French Mistake (Part 1)

Eden's POV*

Sam, Dean, and I were sitting around Bobby's house bored out of our minds. There were no hunts to go on. Nothing Heaven needed help with. So I'm sitting here watching some weird movie with sam. "Hey where's bobby?" Sam asked. He just now noticed Bobby wasn't here? "In town, supply run." Dean responded. "In this?" Sam said referring to the storm outside. It was getting pretty bad out. I'm surprised we still have power. "Yeah the man's a hero. We are officially outta Hunter Helper" Dean replied holding up an empty bottle. I laughed. I coulda just flown to get some but he insisted he has spent "too much time with you idjits". Then I felt an angelic presence appear in the house. "Hello boys and Eden" Balthazar's british accent rang out. He scared the crap outta the boys with his sudden appearance. "You've all seen the godfather right?" He said racing around grabbing random objects. "Balthazar?" Dean asked wearily. He ignored dean and continued to grab things. "You know the end where Michael Corleone sends his men to kill all his men in one big, bloody swoop?" He said grabbing a bowl and pouring salt into the bowl. What the hell? "Hey!" Dean exclaimed. Balthazar continued to completely ignore dean and kept talking. "Dead sea brine. Good good good. You know Moe Greene gets it in the eye and Don Cuneo gets it in the revolving door?" "I SAID HEY!" Dean said louder. Obviously extremely annoyed with my little brother. "You did. Twice. Good for you... Lamb's blood." Balthazar responded walking over to Bobby's fridge. "Beer, Pizza. Blood of Lamb! YES! Blood of Lamb." He said grabbing the jar. "Balthazar? Why are you talking about the Godfather?" I asked almost scared of his answer. It was balthazar it couldn't be good. "Well darling sister. Because I'm in it- right now. tonight. And the role of Michael Corleone the archangel Raphael." My eyes widened. "What did you do?!?!?" Balthazar ignored me and searched for something. "nonononononononononono YES! Bone of a lesser saint. Your Mr. Singer keeps a lovely pantry." Balthazar said throwing ingredients into a bowl. "BALTHAZAR!" I said in my god voice and he stopped. "Sister. I need your help. Please I beg of you. Trust me. All I need is a little time to make things right. I know I can't make you do something you don't want to so please. Not as my God. As my sister. Help me." I hesitated for a second then nodded. He smiled and handed me a key. Then the lights started to flicker. "That's all the time we have. Uncle raffy sent his nastiest to handle me. I'm flattered actually. And down a lung at the moment but that's alright." I looked at the key in my hand. "What the hell do I do with this?" I asked confused. "Run with it.... see you soon." Then he slammed all three of us through the window behind us.

We crashed through the window but landed on a mattress. "CUT!" A man yelled. "Real good solid fall. Way to go." Some other guy said patting us on the shoulder. I tried my best to hide my shock and utter confusion but I mean seriously...WHAT THE HELL?!?!? What is happening. The first guy walked over to us. "Jensen, Jared, (y/n)! Outstanding! That was great!" This guy yells a lot. Another guy walked in front of us "Supernatural scene one echo take one. Tail slate. Marker."

"Eddie..." Dean said. "Yeah..." I respond. "Get us outta here." He said. I grabbed their shoulders and tried to fly away but I couldn't. My wings weren't working. "I can't" I respond letting them go. "What do you mean you can't? Just poof and we're gone!" Dean said freaked out. "What part of I. CAN'T. escapes your understanding? My wings aren't working" I whispered frustrated. "Should we be killing anybody?" Sam said uncomfortably. "I don't think so." I respond. "Run?" Dean asked. "Where?" I said. This was trippy. It looked like a tv set. How did we get here? More importantly why isn't my powers working. I AM NOT OKAY WITH THAT. "Moving on! Thats a wrap on Jensen, Jared, and (Y/N)" I was confused again. "Who the hell is-" Sam started but was cut off by a lady. Who grabbed me and sam and dragged us away to sit in two chairs. With a big camera pointed in our faces. "Trish Evian here with Jared Padalecki and (Y/N) Ackles . From the tv show Supernatural. So, Jared, (Y/N). It's season six. You have died both have gone to Hell and Eden became God. What's next for Sam and Eden? Oh and if you could include the question in your answer." The girl said. "What?" Me and Sam replied in sync.


Okay so here's what I know. Our lives are a tv show. We are actors in this tv show. I'm (Y/n) Sam is Jared and Dean is Jensen. There's no magic so we're stuck. I'm going to kill Balthazar...

"So what Cas?" Sam asked. It was worth a shot. "Dear Cas. We pray you have your ears on. SOS." Just as I opened my eyes I saw Cas in the distance. We ran over to him "CASSIE! Oh thank Dad what the hell did Balthazar do to us?" I asked once I reached him. "To keep you out of Raphael's reach, he's cast you into an alternate reality, a universe similar to ours in most respects yet dramatically different in others." Dean nodded "Like – like Bizarro Earth, right? Except instead of having Bizarro Superman, we get this clown factory." Cas nodded unsure "Um...Yeah, well...Anyway, no time to explain. Do you have the key?" He asked holding out his hand. "Yeah. So, uh, what does this thing do, anyway?" I asked handing him the key. "It opens a room." Cas responds. "What's in the room?" Dean asked. "Every weapon Balthazar stole from heaven. Raphael wants them back and will kill him in order to get them" Cas explained. "He gave it to us?" Dean asked. "Well more to Eden but yes. To keep it safe and distract Raphael long enough to get his neck off the chopping block." Cas explained. So this is why Balthy needed my help. I coulda just told Raph to cool it. But I guess hard way it is. "Oh. Okay, good. Yeah. So, now, uh, what's the deal with all this tv crap?" Sam asked "Pardon?" Cas responded confused.

"Yeah. Amen, Padaleski." Dean said.

"Uh, "lecki."


"Lecki. Pretty sure."

"Man. Did they put out new pages?" Cas responded pulling out a script. "New what?" dean asked confused. "I mean, is this some kind of cosmic joke?" Sam asked. "Yeah, 'cause if it is, it's stupid, and we don't get it." Dean responded. "Guys... I don't think this is Cas." I said looking at the man with my brother's face. "Are you guys okay?" This not Cas said starting to take off his tie. Dean aggressively stole the script from the not Cas. "Give me that. What is – these are words in a script. She's right This isn't Cas." Sam nodded, "Dude, look at him." Not Cas started to unbutton his shirt revealing a more modern tee shirt underneath "You guys want to run lines, or...?" Dean read the name off the script, "His name's Misha. Misha?" I shook my head. What kinda name is Misha? "Oh, wow. Just...Great." I said sarcastically. What is up with the names around here? Dean voiced my thoughts, "Misha? Jensen? What's up with the names around here?" We started walking away after I grabbed back the key, "You guys! You really punked me! I'm totally gonna tweet this one. (pulls out his phone and starts typing) "Hola, mishamigos. "J-squared + (Your first initial)... Got me good." Misha called after us. Man I want outta here. 

Dean was getting more annoyed by the second, "I just want to dig my finger in my brain and scratch until we're back in Kansas." Eww that's such a gross visual. We heard Misha still whispering to himself. "Really...Starting to feel... Like one of the guys." We continued walking until we stopped in front of an enormous trailer.  "Hey. "J. Ackles." I said. Isn't that my fake last name?  Dean got excited, "That's fake me! This must be fake mine." We walked into the trailer. it was huge there was a helicopter and a fish tank. Jensen kinda seems like a douche. 

Sam walked over to the table, "Huh. (spots a laptop) All right, here we go. Let's see who this guy is." Yeah Research.  "Well, he's not a hunter, but he plays one on tv. Oh." Dean picked up a magazine with all of us on the cover, "Come on. Look at these three modelin' sons of bitches. Nice "blue steel," Sam." He laughed. Sam just kept looking at his computer. "Hey. Apparently, it's our job. All right, uh, here goes. Um...It says you're from Texas. Actually says we all are." We all looked at the screen "Really?" Dean asked. "Yeah. And, uh...Oh. Says you were on a soap opera." I started laughing, "What?!?!?! CLICK THE VIDEO CLICK IT!!!" I said jumping up and down. We cliched on 'Days of our lives'. 

'If I didn't have cancer, and I wasn't married, and I had plenty of money... Would you – would you want to run away with me?'

'Money? What, you think I really care about money, Nicole? I care that you're healthy.'

'Well, I'm no quitter, Eric. I-I—'

Dean slammed the computer closed, "Don't like this universe, Sammy. We need to get out of this universe." Meanwhile I was on the floor crying with laughter. "This is the best thing ever. PLAY IT AGAIN!" I said through my laughter. "Alright Eddie lets see who you are!" Dean said with a smirk and I stopped laughing. He grabbed the laptop from Sam.  Oh no... not good. He searched 'Eden Supernatural'. A bunch of modeling pictures of me. "Lets see you were a victoria secret model when you were younger... That one is my new screensaver... You were in a few smaller roles before Supernatural. You got married last year." Dean read off the Wikipedia page. "MARRIED?!?!"  Dean said frantically searching the internet. "Dude chill! your gonna break the computer." Sam said grabbing the laptop away from Dean. He typed more calmly then started laughing. He hid the screen from us. "What???" We asked Sam in unison. He turned the computer around and it was a article. There was a picture of me in a wedding dress standing next to...DEAN?!?!? The Title of the article read. 'MEET (Y/N) ACKLES. JENSEN TIES THE KNOT!" Sam continued to laugh while me and Dean panicked. Nothing good can come from this.
