Family Reunion


"What did you just say?" Luce asked through grit teeth. "Dad's back," I answered.

We walked into the bunker and saw him standing there in a robe. He had a black eye from where I punched him... God. No not God...Chip or Chuck or whatever he's calling himself now. He snapped and lucifer was healed "So where were you?" Luce asked pretending to be bored. "That's a long story... How do you feel? I healed you." Dad said trying to change the subject. "Mhm yeah didn't ask you to." Luce spat. "Son be reasonable." "One cosmic Band-aid on my knee. And what you think we're even? Is it time for us to go play catch in the yard? Screw you." Luce rolled his eyes. "Listen I know I've been gone for a while. I missed a few million birthdays.-" Luce cut him off. "Yeah and then the second your apes send a distress flare. BOOM daddy's home." "No that's not what happened." Chuck denied. "Luce... why don't we just focus on the common enemy. Then DADDY  can crawl back into where he's been hiding." I spat glaring at my father. Luce stood. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Team Amara! Go, Amara!" "LUCIFER." I scolded. "He's really not gonna say it? Screw you DAD" Lucifer stormed away. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "Eddie-" I cut dad off. "Don't talk to me..." I then flew to go check on heaven. I couldn't be there anymore. So I ran away. Like father like creation I guess...



Music blared from within Lucifer's room. Sam pounded on the door, "LUCIFER! YOU KNOW EVENTUALLY YOUR GONNA HAVE TO COME OUT HERE AND TALK TO...GOD." Dean shook his head " This is the worst episode of full house ever." The music turned down. "If dad has something to say I'll hear it from him. Until then I'll be in my room!" Lucifer shouted. The music then resumed at its high volume. "IT'S NOT YOUR ROOM!" 

Eden then appeared behind them. She pushed past them without a word and gave a light knock. "Luci it's me open up." She said. Then the lock unlatched and opened for her. The boys stood stunned as the door shut and locked once again behind her. 

Lucifer was lying on the bed under the covers. He pulled the blankets back without a word allowing Eden to lay down. They sat staring at the ceiling for a minute. 

"So Daddy's home from his milk run..." Luce broke the silence.

"Yup," Eden nodded.  

"You forgive him?"


"Me neither." 

"...I punched him in the face..." 

Luce froze for a second and then burst out laughing. "Is ThAt HoW hE gOt HiS bLaCk EyE?!?!?" He laughed. Eden nodded smiling.

Eden leaned up on her elbow. "In all seriousness though... We need him," she said 

"What why? We have you! We can beat Amara without him."

"You know the prophecy as well as I do Luce. And I don't know about you but I don't want me to die. " Eden said looking at him. 

"Well... Looks like we got one hell of a family reunion." 



This is the dumbest idea they've ever had...

We are sitting looking at each other and Dean just told us to give "I feel" statements. There is just no way this ends well for anyone. 

"I am sorry that you feel that I betrayed you, that I acted without cause. I'm sorry, Lucifer, that you can't see you gave me no choice. I'm sorry, Eden, that you felt abandoned... There I'm good." Chuck said looking at the Winchesters. 

"You heard that right?" Luce sarcastically asked me. I nodded my head. 

Sam tried to interject, "We all know that you are God-" He's not anymore "But maybe you could be a little less... lordly?" 

"But I am-- I-I'm the Lord." 

"Wow, there he goes," Luce said as I stayed silent.

"I did what I had to do. I had to lock Amara away. and when the mark corrupted you and I saw that you posed a threat to humankind-"

"STOP" I spoke finally my eyes glowing. "The fault of the mark lies with you. The mark wasn't for Lucifer to bare but you gave it to him anyway. Even though it was supposed to be me."

Dad shook his head, "I wouldn't have done that to you."

"BUT YOU WOULD LEAVE ME IN HELL FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS? YOU WOULD ABANDON YOUR CREATION." I then looked at the Winchester's, "You have any idea what it's like to argue with your father when your father is God? Big picture DAD, you are... were God. You did what you had to do. But little picture... you sucked at being a dad. Yet we followed you."

"I was your son. And you cast me into hell. You are so concerned about being right... that you won't even apologize to us... You were my father and you forsook me." Luce shook his head. 

"Well, why don't you just apologize, chuck! the great thing is you don't even have to mean it. I tell Sam I'm sorry all the time and-" "DEAN! Sorry but this is kinda a family matter." With that, I waved my hand and transported them outside the room.

"Why dad? Why?" I asked looking at my father. 

"I was supposed to love all that I created equally. I wasn't supposed to have favorites... but you two... You were mine... Lucifer I gave you the mark because I thought you were strong enough to bare it. Eden I was NOT going to risk losing you... When I saw I made a mistake... I hated myself for it. And I punished you Lucifer and I'm so sorry. And Eden... Oh, Eden. Baby, I thought you were dead. I had no idea you were still alive. I'm so so sorry you had to live through that. But the reason I'm back is because you prayed to me. I will protect you this time Eden."

"I don't care... You are not God of this world anymore. I am. I will forgive and forget. Because we have a mission. but the second Amara is down I want you out of my world... Thus. Spaketh. The. Lord." I said standing up and leaving. 

We had work to do. 
