

It has been a year since the day in the cemetery. I have kept tabs on the Winchester and placed them under Heaven's protection but I haven't seen either of them in a very long time. Heaven has kept me rather busy. Meeting after meeting. Every decision on Heaven, Hell, or Earth is now mine to make. No wonder Dad left this is freaking stressful. Even death has been annoying the hell outta me. Apparently because I took the horsemen's rings, all wars, illness, famine, and death is now my responsibility. I haven't even had time to plan on how to bring my family back together. I miss how peaceful it was hunting with the Winchesters. And OH MY DAD do I miss quiet.  I have had to take on every prayer that has ever been uttered and I'm ready to blow my freaking brains out. There is never a moment of silence. I grant some prayers but most people are just whining. "Lord do this." "God do that."  I'm sick of listening to all of these prayers. Til one day I heard a prayer that peaked my interest. "Now I lay me down to sleep I pray to her royal highness Eden and the angel Castiel to get their feathery asses down here. Common CAS! EDDIE! Don't be dicks we got ourselves a plague like situation down here. Do you copy?"  I laughed. Dean Winchester. "Castiel?" I said. Cas came through the doors into my office. "You heard Deans poor excuse for a prayer also?" I laughed at Cas. "Shall we?" i asked flying down to where Sam and Dean are with Cas.

"- like I said Sons of Bitches don't answer.... they're right behind me aren't they?" Sam then turned around to look at us. I smiled. "Hello" Both me and Cas said in unison. I then ran up and rapped Dean in a hug. He held me even tighter. "I missed you sweetheart." Dean whispered into my hair. I then stepped back from Dean and ran up to hug Sam. He was stiff but hugged me back nonetheless. "Hello?" Sam said angrily. I was confused. So was cas. "Yes?" Cas said confused. "U-uh that is still the term." Cas said confused. "I spent all that time trying to get through to you! Dean calls once and now it's HELLO?!?!" I was still confused. I never heard once from Sam. "Yes..." Cas replied. "Wait a second what the hell cas? I never heard any prayers!" Cas looked at me apologetically. "So what you-you like him better or something?" Sam asked obviously pissed at Cas. "Dean and I do share a more profound bond..." Cas said. I tried to stifle my laughter by coughing but it was no use. "I wasn't gonna mention it-" Cas said to dean before Dean cut him off. "Cas i think he's trying to say is... He went to hell for us. I mean he really took one for the team. Remember that? and then he comes back without a clue. And you can't take five freakin minutes to give him some answer?" Dean said. "What are you talking about? I sent Castiel and a legion of angels into the pit to save Sam. He had all the answers he needed. And Sam I didn't hear your prayers. But even if I did... Cas and I have been up to our necks trying to keep the world going. Now that Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer are gone that leaves me and Raphael to control Heaven Hell and Earth. I'm sorry we can't run your angelic errands for one simple case. We are here now and we don't have forever so if you'll please just tell us why you need us so we can help." They were shocked by my little outburst. They then explained what's going on. Three cops. Three egyptian plagues. All dead. Apparently the wrongfully killed come kid. "So it wasn't you God squad?" Dean asked. "No but it is one of our weapons... The staff of Moses. That's what did this. It was last used in a dominance display against the egyptians as I recall." I explained. "Yeah that would make the papers." Dean said sarcastically. "The weapon isn't being used to full capacity... I think we can rule moses out as a suspect." Cas said entirely serious. I laughed. "You know I think you're right Cassie." I scoffed. "I thought you guys kept your weapons air tight." Dean said. "Well before Eden officially took the throne. In those few hours heaven was chaos several very powerful weapons were stolen." Cas explained. "Wait so our nukes are loose? How was I NOT Informed of this Castiel" Cas flinched at my anger. "Yes I'm afraid so. But the winchesters have stumbled onto one of them." Cas answered. We were had to find this weapon or more people would die. 

"I prayed to God every night that they'd get what's coming to 'em... but god never answered" "HEY I was working' on it!" Apparently some kid wanted revenge for his brother. So he sold his soul to an angel. But he only got part of the staff. The rest was sawed off. More product i guess. But why angel would do this? We took the kid. I know I know kidnapping is a big no no. But it's the only way to find out which angel took this kids soul. Whenever a claim is laid on a soul it leaves a mark. You just need to know how to read it. I placed my hand on the kids chest and eyes glowed blue. Since I'm technically acting God I could do it without pain. "Of course.... Why the hell wouldn't it be him." I said annoyed. "Who is it?" Cas asked. "Balthazar" I hissed. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of supplies. "Cas I need mur." I said and Cas flew to get some. Within seconds he was back with mur in hand. "Thank you darling that works wonderfully." I said grabbing the mur and throwing it into the bowl. "Sorry Dean-o I need your blood." i said grabbing Deans hand and slicing it over the bowl. Ruling heaven has taught me to move faster. I'm just now realizing how inconsiderate I'm being of the Winchesters. But I have to move. I have to get back to heaven. But more importantly at the moment... I gotta find Balthazar. "Zod a ma ra y es la vo pa a y gayro za vey exla" I chanted as I poured the holy oil into the bowl. It began to smoke. "Got him! Let's go! Leave the kid the police will get him and take him home!" I said grabbing onto the Winchesters and flew to Balthazar's place of residence.

"Huh... I was expecting more Dr. No, less Liberace." Dean said as we approached the house. We walked in and saw a toad. Cas and I flew ahead to check for Balthazar. We walked into a grand ballroom with club music playing. Strobe lights buzzed around us and the doors we came in through shut and locked. Cas dropped his Angel blade from his sleeve but I grabbed his wrist and shook my head. "Cas! Eden! you're here. It's so good to see you." Balthazar smiled. He then snapped his fingers and the lights came on and the music stopped. "Hello Balthy" I smiled. "I grieved your death." Cas said. "Yeah yeah sorry about that I wanted them to. you know so they wouldn't come looking for me." Balthazar said. "What is all this Balthy? What are you doing?" I asked. "Whatever I want my dear sister! this morning I had a ménage a'-- What's french for twelve?" Balthazar said holding up a whiskey "You stole the staff of moses. " Cas said. "Sure, sure. I stole a lot of things." Balthy said. "You were a great and honorable soldier. We fought together. I know you... your not some common thief." Cas said. "Common no. Thief. eh. As far as I'm concerned cas you and me nothing's changed. We're brothers. As for you sister. Of course I will serve under your rule... but don't ask me to go back to the way things were before. Please you can't ask that of me again. It's a new era sister. You did more than rebel you tore the script and burned the pages. You stopped the prize fight. We have utter freedom now because of you! You both proved to me we could do anything so I'm trying everything." Balthazar ranted. "We need those weapons Balthazar." I said calmly. "I'm sorry... I can't... All else aside I'm really, really happy to see you both. Even though Cas still has that stick up his ass." I laughed at Balthazar's joke. "Until next time" Balthazar said. "No time like the present." Dean said dropping a lighter. Balthazar was now surrounded by holy fire. "You hairless ape... Release me." Balthazar hissed. "First take your marker off Aaron Birch's soul." Dean yelled. "Am I?" Balthazar sarcastically asked. "Yes Balthazar... you are." I said. "ha.ha.ha Very well... As you wish my queen." Balthazar said defiantly. He then folded his hands and released the boy's soul. "The boy's debt is cleared. His soul is his own" Balthazar said. "Why you buyin' up human souls?" Dean asked. " In this economy? It's probably the only thing worth buying. Do you have any idea what souls are worth? What power they hold? Now release me." Balthazar said. Dean started to protest but I just held up my hand and put out the holy fire. "you may keep your weapons until they are needed. On the condition You no longer barter for souls." I said. "Understood... and Eden... Thank you." Balthazar said before flying away. I then turned to Dean. "We have to go now... Heaven needs us. call us if you need us Winchesters." and with that I flew off with Cas.

I sat in the throne room trying to catch up. My little trip to earth had caused me to fall behind. How did Michael do this for so long? or Dad for that matter. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I said still looking through files. "You asked to see me sister." Raphael said. I smiled up at him and stood from my desk. "Yes I need you to put APB out on Balthazar. I don't need him disturbed I just need to make sure he is well behaved. Understood?" He nodded smiling. "What?" I asked. "This was how it was meant to be sister. Soon you can bring our brothers back and we will be the family we were meant to be." I smiled at the sentiment. "Yes I suppose we will." He left to do as I asked and I continued my work with a small smile plastered on my face.
