quickly and just before dinner Hermione and Ron recived an owl from Draco. Ron read his letter sneering slightly, clearly not believing a word. Hermione on the other hand was a more forgiving person by nature seemed pleased at her letter. After a brief conversation (Ron being the most vocal against Draco.)they decided to be civil as long as he did.
Dinner was quieter than normal as everyone was caught in their own thoughts. Ginny seemed especially quiet and withdrawn. Harry called them all together he had decided with Sirius to offer them the chance to see the chamber of secrets.
"I think you should know I have contracted the goblins to remove and sell the corpse of the basilisk that I killed saving Ginny." As he spoke Ginny paled and Molly engulfed her in a hug. "As I have to be there to open the chamber and let the goblins in. I wanted to ask if any of you wanted to join me."
"I-I don't think I can." Ginny stuttered.
"That's ok Gin I wouldnt force anyone to go." Harry said. "But the offer still stands, if you or anyone else wants to come. Professor Mcgonagall has offered the use of her floo so I can get there."
"Well I will be joining you." Sirius said.
"I will already be there for the start of the school year." Remus said.
"Can we go mum?" Fred and George asked in unison. Molly tried to look stern and failed as both boys pulled pleading expressions.
"Perhaps it depends on your behaviour." She said finally. Both boys pouted and promised their best behaviour but Molly would not budge. Ron also declined once was enough. Hermione decided to go stating that she needed to put the nightmare. Discussion over the each went to their separate rooms and to bed.


In their room Arthur was talking with his wife about letting the boys go down the chamber. It wasn't until Arthur said he would go with them that she relented on the promise the boys behaved the next day.


Remus sat discussing with Sirius all that they had learned from the health report. He had to stop Sirius from going to hex the Dursley's several times. Only the threat of Azkaban would stop him. Harry had need of him after all.
Sirius recounted the horcrux information which suprised Remus greatly. They wanted to make sure Harry was never alone with him so he wrote to Minerva to ask her if she would be Harry's magical guardian while at school. Kreacher was called to pop the letter over and wait for a reply.
Half an hour and two glasses of fire whiskey later the elf returned with a letter.

Dear Sirius
Of course I will be happy to be Harry's family representative at hogwarts. There is a form available at the ministry. Once it has been filled in and signed I will be his guardian at the school. I know that on the 28th Harry will be coming with the Goblins to harvest the basilisk. Please pass on this message to Harry. The floo address is Gryffindor and the password is Lion's den I will expect you both around 9am. Don't be late.
Yours sincerely
Minerva Mcgonagall
Head of Gryffindor.

Happy that Harry would be safer from Dumbledore's 'guidance' at least for now. Sirius bid Remus farewell as he had to be at hogwarts for the start of the year. He went to bed with a smile on his face despite the upset the next day could bring.
