Fan Fiction


It has been a few days since dean and I had our... moment. I don't really know what we are now. We're kinda awkward now. I honestly don't know what's happening. We haven't talked about it but Dean keeps staring at me. AND at the store yesterday when Sammy went to grab some "Actual food" (His words not mine) Dean held my hand. He didn't acknowledge it, he just grabbed my hand and kept on walking through the store. I no longer understand our dynamic. Neither of us have told our brothers about our... moment. (You know this because Dean is still alive) Honestly I don't know what's up. Dean hasn't left my side in days. To be fair though we have been on bed rest until Dean is "back to normal" so there's not a lot of other places to go. Right now Dean is working on the impala while I do research. I was looking for a case. Dean asked my to find one because as he puts it, "hunting is the only normal I know." So here I am looking through the newspaper for anything... anything at all. "Anything yet?" Dean asked for the millionth time. "The only thing I've found is this Teacher went missing. But there is nothing in this that screams CASE." He wiped off his hands and smiled, "There is nothing that even remotely suggest there isn't a case. Boom !" I shook my head and laughed at his excitement. "All right I'll go tell Sammy...Looks like we're goin' on a huntin' trip."

TIME SKIP>>>>>>>>>>

"So, the last place Ms. Chandler was seen by anyone was in the auditorium. Turns out she's the drama teacher." Sam said as we got out of the car. "Ugh, theater kids. Great" Dean groaned. "What ? I was a theater kid." Sam responded. "Barely. You did Our Town, which was cool. But then, you did that crappy musical." "The - Oklahoma ? Hugh Jackman got cast off of Oklahoma." "You ran tech, Wolverine." "Shut up." I shook my head as they continued to bicker. "Both of you shut up. We gotta missing teacher remember?" I said leading them into the building. As we walk in we hear a familar word. "You, idjits! You, idjits. You are idjits." A young lady dressed as Bobby rehearsed. We all exchanged confused looks when another familiar expression is heard. "Hey, ass-butt ! Hey ! Ass-butt !" A young woman dressed as Castiel. What in hells bells is happening? "What in hells bells? Deano! Sammy!" Yet another girl yelled. This time she was dressed as... me. WHAT IS HAPPENING??? Suddenly, a few notes are played on a piano, and some scenes on stage, while Someone sings, "John and Mary, husband and wife Bringing home a brand new life  His name is Sammy, I'm big brother, Dean. The perfect family, or so it seems. The demon's visits had begun He believed Sam was the chosen one It burned my mother, And it cursed my brother Leaving us in tears On the road so far, Yeah, the road so far ! We are in Dad's car-" "CUT!" A girl yelled and goes on stage to direct her actresses. Meanwhile, We are trying to deal with what they just saw. "What in the holy...." Dean started. "If there is case... It probably has something to do with all of this." Sam interrupted "You think ?" I responded sarcastically.

After a few seconds the director girl runs up to us. "Hi ! Oh my gosh... Are you guys from the publisher ? I'm Marie, writer slash director. This is Maeve, my stage manager, and I was just, uh, dir-" we cut her off by holding up our fbi badges. She stops when she sees Sam's badge. Dean tries to show his own badge, but when Sam realizes the actresses who play Sam and Dean are doing the same, he stops him. "I'm special agent Smith. These are my partners, special agent -" "Smith." "Smith" we both say. "Smith. No relation. We're here to look into the disappearance-" Sam started but dean cut him off. "There is no singing in Supernatural !" Dean growled. I smiled remembering dean's demon dean karaoke concert. I looked at him with a smirk and whispered, "I'm to sexy for my shirt to sexy for my-" before I could finish the lyric dean pinched the back of my arm. Sam looks embarrassed. Maeve and Marie just look confused. "Well, this is Marie's interpretation..." "Hah ! Well... I mean, if there was singing, you know... And that's a big if ! If there was singing, it would be classic rock. Not this Andrew Floyd Webber crap -" "Well ! You know, we do sing a cover of Carry On Wayward Son, in the second act." She responded proudly "Oh !" Dean said. "Really ?" Sam scrunched up his nose.
"It's a classic !" Dean and Marie exclaimed in unison. "Right. Anyways. We're here to talk about the disappearance of Ms. Chandler. Any chance you two saw her, before she vanished ?" I said trying to get back on topic. "Hum, yeah. She left around, like, what ? 9.30 ? She probably just went to A bar ? Or a liquor store ? Both ? She had a nasty divorce, last year. Most of the time, she's sipping on her, uh, grown-up juice, or passed out. Usually, in that order"  dean cut her off again. "Yeah, well, I don't blame her. I'm gonna need fifty yellow shots and a oz down to get this stick off of me." Sam laughs awkwardly, while Maeve tries to jump at Dean. "Maeve, right ? You're the stage manager ?" Sam said trying to calm her down. "And I understudy Jody Mills." She responded. "What?" Dean was about to say something but Sam interjected, "That's great ! That's great. Jody Mills, that's great. So ! How about you give a... behind the scenes tour, while your director show my partner Ms. Chandler's office ? Deal ? (The girls nod.) Great. Give us a moment, please."
"I'm gonna throw up." Dean says to me. Maeve gives a nasty look to Dean while going back to the stage. "I mean, I gotta say, it's kind of charming. The production value, and the... (I frantically shake my head to stop him) No? No, no. I'm gonna check for EMF. You look for... cursed objects." Sam leaves. Dean grabbed my hand follows Marie and gets a glimpse at the behind the scenes, especially at the fake weapons. "How did you get all this stuff ?" I asked. Marie looked at our intertwined fingers but didn't say anything "Some parts homemade, some parts repurposed. All of it, awesome- (Dean can't help himself and tries the fake rifle. Marie runs to him and takes the rifle from his hands.) Don't. Please, don't." Dean then sees Siobhan and Maggie rehearsing a scene. "What are they doing ?" Dean asked looking at the two girls standing inches apart "Oh ! Hum, they're rehearsing the B.M. scene." "The bowel movement scene ?" Dean asked. "No ! The boy melodrama scene ! (Dean looks confused.) You know, the scene where the boys get together, and they're-they're driving, or leaning against Baby. Drinking a beer, sharing their feelings. The two of them. Alone. But together. Bonded. United. The power of the brotherly-" "Why are they standing so close together ?" Dean asked cutting her off
"Hum... Reasons." I gave a disgusted look. "You know they're brothers, right ?" I said as Dean tried to hold in his panic.
"Well, duh ! But... Subtext." Dean turned to the girls and yelled, "Why don't you take some substeps back there, ladies ?"
Siobhan and Maggie look at Marie, confused, and awkwardly put some distance between them.

Marie lead me and Dean to Ms. Chandler's office. Dean looks at the empty bottles, then stumbles upon a robot's head.
"Is this hers ?" "No ! That's a prop from act two ! I've been looking for that, actually." Dean looked confused, "There's no space in Supernatural." "Well, not canonically, no. But this is transformative fiction." Dean smirked, "You mean fan fiction." She turned up her nose at him , "Call it whatever you like, ok ? It's inspired by Carver Edlund's books. With a few embellishments. But, as you know, Chuck stopped writing after Swan Song. I just- I couldn't leave it the way that it was ! I mean, Dean not hunting anymore, living with Lisa ?! Eden going back to heaven and not being with the boys. Sam, somehow back from Hell, but not with Dean ?! So, I wrote my own ending." "You wrote your own ending. With spaceships ?" Dean asked. "And robots. And some ninjas. And then, Dean becomes a woman. It's just for a few scenes !" Dean looked horrified. I on the other hand couldn't stop laughing "Alright, Shakespeare ! You know that I can actually tell you what really happened with the-the Sam and Dean ? A friend of mine hooked me up with the, uh, unpublished unpublished books. So, Sam came back from Hell. But without a soul. Eden became God. Then she kinda took a vacation and started hunting again. They met a prophet named Kevin. Then Sam endured a series of trials, in an attempt to close the gates of Hell. Which nearly cost him his life. Then Dean ? Dean became a demon. Knight of Hell, actually. But he got the mark of Cain of and he and Eden are kinda a thing now." Dean finish looking at me. HE THINKS WE'RE A THING! Are we a thing? What kinda thing? He still has yet to let go of my hand. "Wow..." Maria said. "Yep." Dean nodded. "That is some of the worst fan fiction that I've ever heard ! I mean, seriously, I don't know where your friend found this garbage ! I am not saying that ours is masterpiece, or anything, but geez ! Ha ! I'll have to send you some fic links later. And by the way... Eden would never end up with DEAN she ends up with Sam!" Before we could respond she walks back into the auditorium. "What do you mean Eden -" before he finished his thought Dean sees Siobhan and Kristen, still with their Dean and Cas costumes, kissing. "What are they doing ?" Dean panicked. "Hum... Kids, these days, call it hugging." Marie responds. "Is that in the show ?" "Oh, no. Siobhan and Kristen are a couple in real life. Although, we do explore the nature of Destiel in act two." My mouth flies open. "Sorry, what ?" I say. "Oh, it's just subtext ! But, then again, you know, you can't spell subtext without.... s-e-x." Dean lets the words sink in, then gives a "seriously" look to me. After that, Dean comes back to his brother, outside the school. He started ranting about the "Saden" and everything about the "destiel" part. "I don't understand." Sam said. "Me neither." Dean shook his head.
"I mean, shouldn't it be... Deastiel ?" Sam said. "Really ? That's your issue with this ?" "No, of course it's not my issue. You know... How about Samden ? Edam ?" Sam smirked. "Ok, alright. You know what ? You're gonna do that thing, where you just shut the hell up. Forever." Sam and I laughed, "Look, man. No EMF. No hexbags. None of the props are even remotely hincky. Other than the Charlie Kaufman of it all, I got nothing. You ?" "In Ms. Chandler's office, there's just a pile of empty bottles and regret. She's just probably face down in a bar, somewhere. Or a ditch. Alright, so what ? This-this all... This whole musical thing, everything, it's... It's all a coincidence ? There is no case ?" "Unless you're seeing something I'm not, no, Dean. There's no case, here." "Ok." Dean said in defeat. He goes back to the driver's door. Sam looks at him. "CasDean ?" "Shut your face ! Get in the car !" Sam gets in, followed by Dean who made sure nobody heard his brother. "Denial is the first step deano." I smirked. "You too?!?" I smiled "who am I to judge didn't you hear I'm madly in love with your little brother too." Sam laughed. Dean's eyes grew wide, "that's not funny!!!"

TIME SKIP =======

That morning we got a call saying there was another disappearance. Ok maybe there is a case here. So we are back to the auditorium. "So, I checked with the principal. There's nothing on the surveillance tapes. What the -what the cops think ?" Dean asks.  "You know, the only clue they found was by the dumpster. They found the same flower, near Ms. Chandler's cell phone. You recognize it ?" Sam holds up a purple flower. "No." "Yeah, me neither." The boys said. "I feel like I have...I just can't place it." I said looking at the flower 

We go to Marie and Maeve. The poor girl witnessed the whole thing. Maeve got Marie a coffee. Marie looks pretty shaken. "Let me guess. You guys came here to laugh at me too. Right ?" Marie said looking up at us. "Why don't you tell us what happened to your friend ?" She looked confused but responded. "Maggie quit the show. She was trying to get it shut down, so, we were fighting. Then, she-she left, and I heard her scream. So, I ran outside to help. And... And I saw a scarecrow. It looked just like the one from our show. But... Alive. Then It wrapped her in vines, and took her behind the dumpster. And then, there were both just... gone. So, I called the cops, and a bunch of adults just told me, I have an overactive imagination. But, it's all real. Ghosts. Angels. Demons...I wanna believe." She said. I looked at Sam and nodded. "You should believe. You both should. Cause, it is all real. And so are we. I'm Sam Winchester. That's Dean. and that's our friend Eden." Sam said awaiting their response. Maeve and Marie look at us, then at each other. Then, they start laughing. "Ok ! Now, look. I'm willing to accept that monsters are real. But those books are works of fiction." "And you guys are way too old to be Sam, or Dean." I held in my laugh as the boys gave a pissed off look. " More of a Bobby/Rufus combo ? Maybe." Maeve said. I laughed even harder. "Ok. Alright. Little miss sunshine. We are what the books called hunters." Dean said.  "FBI hunters ?" "Yeah sure." I said nodding. Maeve and Marie look at each other. "You guys are X-Files." Maeve said. "Sure. Yeah, you can say that. So, this scarecrow, from your musical, is it based on the one from the books ?" Marie shook her head, "No, I changed it. I got scared of a local legend, when I was a kid. There was this old creepy scarecrow, on an abandoned farm, outside of town. Kids used to say, if it caught you, it would take you away." Dean looked at her, "Ok. If this scarecrow is based over your version, then Ms. Chandler and Maggie might still be alive." "You think the scarecrow was created by the play ?" Maeve asked. Marie looked up with realization. "You think... It's a tulpa !" 

We all go to the school's library. Sam puts a book, opened on the tulpa's page, in front of Marie and Maeve. "Tulpas are monsters that are created by an intense, focused energy on an idea, or-" I was cut off by marie "Or a story." "Great. How do you kill an idea ?" Maeve asked. "Well, in Hell House, Sam and Dean burnt the house down, to take out the one tulpa they hunted." Marie added. damn guess she really is a fan. " Yeah, yeah, you kill the symbol, you kill the tulpa. It's a- actually, a pretty good start. So, the scarecrow on your play. Is it a person, or a prop ?" "Prop. And it's terrifying. We keep it in the boiler room." Well guess we're headed to the boiler room.

TIME SKIP>>>>>>>>>

"It's not a tulpa." Sam said after we came back from burning the prop. "What ?" I said. "It's not a tulpa." "Say it one more time, but just a little bit more Arnold, like - it's not a tulpa." Dean joked. "Dude, come on. It's Calliope." Sam said.

Oh you have GOT TO BE KIDDING! Another pagan. well... at least I get to waste another one of their no good egotistical asses. For those who don't know Calliope is the 'goddess' of epic poetry. The muse. She's associated with this - the borage, or starflower. The flower we found earlier. She is the epitome of dramatic diva bitch. She uses these manifestations, like the scarecrow, to inspire the author, and protect them, until their vision has realized. Then, she eats the author. 

Which means we can't stop the show... great. 


It's time for the show ! The audience comes in. Flyers are given to them. Behind the scenes, Marie, Dean, Sam, and I give the last instructions to the actors, before they come on stage. Sam comes in with two wooden stakes. He gives one to his brother. Sam and Dean look at each other. Its show time. Marie goes on stage to introduce the show. "Good evening, everybody ! Welcome to our production of Supernatural. I'm not gonna lie. It might be a full on Gallagher show opening up this piece. Uh, so, those of you in the front rows may want to use the ponchos we provided for you, under your seats. You may, in fact, get wet on this ride. (While she talks, Sam gives some ok signs to Dean.) Um, I would like to thank the, uh, cast and crew- Ok, um... And-and, that, concludes our introduction for the night. So, everybody just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show." 

The little actress playing me sits in the middle of the stage in chains. In what I assume is suppose to be Hell. Then she starts to sing...

The lights fade and the scene changes. The music for the Road So Far is playing. The little girl playing dean starts to sing 

Dean tries to warn Sam that the scarecrow is behind him. Sam doesn't understand. "Turn around !" Dean whisper shouted. Finally, Sam turns around to face the scarecrow. We took off behind the curtian to help but by the time we got to the other side sam was gone. "What do we do now ?" Marie asked panicked. "Just, stick to the plan, ok ? Keep singing, until the scarecrow comes for you." Dean answered. "Eddie you go find Sam and if you find Calliope-" "I know I know... waste the bitch!" I said with a smile as I took off to look for sam. 

I walked towards the basement and I heard her monologuing, "I've consumed many authors. Many stories. But tonight, soon as that curtain opened, I knew something special was brewing with this one. Maybe it's because the story's actual inspiration's here. I don't know. I guess I'm gonna have to kill you and your brother to find out." She smirked. "Don't you have to wait, until the vision has been realized ?" Sam asked. "Oh, gods ! If I have to sit through that second act, one more time... There's robots, and tentacles, and space. I can't even." Calliope shook her head. "So, why this story, huh ? Why, uh, Supernatural ?" Sam asked as I quietly snuck into the room. "Supernatural has everything. Life. Death. Resurrection. Redemption. But above all, family. All sorts of music you can really tap your toe to. It isn't some meandering piece of genre dreck. It's... epic !" She ranted. "We aren't a story." I announced. She turned to look at me and all the color drained from her face. "E-E-Eden.... I-I didn't ..I-m s-sorry" She backed away trembling. I smiled.  "This is our lives. Our pain is not a story. We are not characters. this is not fake. and you my dear Calliope... are not a god... I am." With that I held out my hand and the wooden stake flew to it. without a second thought I plunged it into her heart. Her eyes glowed a violet and she gasped.

"Take a bow, Sammy." Dean said to Marie on the stage. While the audience give them a standing ovation, Marie, Siobhan and Dean take a bow. Curtains close. Time for an intermission.

"Well, you did good out there, kid." Dean said patting Maries shoulder.  "Hmm, you're not so bad yourself." She smirked. "You know ? This has been educational. Seeing the story from your perspective. You keep writing, Shakespeare." Dean smirked. "Even if it doesn't match how you see it ?" She smiled. "I have my version, and you have yours." Dean stated. "One minute, folks. One minute." Maeve yelled in the background. "And....Dean ?" Marie said. Dean looked shocked that she believed who he was.  "You never should've thrown this away." She gives him the Samulet. He takes it, then tries to give it back. "It never really worked. And, I don't need a symbol to remind me how I feel about my brother, so..." "Just take it. Jerk."  "Bitch. " He quickly realizes that's not Sam he's talking to, and tries to say something, but can't find the right words. Marie doesn't seem to mind as she laughs at his awkward reaction. "Right. Ok." While they're getting ready to play a new scene on stage, Dean comes back next to Sam. 

"Well, I guess we can go back at staring at motel room walls." Dean said. "You know what, Dean ? You were right. Staying cooped up isn't helping us. We need-" Sam was cut off because at the same time, something very similar is happening on stage. "We need to get back on the road, Dean. Doing what we do best."  Marie dressed as Sam said. The actress playing dean shook his head as the actress playing me sat in the back. "It's just... I don't know anymore."  Actress!Dean responded "Saving people, hunting things. You know ? The family business." Actress!Sam smiled "You're right, Sammy. Out on the road. Just the three of us." Actress!Eden nodded, "The three of us against the world." We all smiled "What she said." Sam said looking at Dean. Then comes the cover of Carry On Wayward Son.

"Who's that ?" Sam asked pointing to one of the actresses. "Oh, that's Adam. John Winchester's other kid. He's still trapped in the cage, in Hell. With Lucifer." Dean and Sam look at each other. Oh crap... we forgot about Adam.



