Dear Dad


I sat in the second row of a chapel alone. I folded my hands and started talking, "Hey dad... I know it's been a while. More like a few millennia. But um... I need you."I prayed. " I don't know if you know this but I was in hell. I wasn't dead daddy. I had to come back and find out you not only deserted me to eternal torment... but everything else too. You locked my brother in hell when he needed you most. You left the others to their own devices. Why? 

I am so angry with you. This is your mess. I realize that now. For so long I have blamed myself for the tragedy that is this world... but now I realize I had nothing to do with it.

Well daddy now it's bad. Amara is free. I don't know if you heard or if you even care. Or maybe your dead and this is all just a waste of breathe... Sam almost died. Cas got sick for a while. Dean is seriously struggling. And I have no idea where amara is... all I know is that she's eating souls left and right. I think she was with crowley for a while but he has lost tabs on her too. I have no Idea what to do. 

Dean has this connection with Amara. He released her. He bore the mark. She is bound to him. Just as he is bound to her. I know he cares for me. But I'm afraid in the coming battle that the bond will force dean to side with Amara... I don't know what I'm doing Daddy. Heaven looks to me for answers and I have none. 

I sit on the throne of heaven but I am no queen. I am no god. 

Death once told me that I was a better god than even you. No matter how angry I am with you... I don't think that could ever be possible. 

She's almost grown. Amara is almost at full power. And I have no idea what i'm gonna do

I am going to die daddy....

And I don't know what to do about it.

I could really use some of that godly guidance. But of course you won't answer. Why would you....  you're only my creator." and with that I got up and left to go find the winchesters. 
