Teen Dean?


Dean is not ok. He says he is but I know he still feels the mark...That darkness doesn't just go away. We found a case. It took me an hour to convince dean to leave his room. 

We began by interviewing the witness, "And then -- then -- then there was this bright light, and -- bam -- the dude's just gone. Nothing left but, uh... " "A cheap suit and a pair of Florsheims?" Dean finish his thought. "Pretty much." He nodded.  "You see anyone else?" Sam asked. "No, sir, Officer." "And what about, uh, a chill? Or did you smell any rotten eggs?" I asked. "What? No, ma'am. Uh... I smelled flowers, though. You smelled flowers? Flowery flowers. Look. We all know what's [Sighs] going on here, okay?"  Dean lowered his head "Don't say it." "Aliens." He announced "He said it." I shook my head. There is no way in hells bells that aliens did this. Turns out the victim was a lowlife. He had a bad life. I went with Sam to scope out JP's place (the victim) then I heard a prayer "Hey Eddie we got a problem... I'm a tween... If you don't know what that is just ask Sammy. I'm stuck in some freakin serial killer basement with a girl that was in her thirties an hour ago. So ya if you could fly here and help me out I would be very grateful." My eyes widened. "Sam... we got a problem."

I snapped my fingers and Dean appeared in front of me...He looks different. And by different I mean 14... Dean looks 14. "What. The. Holy. Hell?" I said with wide eyes. "It's been a weird day Eddie." Dean responds. 

We are now driving to go save the other "kids" who were trapped with Dean. "Okay you two need to stop staring..." Dean said not looking at us. "AWWWWWWWWW!!!!" I pinched Dean's cheek from my spot in the back seat. "YOU'RE A LITTLE BABY!!!!" I squeal. "I swear Eddie if you don't stop doing that I'm jumping outta the damn car!" Dean grumbles. "AWE Now he's a grumpy baby!" I said in a baby voice. In the alley where Dean got jumped we found yarrow. It's used by witches in spells. But Dean might not want to change back apparently. The mark. He didn't have it when he was a kid. It's gone. If we reverse the spell it'll come back. But if Dean stays a teen... "You know that means nothing can happen between us right Dean?" I ask. "What?!? what are you talking about? I'm still me-" "Dean you're fourteen..." Sam interjected "This is not the time for this we're here."

We got inside and found something very interesting. The thug who kidnapped the "kids" was just the henchman for an evil witch. His name? Hansel. He apparently use to have a sister named gretel. Ring any bells? Yeah dean's right. It's been a weird day. Anyway. So he took us to confront the witch but turned on us. "THEY'RE HUNTERS!" Hansel said knocking Sam and Dean to the ground. "Hunters?!?!" She smiled. She held her hand up and tried to fling me across the room. Key word "Tried". I smiled and my eyes glowed blue. "Oh I'm no hunter... Hi witch bitch I'm God." My smile widened at her terrified expression. Word spread pretty quick throughout the supernatural community that God was going after monsters. It makes the job more fun... For me at least. I casually held up my hand and the witch flew into the comically large oven. I flicked my wrist and the door to the oven slammed shut. Ding Dong the bitch is dead.


I stand beside dean as he looks at the hex bag. "You don't have to do it you know." Dean looked up at me with questioning eyes. "I know the effect of the mark. I've seen it myself more then once... That kind of darkness corrupts. It will always be there whether you admit it or not... I know we don't talk about it. But just because you don't say it out loud doesn't mean it doesn't hurt you. I know you Dean. I see what its doing to you. You don't have to go back...even if that means we can't be together." With that Dean looked me directly in the eyes and without a word squeezed the hex bag. A bright light shone and after a second there he sat. My Dean. Not teen dean. not demon dean. My Dean. "Some things are worth the pain." Dean said as he pulled me into a tight hug. I laughed as I spoke into his neck "Ew! Did you get that off a fortune cookie? that was the cheesiest old man-" "Shut up." Dean said lifting my chin and kissing me. I pulled back and looked at the mark. My fingers traced along the scar. "Well find a way to fix this." I say looking back into his eyes. "I know... But for now. let's just go home." He said throwing his arm around my shoulder and pulling me in to kiss my forehead. "We're gonna be okay." He said. "Yeah..." You are dean. That I promise. You will be okay. But Me... I may not survive what's coming. 

