Ready or NOT


In the bunker, I have my back to the wall, a knife in my hand. I hear a door open, and I make my way down the hall. Dean is walking through the bunker, opening doors, seemingly looking for me. I opened a drawer and grabbed a set of keys. Dean is in the kitchen and grabs a hammer. "Come on, Sammy! Don't you want to hang out with your big brother? Spend a little quality time?" I hear dean bellow from across the bunker. I used the keys to unlock the door to the control room. Dean came walking down a hall. He kicked a door in, the door to his bedroom. I quickly flipped a switch and the lights suddenly shut off, leaving red lights flashing as an alarm begins to sound. But know he knows I'm in the control room. "Smart, Sam! Locking the place down. Doors won't open. I get it. But here's the thing: I don't want to leave! Not 'til I find you!" Dean yells. "Sammy! You're just making this worse for yourself, man! Oh, by the way, you can, uh... blame yourself for me getting loose. All that blood you pumped into me to make me human... Well. The less demon I was, the less the cuffs worked. And that Devil's Trap? Well, I just walked right across it. It smarted, but still." Dean opened the drawer, saw that the keys are missing. He walked off in the direction I had been. Inside the control room, Dean flips the switch, turning the power back on. "Yeah, that's more like it." He said. I rushed over and pulled the door shut, locking it, locking Dean inside. I threw the keys on the ground, standing at the door with the knife in my hand. "That's your big move?" Dean mocked. "Listen to me, Dean! We were getting close, okay? I know you're still in there somewhere. Just let me finish the treatments." I tried to reason. No answer comes from inside the room. My heart started to beat faster. "Dean?" I asked. I jumped back as the door began to splinter. I watched helplessly as the door began to break, from the hammer Dean is wielding. "You act like I want to be cured!" Dean roared with amusement. Dean continued using the hammer, until he can look through the door at me. "Personally, I like the disease."

"Dean, stop that! Look, I don't want to use this blade on you!" I begged. "That sucks for you, doesn't it? 'Cause you really mean that!" Dean growled. "Look, if you come out of that room, I won't have a choice!" I tried once again to reason. But I knew the truth... I could never hurt Dean. "Sure you will! And I know which one you'll make. Isn't that right, Sammy? But see ... Here's the thing: I'm lucky. Oh, hell, I'm blessed! 'Cause there's just enough demon left in me that killing you? Ain't no choice at all." As Dean broke down the door, I took off down the hall. Dean pushed a hand through his hair, then walked after me.

"Sammy?" Dean bellowed as he came walking down the hall, still holding the hammer. "Come on, Sammy! Let's have a beer, talk about it. I'm tired of playing. Let's finish this game!" Dean said less playful then before. My breathing is hard, I'm backed up against the wall. "Eden. Cas. Any one Dean got out... He's trying to kill me. I could really use some back up." I prayed. I chanced a look down the hall, but finds it empty. I turned back around, ducking just in time, as Dean swings the hammer at my head, instead lodging it into the wall. I reacted on instinct, pushing my knife against Dean's throat. Dean smiles. "Well ... Look at you. Do it. It's all you." Dean smiled.

But I couldn't. And he knew that. I let the knife fall, and Dean smiles as his eyes go black. He takes a step towards me. But before he could reach me he was flung across the room and held to the wall by an unseen force. Just then Eden came around the corner with her arm raised. She was holding Dean firmly against the wall.

"It's over Dean." She whispered. Her eyes glowing a bright neon blue. Dean's eyes went black as he let out a monstrous roar. "It's Over..." She repeated. "YOU WON'T KILL ME EDEN. It's the only way to stop me. You could easily wave your pretty little hand and kill me but you WON'T you CAN'T" Dean roared at her. "Your right I can't kill you." Dean smiled at her statement. "But... you're also wrong... It's not the only way to stop you." With that she snapped her fingers and Dean fell down unconscious.

Dean is once again strapped to the chair. I pulled a needle from his arm. There are needle marks all over Dean's arm now, close by the Mark of Cain. Dean is slumped over, head hanging. Cas showed up shortly after Eden. We were all now standing in the Dungeon waiting to see if this would work. "What the hell are we doing to him, Eden? I mean, even after I gave him all that blood, he still said he didn't want to be cured, that he didn't want to be human." Eden looked up at me. "Well... I see his point. You know, only humans can feel real joy, but ... also such profound pain. This is easier. I know pain... just like Dean. Sometimes it's easier to just not feel at all." She looked sadly at Dean. Cas placed a hand on her shoulder and she gave a grateful smile. Dean began to stur. He lifted his head and his eyes are black. The black dissipates, and I unscrews the flask in my hand. Dean looked up to us, groaning and letting out a breath. He looks around, uncertain, while we watch him carefully.

"You look worried, fellas."

I splashed holy water on Dean's face, and Dean looks up at me when nothing happens. I smiled. "Welcome back, Dean."



I knocked on his door. "Come in" I heard. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. There he sat on the bed staring at his forearm. "Hiya Dean-o" I said in a calm almost whisper. "You look terrible." I smile. "You know, it wouldn't kill you to lie every now and again." Dean laughed with me. "I'm God I can't lie..." I smirked taking the seat next to him on the bed. "Thank you for, um... Stepping in when you did." Dean said sadly. "What did Sam say? Does he want a divorce?" Dean asked. "Nah... too much paperwork. Plus that prenup is a bitch." I joked. He laughed with me. "But seriously...I'm sure Sam knows that whatever you said or what you did, it wasn't really you. It certainly wasn't all you." I said looking at the wall. "I tried to kill him, E" Dean said sadly. "Dean. You two have been through so much. Look, you're brothers. It'd take a lot more than trying to kill Sam with a hammer to make him want to walk away. My brothers stabbed me in the chest and killed...A LOT of people. But I still love them no matter what." Dean smiled, "You realize how screwed up our lives are that that even makes sense?" I laughed. "You're tellin' me"

"I'm glad you're here, Eden"

"Yeah me too"

I pat his leg and then got up to leave. But dean grabbed my wrist. "Hey Eden..." I sat back down and mumbled a 'Yes' in response. Dean looked at me for a few seconds debating before muttering 'Screw it' to himself. He placed his hands on either side of my face and connected our lips.

Warmth spread through my body. Fireworks erupted deep within me. I immediately kissed back. After the initial shock wore off I placed my hands on his chest. His hand moved from my face to my neck pulling me ever closer. The kiss wasn't like before. It wasn't harsh and lustful. It was warm and passionate. Filled with love and care. It wasn't the Demon. It was Dean. My Dean. We pulled apart. Our foreheads still connected. I blushed looking into his eyes. We pulled apart and Dean smiled. I smiled right back at him. "Good talk..." I beamed getting up from the bed. He scratched the back of his neck smiling to himself as I walked towards the door.

"Hey, maybe you should um ... take some time before you get back to work. Allow yourself to heal. It's, uh ... I don't know. The timing might be right. Heaven and Hell—they seem reasonably back in order. It's quiet out there." I said. "You know you just totally jinxed us right?" Dean said looking at me. I nodded my head, "Yeah. Yeah- I felt the crap hit the fan right as the words left my mouth." I scrunch my nose up. "We'll deal with that later... goodnight Dean."

"Goodnight Eden"

