chapter 6

Arriving at the three broomsticks Harry and Ginny were engulfed in huge from the Weasleys and Hermione, but no George. Harry guessed that he could not face people and he didn't blame him, if Harry didn't have Ginny by his side he would never be able to face this day at all.
All those people looking towards Harry as the saviour of the wizarding world, when in actual fact all he was, was a scared young man with little to no experience and a badly executed plan that got mang of his friends and a lot of his family killed.
Melancholy struck hard in his heart as they made their way to the carriages to carry them to the memorial. So many times Harry and all his friends came this way in happier times the solemn faces of his what Harry had come to think of as family brought him back to the present.
The ceremony dragged on speeches were given and Harry's hand was shaken so much that it began to ache. Slipping away Harry turned to his old ways of exploring the castle last year the repairs had yet to be complete. Harry allowed himself to get lost in his memories and ended up looking at a familiar sight the mirror of erised. Steeling his resolve he gazed into the mirror.
Tears clouded his vision there were all their, Fred with George by his side smiling. Sirius and his parents, Remus and Dora all the people he had loved and lost all the friends who died everyone. Harry felt his anger grow in a way he hadn't felt since he was a child. His rage and grief welling up inside him all those lives all that loss if only he could change things. The grief,pain and rage made Harry fall to his knees, his vision went dark and he cast his mind to the last time he felt that way. Blackness swirled around him and a blinding pain flared through his body then with a thump he fell to the floor.

Looking around in confusion he was in his old room at private drive, what was going on. Did I apperate here? Harry mused standing up he noticed he was not as tall as he was used too.
Hedwigs squawk roused harry from his thoughts, pure joy flooded through him if she was here then maybe he had got his wish he could save them all.

Plans began to form in his mind depending on the year he could change things for the better. Checking his secret stache under the floorboards harry could see the cakes that his friends sent the summer before third year. A smirk worthy of malfoy bloomed on his face thing were going to be different this time round. Clutching the clipping that Ron sent him Harry sent a note to Remus hopefully they could meet in diagon alley to plan how to capture Peter. Scribbling a quick note to meet in the leaky cauldron and adding the clipping and a promise to explain when they meet he sent the letter off with hegwig and asked her to wait for a reply. Relaxing back on his bed Harry began to sort through his memories pleased to find that his shields were in place. That was good his mind was protected and he could still remember all the spells and all the training he did with the aurors. Also his animagus training was still in progressing and that thought filled him with joy he had discovered his form months ago and had been working on the transformation. He was not far off the complete transformation just his head to go so slipping back into his meditative state he had just began to feel his magic well up inside him.

"BOY" Uncle Vernon's shout jostled him up and into action before he even realised it. It was such a conditioned response, Harry obeying without even thinking about it
Making his way down stairs he groaned inwardly at the sight of large Marge and Ripper at the dinner table.
"Well boy, don't just stand there like an idiot serve the food." Vernon said with twin flares from the what her could only class as females in the room.
"He should get used to it, it's the only job he'll be able to get." Said Marge with a nasty edge to her voice.
Low chuckles sounded round the table as Harry began to serve the food, throughout the dinner Marge and Vernon's comments got worse and worse the more the drink flowed. When at last they insulted his parents again Harry lept into action inflating Marge and running from the room, grabbing his stuff and running out the door all before Vernon or the others could even move. Collapsing on the pavement near the park Harry sat planning his next move when movement across from him caught his eye. Harry's heart leapt in his throat Sirius he was right there.
"P ..Padfoot?"Harry stuttered "Is that you?"
His godfather whined and began to back away.
"Please, please don't go I know that you're innocent,please dont leave me again uncle siri" Harry begged.
The shadows surrounding Sirius lengthened and out of the darkness his beloved godfather appeared. Unable to contain himself he flung his arms around Sirius and held on for the longest moment. Harry had dreamed of this hugging him again, he was so overcome with emotion he couldn't speak.
"Harry as much as I want to keep hugging you we must stop now anyone could come along." Sirius said in a croaky voice unused for so long.
"Yes hide in your animagus form and go to Grimmauld place I will contact you soon." As soon as Harry said this Sirius looked as though he was going to argue. " I know you dont like that house but I need you safe. I know who the rat is and I will get him, Remus will help hes the defence teacher this year we will make a plan and catch him. Dont go putting yourself in harm's way for me. We will clear your name, I promise."
"Alright I can see this means so much too you so I will do as you ask but be careful about how you contact me." Said Sirius after along moment. "What are you going to do now?"
"First I will go to the leaky cauldron then tomorrow I will go to gringotts mum and dad's will is there and hopefully it will be enough to get you a trial at least. You better go." Said Harry hugging him one last time.
"Contact me when you can and be safe yourself." Sirius's eyes alight with hope. " Goodluck Harry." With that he melted into padfoot and bounded into the dark.
Straightening his spine Harry raised his wand called the knight bus and headed back to the wizarding world.
