We found a way. It'll get the mark of Dean's arm. 

The mark is darkening his soul. I see it. It's exactly what happened with Lucifer and Cain. The mark corrupts. 

The Book of the Damned can take it off. Rowena can perform the spell. I know the consequences of this spell. I know what will happen it the key is gone... The cage opens. But I promised myself that I would save Dean at all costs. All costs include her... Amara. 

The only person my father feared. 

Death always told me that Amara would be the one to end my eternity. There is only one way I die... Amara. Either I kill her or she'll kill me. Either way it's a lose lose situation. 

There was a time before. Before the hate. Before the fall. Before the mark. My family all lived together. Amara included. We were happy. Or at least I was...


I race through the empty laughing. It was finally the day father was going to create. He described to me his dreams for the perfect planet. Oh how I can not wait to see it as a reality. It was almost time! Michael and I were flying around looking for Luci, Raph, and Gabe. Then I saw three little heads. I elbowed michael and pointed towards where our brothers were hiding. He smiled as I giggled "Hark dear sister! Where oh where could our little brothers be hiding from us?" He said loud enough for them to hear. "I don't know dear brother! But if we don't find them soon I fear they might miss father's creation." I smiled. It was  then they all shot up. "WE'RE HERE!!!" They yelled. "I hear them but I don't see them do you Michael?"  I turned pretending not to see them. Michael shook his head "I heard nothing Eden. It must simply be your imagination." He said in a serious tone. "You're right. Well I suppose father could just make us some new little brothers-" Before I finish I was tackled out of the air my brothers. "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" Gabriel Yelled. I laughed under the weight of my three little brothers. "Alright all of you. Off before you hurt her." Michael ordered. He reached out his hand and helped me up. "Come now the lot of you! Let us see what our father will create!" I said flying off toward my father. 

"Hello Father! Hello Aunt Amara!" I smiled. My brothers filed in behind me. Amara sneered at me. She hated me. She always had. But I think it's simply because she has not gotten to know me yet. Amara flew away the moment I entered the room. I frowned for a second but regained my smile when Michael took my hand giving it a supportive squeeze. "Are you ready Eden?" My father asked extending his hand. "I was born ready!" I smiled taking it... Then we got to work.


We created a wonderful world but Amara destroyed it. I barged into her room without knocking. My eyes glowed with fury. "Why would you do that?!?! We are family! How could you?" I shouted as tears split down my cheek. "How dare you speak to me this way!!! You are nothing! You are one of my brothers little toys! He doesn't love you! You aren't his daughter! You are not my family! AND YOU DEFINITELY ARE NOT MY EQUAL! You are no goddess! I WISH I COULD WIPE YOU OUT THE SAME AS I DID TODAY! I was just cleaning up my brothers mess. That's all you are... his little mess. ONE DAY I'll CLEAN YOU UP TOO." She yelled. She pushed me back and slammed the door in my face. Tears ran down my cheeks. She hates me. She doesn't even recognize me as family. She wants to kill me...

_________Present Day

"Eden." I heard from behind me 

I turned to see an old friend.

"Hello Death." 

"Do you have any idea what removing the mark will do?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes I do" He shook his head, "And when the final battle between the creation and the empty begins. When dark and light begin the final fight. One shall fall at the others hand. Either creation or Darkness shall stand victorious. And the war will be over. And there shall be peace." Death quotes. I have heard it from him before. It's an old prophecy. 


"Death. I hear you have something for me." My father smiled. "Yes I'm afraid I do." Death said solemnly. "Well?" My father asked. It was only my father, brothers and me in the room. "A book appeared. and in it there is a prophecy.  And when the final battle between the creation and the empty begins. When dark and light begin the final fight. One shall fall at the others hand. Either creation or Darkness shall stand victorious. And the war will be over. And there shall be peace." He read off the page. That was the very first book of death. Everyone has books that show how they might die. The first book of death only had one page. It was inevitable. Inescapable. "This battle must not occur! Father she'll kill Eden!" Michael panicked. "We won't let that happen... Boys prepare for war..."

That was the beginning. They locked her away and created the mark so that the battle would never occur. So that I would be safe. 

"It's my fault all of this has happened Death. I have no choice. It's inevitable remember? Your books are never wrong." I said calmly. "I hope this will bring peace to you my weary goddess." Death bowed. "How may I help?" 


The spell is complete.

The Mark is no more.

She is free. 

The final war has just begun. 

Amara is free. 

It is the beginning of my end.  

