Auntie Amara

3rd Person POV*

Amara was winning. 

She had the Winchesters and Lucifer trapped against the wall. Chuck had been stabbed through the abdomen.  The angels and demons had barely caused a dent and the witches were no better. Amara was going to win. 

"Why?" Dean asked. Amara looked at him, "Because, Dean. I can."

She held up Lucifers Lance to strike Chuck down with a final blow. But the doors burst open revealing a majorly pissed off Eden. Her blood covered her face and dress. She pointed her flaming sword at her Aunt. "Stop!" Eden demanded using her god voice. Her eyes were glowing a bright white, rather than blue. Amara smiled, "ah the brave little abomination. I was wondering when you'd show up."  Amara sneered. "And when the final battle between the creation and the empty begins. When dark and light begin the final fight. One shall fall at the other's hand. Either creation or Darkness shall stand victorious. And the war will be over. And there shall be peace." Eden announced. "That was the prophecy death told my father. It is going to come to pass today Amara. But I must warn you... I do not intend to die." Her eyes glowing even brighter. Amara growled. 

"Why fight me. You WILL lose. You always lose... I mean take Dean for example. You love each other and yet I so easily stole him away from you." Amara smirked. "What the hell did she just say?!?!" Lucifer growled, eyes glowing red. "Now is really not the time lucifer!" I announced. If I live through this I'm so dead  Eden thought to herself. "Don't start a fight with ME little girl." Amara hissed. "I didn't start this fight. But I will be the one to finish it. Your hatred lies with me, Amara. Not the rest of creation."  Eden readied herself. "Oh, I do hate you. Which is why I can't wait to see you die." Amara also readied herself.

Amara threw the first blow, throwing Eden into a wall.  Eden hopped up and flew behind Amara kicking her to the ground. Blow after blow they swapped. Both were starting to weaken. Eden punched Amara across the face and while she was distracted cut the back of her knees with her flaming sword. Amara cried out as she fell to her knees. Eden flew in front of her once again. She pressed the tip of her blade into Amara's chest. "Stay down," Eden growled through grit teeth. She had won. Eden won the war against the darkness. 

Amara hated her. She saw the hatred in her eyes. "Do it." Amara hissed. Eden looked at her and felt something unexpected. pity. 

Amara was completely alone in the world. The only person she had, gave all his attention to Eden. 

Eden realized that Amara didn't hate her. She was jealous. She was lonely. 

"No," Eden said dropping her sword to the ground with a PANG. Amara looked at her confused. "I will not add to the bloodshed this war has caused... We can still be a family Amara. I pardon you. I forgive you. come home and we can finally be a family." Eden smiled holding out her hand. Amara took Eden's hand. Amara's heart broke. She saw the genuine kindness and love in Eden's eyes, "I'm sorry." Eden smiled. But Amara wasn't apologizing for what she had done. She was apologizing for what she was about to do. 

As Amara stood she grabbed Eden's sword from the ground and plunged it into her heart. "This was never about you," Amara whispered in her niece's ear. Amara hugged Eden tightly. Tears filled her eyes as she heard Eden gasping for air. Amara heard a chorus of screams but it sounded distant. Lucifer, Dean, Sam, and Chuck screamed in horror. "I-I forgive y-you" Eden whispered. Those were her final words. Eden fell to the ground. Blood soaked her shirt. The bright white light left Eden's eyes. Eden, the first creation, was dead.

Amara fell to her knees sobbing. She gingerly placed her hands on Eden's now cold face. "What have I done?... WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!" Amara cried. She pulled Eden's body close to her own and cried. With that, she was gone. Amara had disappeared with Eden's body.  The only remnants of what had happened were the two enormous wings burned into the floor.

The boys were released from the walls. They all sat in anger and agony. 

Eden was dead. 

And Chuck, the only one who could bring her back, would soon be dead as well. 

And when the final battle between the creation and the empty began. The dark and light began the final fight. One fell at the other's hand.  Creation was destroyed. 

A/N: HA HA HA (awkwardly laughs) OOPS! 
