Oh Death

Eden's POV*

I have been with the boys a few days now. We were doing research on how to get Sam's soul back from Hell without letting my brothers out too. Super easy I know! I was sifting through what felt like the thousandth book when Dean came back with takeout. "Find anything yet?" Dean asked.  "Does it look like I found anything?" I asked sarcastically. He chuckled, "Having fun I see." I glared at him. I hate homework. Bobby grunted, "Actually this might be something." I dropped my book and walked over to him. "There is one person who may be able to get Sam's soul back." Bobby said. "Great... who?" Dean said hopefully. "....Death." Bobby said. Yeah! Oh death and I are tight! I could probably talk him into getting Sammy's soul back. "Great! I'll handle that. See you soon." I said flying away before they could object. Those boys could be more protective than my brothers some times. 

  I landed outside of a cabin. I could sense death. I'm sure he knew I was there too. I walk in and he was seated at a table eating. "Eden. Please sit. I brought you one, from a little stand in Los Angeles known for their bacon dogs." I laughed and took the hot dog and sat down. "What is it with you and cheap food?" I smiled teasingly. "I could ask you the same question. Not to mention I am Death and cheap food brings me more business than any of my horseman brothers." He smiled taking a bite of hit hot dog. I laughed at his joke. He may be the only horseman I don't totally hate. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the purpose he serves to this world. I don't like the Death of anyone... but Death is a pretty cool guy. 

I pulled his ring out of my pocket and put it on the table. I frowned staring at it. "It's heavier than it looks isn't it. Sometimes I just want the thing off.... I am truly sorry about what happened to your brothers. Honestly I don't care that the brats are finally in time out, I'm just truly sorry you were the one who had to watch it happen..." Death said taking his ring back. "Thank you." I said sincerely. "You know I have been paying attention. You're doing a very good job as God. Better than your father ever did. I would know." I laughed and shook my head, "My father... He created everything and then bailed. He failed them. I can't say I'm much better though... I was away for so long. I know it wasn't by choice but still. Now I'm back and I'm trying... But I will fail. I'm no leader, Death. I'm just a sad, broken little girl playing God." Death scoffed and shook his head. "You are more God than your father ever was. You, my dear, are trying. And doing a damn good job... don't let anyone tell you differently..... Now to business, old friend, as much as I love seeing you. What do you want?" I sat up straight and smiled. "I know you know. But i'll ask anyway. I need you to get Sam Winchester's soul out of Hell... Please." 

He sat back and smiled. "Do you know why you make a wonderful God. Even though you have the power of the universe at your disposal. You could easily demand this of me using that little scary God voice of yours. and yet you don't. You asked... you still say please." I smiled and looked down. "Yes your highness I will get Sam Winchester's soul out of hell. But in return I must also ask something." Dean said. I nodded as if telling him Go on. "Dean Winchester had evaded me more times than I can count. He doesn't understand the balance that he continues to disrupt... He must wear my ring for 24-hours. He must BE death. If he does this I will save Sam's soul from the pit." I thought about it for a second. Then I nodded and held out my hand. "Deal"


Dean was acting Death. How ironic. When he came back he wasn't the same. Sam got his soul back. Death put up a wall in his mind though. He can't remember the cage. It's like a kid's guard in his mind. I thanked Death and we went our separate ways. I hope things get better. We are back to hunting. Sam is back. Things are looking up. 

