Chapter 38

As they got closer to the great hall Neville got more and more nervous. When a group of first years craned their heads to watch them Neville said he wasn't hungry despite the rumbling of his stomach.
"Come on we will go eat in the kitchens the elfs won't mind." Harry pulled him along towards the kitchen entrance. As Harry reached out to tickle the pear to get in a shout sounded behind them.
"There you are we have been looking all over for you!" Exclaimed an irate Hermione followed by Ron, Ginny, Luna and the twins. "Merlin you could have told us you'd be gone all day we've been worried about you."
Ron shrugged as he met Harry's gaze. The twins looked amused and Ginny looked sympathetic. Luna on the other hand started to wave her hands round Hermione's head as if trying to chase something away. Usually Hermione didn't try to stop her just said. "Thanks Luna I'm sure you got all the nargles." Tiredness creeping into her voice. "Well are you going to open the door or just stare at us."
"Right ok." Said Harry turning to open the door. What had happened while they had been gone today?
As they entered the head elf Kimmy came over to them bowing.
"How can Kimmy bes helping yous?" She asked.
"Could we eat in here please?" Ginny asked.
Kimmy nodded and said "Of course little miss. Please bes following Kimmy."
The elf lead them to a small table near the fireplace and elfs floated food over.
"Please bes asking if you wants anything." Kimmy said.
"Thanks Kimmy we will call you if we do." Harry replied.
They all took their seats and began to eat in silence. Until Neville got frustrated and bit out, "You don't have to baby sit me you know, I'm fine."
"Does it sound like that when I say it?" Harry asked chuckling softly.
"Yes." The other said in unison.
"Honestly Nev we aren't baby sitting you we just are being here for you." Hermione said.
"Of course we aren't." Luna said. "We are your friends right and friends support each other. Even against nargles muddying up your mind."
Neville looked shocked at the support that he was being offered.
"Whether you talk to us or not we are here for you mate." Said Ron. "If they all get too much we will sic gred and forge on them."
"Too right." The twins said together.
"If anyone" Said Fred
"Upsets you" said George
"They will answer to us." They both said.
Neville had tears in his eyes and while they eat he told them about his day, how hearing stories from the portraits helped. Once the meal was done they went back to the common room with Luna going to the Ravenclaw tower along the way.
As they entered silence fell Fred and George glared and there and then made a speech.
"No one is going to ask Neville" Fred began his voice unusually hostile.
"Anything. I'd they do" George continued in the same tone.
"We will be unrelenting in our pranks" Said Fred.
"Upon the culprits." George added.
"That includes" said Fred.
"Every house" said George.
"We will go to war for our friend." They finished togther.
"And we will help." Said Harry.
Harry, Ron and the twins headed towards their dorms and Hermione and Ginny said good night and went to their own. Neville went towards his bed in a daze, that his friends would stick up for him like that amazed him. Fred and George in his corner?! How did he get so lucky?


Over the next few weeks tensions were high and Harry was worried about what Crouch Jr was doing. The morning for the 20th of October was as innocuous as any other. Harry was getting ready for breakfast when he noticed the light on the goblin Post box blinking. After everyone else had left Harry opened the box. Inside was a letter from Gringotts, curious Harry noted it was an from Silvershard. They hadn't had any business to discuss and he knew not to contact Harry during school times unless it wad an emergency. Steeling his resolve he opened the letter prepared for bad news.
Dear Harry,
I know that you would prefer us to converse during the holidays but this situation demands immediate contact. You may not know that as the Heir of Slytherin by conquest you also inherited all property owned by Tom Marvlo Riddle was now yours. As with all your property we at Gringotts monitor all the empty properties to guard against theft. This provision was set up by the Peverell line and has been added to each line you have inherited. Saturday the 17th October the wards were tripped at Riddle Manor in Little Hangelton. A squad of security goblins was sent to secure the property and apprehend the culprits. They were met with not only with the snake that we have been long searching for and the aforementioned Riddle himself, in a damaged form. The fugitive Bartimus Crouch Jr was accompanying him. Though the battle was long and dangerous thankfully no lives were lost. The snake has been dispatched and Crouch Jr has been handed over to the D.M.L.E. The dark shade of Tom Riddle was destroyed.We at Gringotts thank you for the honour of battle given to us. Chief Ragnarok would like to see you at the bank at your earliest convenience.
Many thanks
Silvershard head of Potter accounts.
Harry read the letter and sat there dumbfounded. It was over he was really gone?! Harry stood from his bed and began pacing this couldn't be true right. This couldn't be how this ended. Harry stopped pacing Draco (old Draco) said his mark disappeared when Riddle died the first time. Snape would know Harry had to go and check. Harry rushed from the room and then rushed back to hide the letter in his trunk. Finding his map he checked to see that Snape was heading back to his office. Harry raced after him passing Hermione and Ron. Harry managed to catch Professor Snape  just before he reached his office.
"Professor Snape sir." Harry called. "May I have a moment of your time?"
"Alright Potter but hurry up I have as class soon and so do you." Severus said opening the door and gesturing inside. Once the door was closed Harry got nervous, how could he ask this question. Best to just get on with it Snape wasn't known for his patience.
"Sir this might sound like an odd request but, um can I see your dark mark please?" Harry asked though it was bluntly but politely. Snape looked taken aback at the request.
"May I ask why?" He asked cautiously.
"I think it might be gone but I would like to be sure." Harry replied. "Please sir I have to know."
"Alright Potter." Severus said pulling his sleeve up. He couldn't fathom why the boy needed to see it, most days he could barely stand to see the biggest mistake of his life. The nasty mark like a plague on his skin. Keeping his eyes on the boy rather than the blemish of his skin. When Harry gasped he looked down at him arm, his bare arm?! ", what? How did this happen? Does this mean he's really gone?" Severus was rocked to core.
"I think so yes." Harry said eventually coming to his senses. "I'd better get to class but I'd imagine the headmaster will want to discuss this at some point soon."
"Y.yes I believe he will." He replied shakily. Finding his resolve he added back to his normal self. "Get yourself along to class Potter I will not be giving you a note."
Harry rushed off leaving Severus to stare blankly at his bared arm.
