Take Down Amara


Dean got the Demons. I got Angel's. Sam got the witches. 

We are ready to fight. 

"Okay, Father. You know we could really use some more Archangel support... You could bring back my brothers." I said somewhat pleading

"I thought you were God now. Why don't YOU?" He said.

"Don't you think I've tried... I've tried everything. Raphael, Michael, Gabriel... I can't bring them back and I don't know why."

"Well. All in good time I suppose...God." He smirked and then walked away.

"LUCIFER!" I yelled. He popped up in front of me. "Could you go get my sword from Heaven please." 

"Why do I keep doing things for you? You did lock me back in the cage. Shouldn't you, you know, own me-" 

"You killed Gabriel..." I cut him off.

He looked at me with wide eyes, "I'll be right back with that sword."

Then he flew away. He came back with my sword and I started to polish it. "What do you think you're doing?" I heard the voice of my father ask. "Preparing for battle with Amara," I answered like it was the dumbest question  I had ever heard. "You aren't fighting with us." He said. I put my sword down. "What in hells bells are you talking about?" I said my eyes igniting. 

"Death told us the prophecy. Amara will kill you. I lost you once I won't let it happen again." My father said. "LIKE HELL. This is how we got here in the first place. Screw the prophecy. I am fighting for my world. You can't stop me." 

"For once I agree with Dad Eddie," Luce said. "I don't want you getting hurt either." He then pulled out my tablet. "Luce don't... Please, Lucifer!" My father held up his hand and I was frozen. Then luce started to read. "Zara fina a la ieno zod a fara meta creo coro lino trifeo metricaza." The blue fire lit around me and I felt the familiar pain. I cried out and my eyes began to bleed. "FATHER PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" I cried.

"I'm sorry Eddie. But I have to protect you. I'll make it up to you after we take down Amara."

Time Skip>>>>>

It went wrong. 

I can feel it. 

I used the little bit of power I had to tilt over the bear that was on the table. It was just enough to douse the flames and allow me to escape. 

I have to save them. Even if I die trying. 
