Wedding bells


Eden's POV***

Dean and I were sitting at a bar. Him and Sammy were having issues... again. We were sitting there talking and drinking until Dean's phone went off. It was a text from Sammy. 

From: Sammy 

348 Twain Ave WEAR FED SUITS!

"What the hell?" I said. "He's four blocks away?" Dean said. We were both confused. But jumped up anyway. Sam must be in trouble. We left money on the table and ran to the impala. Dean drove over the speed limit and we got there in record time. We quickly changed into the fed suits and race into the... church? Okay maybe it's haunted or something. Dean, dressed in a suit, walks down the hallway. A light flickers above him and he draws his gun. I guess I was right. As we move to open the double doors at the end of the hallway, Sam opens the doors from the inside. Sam is wearing a suit and a pink boutonniere. Dean points his gun at him. Sam jumped, "Dean. It's okay. You won't need that. Come on." Sam puts a hand on Dean's shoulder and leads us into the chapel. A Woman and a Man are sitting against the wall. The Woman is reading a book and the Man doing a crossword from a newspaper. "I thought you were out, uh, becoming one with the land or some crap." I said as I was being dragged along. "You got to -- come here." Sam said moving Dean into position and then me. "All right. Now..." Sam pins a pink carnation boutonniere on Dean and hands me pink flowers. "What is this?" Dean says. "Uh, apparently, uh, pink is for loyalty." Sam responds. Okay I am beyond confused. "All right, so, what's the pretext? What are we -- uh, wedding crashers, huh? We lookin' for some kind of siren or what?" Dean said trying to understand. Sam shook his head "No. Nothing like that. All right, um... So, a little sudden. But life is short, so I'll keep this shorter." Sam puts a hand on Dean's shoulder. "I'm in love. And I'm getting married." Dean stares at Sam. Sam looks expectantly at Dean, "Say something, like, uh, like, congratulations, for example." I start to burst out laughing, "You kidding right?" I said. Just then Wagner's "Bridal Chorus" plays and a woman in a wedding dress and veil enters the room.  "What the hell?" Dean said. "Not joking?" I said. Dean looked at me. The woman in the wedding dress stops in front of Sam and Dean. Sam lifts her veil. "Becky?" Dean said surprised. "I'm so glad you're here." She smiled. "Drugs?" I said to dean. "Nah. monster?" He suggested. "No I would know. She's human." I said back. "Guys!" Sam interrupted us.

Dean turned to sam, "Shouldn't she ask for my permission or something?" Sam smiled, "Y-you want her to ask for my hand?" I stepped in cause dean obviously wasn't gonna be able to handle this, "How in the -- How did this happen?" Sam smiled "Short version? We -- we -- we met. We ate and -- and talked and fell in love. And, you know, here we are." I nodded sarcastically, "Yeah, I-I guess I'm all caught up. That's -- okay. You know what? Ignoring everything, have you forgotten the average life-span of your hookups?" Sam nodded, "Yeah, but --" Becky cut him off "But if anyone knows that, it's me. I mean, I read every book. So, open eyes, you know? Open eyes." They sounded like two kids trying to convince their parents to let them have a sleepover on a school night. "I'm gonna be sick." Dean said walking away but I grabbed his arm so he couldn't leave me alone with them. "Dean, look, it's simple. If- if something good's happening, I-I got to jump on it -- now, today, uh, period." Sam said. Dean shook his head,  "Okay, Dead Poets Society. Fine. No offense becky." 

Sam and Dean bickered back and forth. Becky walked over to me. "You know if you want I bet you and Dean could get married today too. WE'D BE ANNIVERSARY SISTERS! You and Dean are like my OTP. I've read lots of Edean Fanfic!" My eyes grew wide. "What the hell is Edean?" I asked. She smiled really big, "It's your ship name! You know... You and Dean. As a couple." I turned red immediately, "M-Me and Dean? n-no no i-it's not like that. We are BEST friends" She smiled. "For now" And then she walked over to Sam and Dean. Leaving me to have a melt down by myself. 


Dean has been staring at the clearance aisle in this store for over an hour. "What are we looking for again?" I asked Dean. I was sitting on the ground waiting for him to find whatever he was looking for. "Well sweetheart. We gotta find a wedding present to trick my little brother into thinking we are on board with this runaway crazy train." I stood up and grabbed the waffle iron and a bow. "Done. Now let's go. " I said. I grabbed his hand and begun dragging him to the checkout. It wasn't until we stopped I realized I was still holding Dean's hand. I let go quickly. Things have felt different between me and Dean after the whole Balthazar incident. I don't know how to describe it. It's not bad. Just different.

We arrived at Sam's place and I knocked since Dean's hand were full with the Waffle Iron. Sam opens the door. I smile and Dean talks, "Me being supportive. Congratulations to you and the missus." He hands him the present "Thanks." Dean nods, "It's a waffle iron. Non Stick. Yeah, you just, uh...Eden picked it out"  Dean mimes closing the waffle iron and turning a dial. "I actually don't know how to use it. Are we good?" Sam shrugs and smiles briefly.  "Good, 'cause I'm sniffing a case in this town. The score is... Guy wins Powerball, gets squished by a truck. Second guy went from the bench to the Majors. Oh, and one week later, his face was the catcher's mitt, huh?"  Becky spoke up, "Our first thought was crossroads demons, but there's that 10-year time frame on collecting souls." Sam leads the way into the bedroom, where Becky is standing in front of a wall headed "Sam and Becky's Investigation." Below the sign is their research. Me and Dean exchange looks. Becky continued, "Then there's cursed object, like in "Bad Day at Black Rock," but we haven't been able to connect the vics yet." Dean spoke up, "You're working this case... together?"  Sam nods, "Yeah. I know. Right? I mean, I guess all those Chuck Shurley books paid off." I nod, "All right, listen, Cookie, I don't know what kind of mojo you're working, but, believe me, I will find out." I spat at her eyes glowing. Sam stepped in front of her" Eden, that' wife you're talking to." He said pushing me back. Then Dean got in front of me majorly pissed off. Dean growled, "Don't you dare touch her! She's trying to help you Sam! You're not even acting like yourself, Sam!"  Sam scoffed, "How am I not?" Dean responded, "You married Becky Rosen!" Becky jumped in, "What are you saying? I'm a witch? Or maybe I'm a siren. Ever occur to you we're just -- I don't know -- happy?" I jumped in as well, "Come on, Sam! Guy wins the lotto, guy hits the bigs. All right, obviously, uh, people's dreams are coming true in this town. Don't you think this is a little bit of a coincidence?" Sam shook his head," You know what, Eddie?Dean? What Becky and I have is real. We are just as real as you two. And if you can't accept that, that's your problem, not ours." Dean shot back, "Or maybe she's part of it. Because for whatever reason, you're her dream. If you really do care about her, I'd be worried. Because people who do get their little fantasies or whatever seem to end up dead pretty quick." Sam got defensive, "You know, I went after her, Dean. Maybe that's what's bugging you -- that I'm moving on with my life. I mean, you took care of me, and that's great. But I don't need you anymore." I was shocked. When we fixed Sam I was gonna kick his ass for that one. Dean grabbed my hand and we left the apartment. Dean was hurt. I could see it in his eyes. I squeezed his hand tighter. We gotta fix Sammy.


Looks like I was right as always. Becky made a deal and DRUGGED sam into falling in love with her. We took care of the Demon. I let crowley take over his punishment with the promise he would make him suffer and eventually kill him. Obviously he accepted the terms. Sam signed the papers. Becky looked at Sam hopefully "It... it wasn't all bad, right?" Sam looks at Becky unsmiling. "Okay, y-you did save my life, and for that, thanks." Becky smiled," So, I'll see you again?" Sam furiously shook his head, "Yeah, probably not." Becky's face falls and she signs the annulment as Dean and me look on. Sam looked at his now ex-wife, "Becky, look. You're not a loser, okay? You're a good person, a-and you've got... a lot of... e-energy. So, you know, just do your thing, whatever that is, and the right guy will find you." She nodded and smiled. SAMUEL WINCHESTER WAS NOW OFFICIALLY DIVORCED! I am never going to let him live this down.

When we got to the car Sam spoke. "Look, guys, uh... When I was all dosed up, I-I said some crap." I pulled a fake shocked face, "Oh, you mean, she -- she wasn't your soulmate?" Sam laughed, "Shut up Eddie. I mean, I do need you watching my back. Obviously." Dean nodded, "Yeah, when, uh, crazy groupies attack". Sam chuckled, "You know what I mean." Dean shook his head. "You know, I got to say, man... For a whack-job, you really pulled it together." Sam smiled, "That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me. Look, don't be too impressed, man. It's still a Denver scramble up here. I just know my way around the plate now." Dean nodded, "I'm just saying. It's stupid to think that you need me around all the time. You're a grown-up." I smiled, " Yeah Sammy, You're a hike-in-the-desert, hippie-douche grown-up." Sam scoffed, "Dude, I was camping. Dean camps." Dean chuckled, "Yeah, whatever. Hippie." Dean walks to the driver's door and Sam to the passenger door of the car and I hop in back. Sam smiled, "You know what, though? Seriously? It might be nice." Dean looked at sam, "What?" Sam smiled to himself, "I mean, you basically have been looking out for me your whole life. Now you finally get to take care of yourself. About time, huh?" Dean nodded, "Yeah." Sam gets into the car. Dean stands a moment longer. Dean looked down, "Right." Then we drove away. 
