Hunteri Heroici

Kevin was locked safely away in Garth's safehouse boat. He was focusing on reading the tablets and translating them all. He figured out that it was possible to permanently close Hell. No more Demons, No more Hell hounds, No more deals. Me and the Winchesters were working full time on slamming shut the doors of hell for good. We were at a gas station looking for our next case to occupy our time until Kevin could find out how to close the door to Hell. "I wanted to talk to you about something Dean." Cas said putting down his newspaper. "Sure. What's the word Cas?" Dean said. "It's a shortened version of my name." Cas answered completely serious. I laughed to myself. "I meant what's up?" Dean said. "I've decided I want to help people like Eden. So... I want to become a hunter. I could be your third wheel. a third wheel adds extra grip, greater stability, I even found a case!" Cas smiled. He handed me the newspaper and I read out the details of the case,"Oklahoma City... A man's heart jumped ten feet out of his chest. Sounds like our kinda thing." Cas smiled. "Great I'll see you there" He said turning to fly away. "Cassie you wanna be a hunter that's fine. But you gotta travel like a hunter. No zapping around capiche?" I smiled. He nodded, "Yeah I capiche... Can I at least ride in the front seat?" The boys yelled NO! in unison as I laughed. "Sorry Cassie. Sammy always rides shotgun." I smiled patting him on the shoulder as I slid into the back seat. 


The victim's body covered with a sheet lies on a table when we walked in. A detective shook our hands but looked confused. "How many of you guys did the bureau have to send?"  She said confused. I smiled, "This ones a trainee (referring to cas). And besides we were told this was a weird one." She nodded. "I'll say, Coroner said his heart was ejected from his body. Got some air, too. Found it in a sandbox." She shook her head at the thought. "Any idea what happened, Detective?" Sam asked. "A lot of people are thinking drugs, Agent Nash – an assload of drugs." The detective said. "There are no narcotics in that man's system. His molecules are all wrong." Castiel said out loud. Before the detective to give him a weird look I asked, "But you don't think that, huh?" The detective pulled back the white sheet to reveal a heart shaped hole in the victim's chest. "Never seen an eightball do that."  We all shared a weird look. "Wow. And who called this in?" Sam asked. "Friend of his named Olivia Kopple. She saw the whole thing." Her phone started ringing, "A Crap- I have to take this. Here's everything we have... knock yourselves out." She said handing us the file. "Thanks." I said taking the file. "Listen, you see anything weird, anything out of the box, you give us a call." Dean said handing her the detective business card. "Whatever you say, Scully." The detective said before leaving. We quickly read over the file as cas started examining the body, "I can't sense any EMF or sulfur. Mr. Freleng's arterial health is, uh, excellent. [He leans over the corpse and sniffs.] Mm. He did recently suffer from a... [sniffs] ...mild, uh... [sniffs] What is that? ...bladder infection." Dean grabbed Cassie's shoulder and pulled him back. "Cas, stop smelling the dead guy." Cas looked at him confused, "Why? Now I know everything about this man. So we can –" "Do you know he was having an affair?" I interrupted. "What?" Cas asked. "Strike one, Sherlock." Dean smirked. "According to Olivia, they would meet at the park every Thursday at 12:45, walk to the Moonlight diner, where she always ordered a Caesar salad, dressing on the side. They would chat about everything, and she'd be back on the road by 1:30." I said reading the statement. "You don't think she's telling the truth." Cas asked. "Too much detail. Sounds rehearsed." Dean said. "Plus, we drove past the Moonlight diner on the way into town. It's attached to the Moonlight motel." Sam said. 

"Okay, well, let's say that, uh, Gary here's on the prowl, but he's playing it safe because...dude's married. Doesn't want anyone to see his ride parked out in front of a by-the-hour fleabag." Dean states. "So he stashes his car at the park across the street, meets Olivia there."  Sam finished his thought. "His wife probably found out about it, and it broke her heart." Dean continued. "So she breaks his. Sounds witchy." I said looking at dean. Dean nodded his head, "Yes, it does. Guy was living a lie, and it came back to bite him in the ticker. But nice job on the bladder infection." Dean said patting Cas on the shoulder. 


Mrs Freling, the victims wife, was sitting at the table in front of a box of Kleenex all dressed in black. "I-I don't understand Gary had a heart attack. Why would the FBI –" Dean cut her off, "The parks are government property. We just got a few questions for you." Cas looked over at us and whispered, "I'll, uh... I'll handle this. I've done research. I can crack her. Now, Ms. Freleng, I don't want to bother you. I – I really don't. But I – I do have just one question for you. Why did you kill your husband?!" He said slamming his hand on the table. I panicked and grabbed cas's arm pulling him away,"Agent Stills. A word, please." Mrs Freling sobbed uncontrollably as Sam tried to comfort her. "What? I was being bad cop." Cas said with an innocent smile. "No, you were being bad everything." Dean hissed. "Please, forgive my partner.  He's, uh – he's going through some stuff." Sam said trying to comfort mrs. Freling. "Cassie, Listen to Sam." I whispered. 

"What he was trying to ask – is – is there any way Gary might have had secrets – something he was hiding?" Sam asked politely. "Hiding? Like what?" There is a knock at the door and someone lets themself in. "Deb?" A women enters carrying a casserole. Mrs Freling walks towards her. "Olivia." "Hey." They smile a sad smile, hug, and both cry. "Are you okay?" Olivia asked. 

"As in mistress Olivia?" Dean whispered wide eyed. "This is awkward." Cas said and I nodded. Mrs. Freling turned towards us with her arm around Olivia, "I'm sorry. W-what did you think Gary was hiding?" She said.  Castiel spoke up before we could stop him, "That he was sleeping with her." I stomped on his foot as hard as I could while the winchesters gave him a horrified look. "I know. Gary and I – we... had an arrangement. He was seeing Olivia, and I was spending some time with our neighbor P.J." Mrs freling said. "I'll, uh – I'll put this in the kitchen." Olivia said. "I'll help. " Mrs freling said as they both turned to go to the kitchen. 

"Frigging suburbs, man." Dean said to himself. "So she's not a witch." I said. "Just the best wife ever." Dean responded. "Then what killed her husband?" Cas asked. Dean shook his head, "Who gives a-" "DEAN!" I said slapping his arm. "Ow what?" He said. "INNOCENT ANGEL EARS!" I said pointing to cas. Dean grumbled something about his arm hurting and a bruise. "Common, we need a new lead." I said walking out.


We got a call from agent glass about another weird occurrence. Sam and I looked over the edge of the building to the street below, then walked over to the detective and Dean. Cas is standing some distance away. "Looks like suicide." Sam said. "It was. Guy left a note. He invested everything in Roman Industries and lost it all when they crashed and burned last year." The detective said. "So why call us?" Dean asked. "Because I have two witnesses who swear that Madoff here floated in mid-air for a good 10 seconds, then he looked down, and splat. Not sure I buy that, but the way they're talking, it sounds like something straight out of a –" "Cartoon" I cut the detective off. "You said you wanted weird." She shrugged walking away. "She's right, you know. I mean, the whole heart jumping out of the guy's chest, the – the – the delayed fall – that's straight-up Bugs Bunny." I said as Cas walked back over to us. "So we're looking for some sort of insect-rabbit hybrid? How do we kill it?" Cas said confused. "No, we don't, Cas. That's a character, like, uh – like Woody Woodpecker or Daffy Duck." Sam explained. "They're little animated movies. You know, uh, the coyote chases a roadrunner, and then the –  the anvil gets dropped on his head." Dean laughed and so did I. "Is it supposed to be funny?" Cas asked. Dean stopped smiling and looked at cas, "No. It's hilarious."


We got yet another call about a weird disturbance. A bank had been robbed using black holes in the wall. We walked into the bank and a 1-ton anvil stood in the middle. Underneath it is a bloody mass. "That's loony, all right." I said. The detective walked over as cas wandered off somewhere. "Agents. I was just about to give you a ring. Got to ask – do you boys chase the crazy, or does the crazy chase you?" Sam chuckled, "Depends on the day." We inspected the bloody mass. "Who's the pancake?" Dean asked.  "Security guard. He called in reporting a robbery, but by the time we got here –" The detective was cut off by sam, "A robbery?" She nodded, "Looks like the "Black Hole" was trying to jimmy open a safe-deposit box when Mr. Rent-A-Cop found him. And, know how that story ends." I spoke up, "Black hole?" The detective nodded, "It's our name for a burglar that's been running us ragged. He's a pro – no fingerprints, never any sign of forced entry – just a pair of those every time he's signing his work. Perp's never done anything like this before, though... obviously." We nodded and same asked, "You mind if I take a look at your files on those other break-ins?" Detective glass nodded, "No skin off my nose. I'm headed to the station now if you want a ride." Me and Dean share a knowing look. Sam nods his head and follows the detective out of the bank. "Five bucks says they do it." Dean smirked. "Oh you're on." I smiled. 

"Hey. Can you lift this?" Dean asked cas. Cas rolled his eyes and I laughed. "He lifted your fat ass outta hell." I smiled as dean shot me a annoyed look. Cas walked over and moved the anvil. An "X" is marked on the floor underneath it. Dean looked at me knowingly "X" marks the spot. Well, whoever's doing this is playing by cartoon rules." He was right. In Toontown, a pretty girl can make your heart leap out of your chest, anvils fall from the sky, and if you draw a door or a black hole on the wall, you can stroll right through it. But the black holes aren't working now. What the hell is going on?

So we found out this black-hole guy – before he tried the bank, he robbed a house across from the park where Gary blew a gasket. According to the file, they happened at pretty much the exact same time. Gary died across the street from the house that got robbed. And that building from this morning the black hole hit that, too. We talked to some people who are nearby – neighbors and whatnot – and they reported a whole lot of crazy. Like a jogger bumping his head and sprouting a four-inch lump. Or a kid walking into a wall and hearing birdies. Basically, for 50 yards around each robbery, people were living in a cartoon. But it didn't last long – I mean 5, 10 minutes at each place. About the length of time it would take a thief to get in and out. So we're looking for a thief and the deposit box he was after. Now, the house, the office – every place he's hit belonged to someone living at the Sunset Fields retirement home. So we believe that our guy is there....It's wabbit season.

We walked around the retirement home. But there was no EMF, no hex bags, no sulfur, no NOTHING. "Dean, um... You remember a guy named Fred Jones? I think he was a contact of Dad's, lived outside of Salt Lake." Sam said. Dean nodded confused, "Yeah, that guy gave me my first beer. I don't even think I was double digits." Sam nodded, "Right, yeah. Me, too. Um, he was psychic, right?" Dean once again nodded in confusion, "Psychokinetic. Why?" Sam showed dean a picture, "'Cause he's in room 114." The stormed off towards his room and I went to grab cas. "Cassie. Let's go." I said. Cas sat crouched down in front of the Cat, which is now lying on a coffee table. "I've almost cracked him." I became serious, "Now Castiel..." I said like a mom scolding her kid. "Hey. I'm not through with you." Cas told the cat as he got up to follow me. 

We walked to room 114. A cartoon was playing on television. The character draws an "X" on the floor. Fred was watching while sitting in a wheelchair in his room. "Mr. Jones? Hey, it's, uh, Sam Winchester." Sam said as he crouched down next to Fred's wheelchair. Dean switched off the television. "Fred! Hey!" Dean said clapping his hands together. Fred continued staring up at the television, completely unresponsive . "So, you really think this one man is causing all of these... shenanigans?" Cas asked. "Well, if he is, he'd be surrounded by a circle of crazy, right? Hang on." Dean said. Dean picked up a large book and hits himself in the head with it. There is a loud clanging sound, then the sound of birds chirping. Dean then shakes his head rapidly from side to side. "Bingo." I nodded, "Fred's got juice. I mean, an average psychokinetic can move things with his mind, but a guy like Fred – you get him worked up, he can reshape reality." Dean looked at me, "All right, so where's his "off" switch?" I shrugged, "I don't know... best guess. In his head.  We'll will circle back tonight, get Fred nice and clean. Cas you go "Invisible Girl" and keep an eye on him. You hear me?" I said. Cas nodded and disappeared. This was gonna be a long night. 


Turns out the doctor has been using Fred to rob different places. He was currently taking fred for one final score before he kills him. We raced to the bank. We found fred in the back of a van and went inside his mind in order to get him to stop. Dean went after the doctor. It worked! Fred snapped outta it and stopped the bad guy. We took Fred's powers so he couldn't hurt anyone ever again. He's happier now. 

Cas decided to return to Heaven. He's not a hunter he's an angel. 

Something Sam said is really bugging me. He said we can't run from our problems because eventually they'll catch up. I've been running. From my family, from my responsibilities, even from trying to figure out how to save Mike and Luci. I am not God... as much as everyone expects me to lead and save the world... I can't. Castiel is an angel. The winchesters are hunters. and me.... I don't know anymore. I'm no hunter, I'm no angel, I'm no God. I don't know what I am. I don't know what dad has planned for me... but I can't keep running. 
