The Prophet Kevin

We drove down a long country road in the impala. I tapped my foot to the soft toon of 'California Dreaming'. Sam and Dean were asleep and I was driving. It was a calm night. Until I saw a figure standing in the middle of the lonesome back country road. I slowed the car to a stop so I wouldn't wake the boys. They hadn't slept in two days and I could handle it by myself. I stepped out of the car and laid eyes on Castiel. "What is it brother?" I asked stepping towards him. "Remember when you returned to heaven last week for a few days? Well the Winchesters decided it was a good idea to release the tablets. The word of God has been released. The tablets are free and a new prophet has been appointed." I was confused. "A new prophet? What became of the prophet chuck?" Castiel shrugged his shoulders. "He is assumed to be dead. No two prophets are appointed at the same time." I nodded. Poor chuck. He seemed like a nice... albeit strange guy. "What is the name of this prophet?" I asked. I have to find him. If what Castiel says is true, then the words of God are loose in the world.   If demons get the blueprints to the universe AND their own personal prophet translator there's gonna be a whole lot of blood spilt. "Where?" I asked. "Michigan." I smirked. "I'll take care of it castiel. I assume Raphael is his guardian archangel. Tell him to stay on guard and keep a close eye on the prophet till I get there.  " Castiel nodded. "Of course." He said turning around to fly away. "Oh and Castiel...Thank you." I smiled and he gave a small smile back before flying away. Well looks like I got a prophet to catch. Ain't no rest for the Holy...

When the boys woke up we were already halfway to Michigan. I filled them in. I scolded them for a good hour on how YOU SHOULD NOT SCREW WITH THINGS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!! we arrived by the time I was done. I parked the car and looked in the trunk. There it sat. My father's pride and joy. He spent days with Metatron perfecting every detail,  every clause of that damn tablet.  I can just barely read it. I understand words but none of it makes sense. I felt my father's power radiating off of it. These damn tablets... I grabbed the tablet and started walking. "Where are you going Eddie?" Dean asked quickening his pace to follow after me. "I'm going on a Prophet hunt." I walked into a park and placed the tablet on a bench. I then grabbed the boys by the sleeves and pulled them a few yards away. "What now?" Sam asked. "Now we wait." 

After an hour a small Asian boy came rushing into the park. He was in disarray and went straight for the table. That's him! I can sense it.  He grabbed the tablet and took off. "Hey!" Sam yelled chasing after the boy. The  boy picked up his pace and ran in zig zag motions. I flew in front of him and pushed him down. "Woah were you going there sparky?" I smiled. "I think you have something that belongs to us." Sam said trying to grab the tablet back. But the prophet held it in a death grip. "I'm s-sorry I-I don't know why I just- I can't give it to you." Kevin said. "Calm down Kevin. No need to give it back. It's your birthright. Do you know what that is?" I asked calmly. "No..." He said calming down. "Can you read it Kevin?" I asked. "Um I-It says something about Leviathan. I don't know its really hard to read. Like reading through someone else's glasses." I smiled. "Kevin you are one of three people in existence that can read that tablet. We are here to help you Kevin. This is Sam and Dean Winchester. I am Eden. You my dearest Kevin are a Prophet of the Lord." I smiled. "I-I'm just in advance placement." He stumbled. This was gonna be a long talk. 

After the long LONG explanation of everything weird, holy, or pure evil in the world kevin was fully caught up. Kevin Tran was a full fledged prophet. But now there's demons all up his ass. Welcome to team free will Mr Tran... Good luck.

