Time after time

Dean and I  were sitting at a table with a bottle of whiskey and laptop, looking at websites searching for a new case. Sam's cell phone rings. Sammy, who was asleep on a bed in the same room, sits up and groans. He shot me and dean an annoyed look. "Don't give me that dirty-diaper look, Winchester. I ain't calling you." I said. Sam rolled his eyes and answered the phone. "Hello?" Sam groaned into the phone. "Sam, it's Jody Mills. I wake you?" I heard on the other end of the phone. "The sheriff?" I asked. "Uh..." Sam sat up and turned on the lamp beside his bed. "Yeah. Uh, I mean, uh –" Jody cut him off "Listen, I got something that smells like you guys. A body turned up in Canton, Ohio. Local P.D.'s trying to bury the story and the body." Sam put the phone on speaker so Dean could hear too. "Okay, um, so, uh, what's up with the body?" Sam asked. "Well, when it went missing, it was a perfectly normal grad student named Charles Durbin. When it turned up, the thing was mummified minus the wrapping. This is actually the second body found like this in the last couple weeks. Sound like a song you boys tap to?" Jody said. "Yeah, yeah, that's, that's um... that's our kind of number. Hey, question – how does a sheriff in Sioux Falls get wind of a case in Ohio?" Sam asked placing the phone on the table so we could all talk. "I'm just that nosy. Look, after everything I've been through with you boys and... with Bobby, you know, something like this pops up on the wire, it catches my ear. What can I say?" I smiled. I knew I liked this sheriff. "Well, we'll look into it. Thanks, Sheriff." I said. "Call me after, okay?" Jody said like a concerned mom. "Yeah." Sam replied. "Bye Jody" I said. Sam hung up the phone. "Looks like the sheriff did all the searchin' for us Dean-o" I smiled. "Oh, I feel bad. We didn't get her anything." Dean smirked back.  Dean closed the laptop we were doing research on. "Lets rock n' roll" I smiled hopping up to pack. 

We sniffed around a bit. Searched the house, looked at the police report, and interviewed some witnesses. Something is definitely up. The bodies were found severely dehydrated. We did some research and found our purp. He was a man wearing a fedora. And he hasn't aged a day since bodies started dropping. "So, what exactly is this thing? Some sort of vampire who got too sucky?" Dean asked. "Nope. Coroner's reports said there was blood in both bodies. 300-year-old blood, but blood." I said. We stopped walking and saw the fedora man coming out of the house. "Dude, dude. Uh, fedora dude." Dean said to sam. The fedora man walked along the sidewalk and turned down the alley. "All right, let's do this. Let's move fast." Dean said cocking his gun. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the plan here, exactly?" I said. "Don't die." Dean said smirking. Dean and Sam get out of the car and hurry after the fedora man. "Not an issue for ME. You morons on the other hand have proven to be very bad at not dying." I muttered to myself as I followed behind them.

"He's heading downtown. All right, you take the street. Me and Eden will take the alley. we'll meet you in the middle." Dean orders. We turn the alleyway corner and sees the fedora man kneeling over and holding the head of another man, who is on his back on the ground. There is a red light above the prone man's face which seems to be being absorbed by the fedora man. "Son of a..." I hear dean mutter. Dean runs towards the men. I follow close behind ss the red light from the prone man is completely absorbed by the fedora man, the fedora man lets the prone man's head fall to the ground and stands up. Sam comes around the corner as Dean tackle the fedora man. Dean, the fedora man, and I disappear in an explosion of red and white light.

Dean and the fedora man are tussling on the ground. Dean grabs the fedora man's hand and sees that he is wearing a ring with an hourglass symbol. Oh crap I know what that means. That is the mark of CHRONOS. AKA Very Very Bad!!! The Fedora man breaks away and runs off. "Hey!" Dean said pulling out his gun. "DON'T DEAN WE NEED HIM!" I said rushing after the guy. Dean got to his feet and hurries after the fedora man. "Hey!" Dean yelled. Dean drew his gun. "Hey!" He yelled again. We reach the street, stop and look around. Judging by the cars and clothes, we are in the 1940s. The damn thing took us back in time. Two policemen get out of a police car and point guns at us. "Hey, you! Drop the gun! Put it down! Drop the gun!" The policeman yelled. "All right." Dean said as he drops his gun to the ground. The policemen advance on us. Oh we are screwed. 

We sat in the police station handcuffed to the table. A policeman is examining Dean's possessions. "Okay, can I just –" Dean started but was cut off by the police man. "Don't. Listen to me. Hey, if you tell me you're from the Bureau one more time, I'm gonna air you out myself. Got it?" I chuckle as Dean pouts. The policeman turns on Dean's cell phone.""No signal." Are you some kind of Jerry spy?" The policeman spat. "Jerry who?" Dean asked. I rolled my eyes. "Its a german spy...He thinks you're a german spy" I said. "And a terrible one at that." The policeman said holding up Dean's FBI ID. "This badge was issued 68 years from now. Ace work, kraut-muncher." The policeman spat. I sat back, "go ahead dean-o we'll wait..." I smirked as he takes a few beats to calculate the date. "'44? We're stuck in 1944?!" Dean panicked. "There we go Dean-o way to keep up with the class." i said sarcastically. "We're all stuck in 1944, ya bunny." The policeman said. A handsome man entered the room. The policeman gets up from the table and walks over to him. "Take a powder." The man said. "Yes, sir." The policeman said before leaving the room. "Look I don't even like frigging sauerkraut, okay, so you can just skip the –" Dean started but was cut off by the man. "What happened in the alley? And paint me a real picture." Dean rolled his eyes, "All right, well, I'm "twelve monkeyed" no matter what I say, so here goes. I was chasing this dude. Uh, I'd just seen him mummify a guy. Yeah. So, I jumped him. He lights up red. Poof, we're in 1944." The man tosses a folder onto the table and sits down across from us. "Tell me more about the red light." The man said. Dean was taken back. "Are you seriously asking –" "You want out of this jail, you're gonna tell me everything you can about that man and the so-called light.Would you say that, uh... it was all around you or that more that it came from inside this fella?" The man asked. "You believe us. Are you...? You're a hunter." I asked. "I don't know what you're talking about doll-face." He said winking at me. "Demons, ghosts, shifters. Hey, I've killed 'em all. And you're the same. Just 68 years before me, huh?" Dean said a little harshly. The man exhales sharply and holds out a hand. "And your name is...?" Dean, who is still in handcuffs, shakes his hand. "Dean...Winchester." He looks over at me and kissed my hand. "And what might your name be dish?" He smiled. " My name is Eden." I smiled. "Ness. Eliot Ness." He smiled still holding onto my hand. I heard Dean growl off to the side.

We is standing, no longer in handcuffs. Eliot Ness enters the room. "I-I got to tell you, I mean, "Untouchables" is, like, one of my most favorite movies ever." Dean said. "What?" Elliot said confused. "I must have seen that thing, like, 50 times." Dean gushed. ""Seen it?" What, like, I'm in the –" "Oh, yeah, yeah! You don't even know! Oh, you are – pbht!" Eliot held up his hand, "Look, hey, wait, wait, wait. Let's just... slow it down. Okay? Now, time travel. Is that something you find up a lot of sleeves in the future or...?" Dean shook his head, "No, no, no. It's, uh, not normally on the menu. Trust me. I'm as surprised as you are that I'm here." Elliot nodded, "So we're hunting the same thing, just in different centuries. Two bodies. A few days apart just a little over a month ago. One witness said that she saw an assailant light up red after sucking the life out of a man.


"How does that fill you with awe? Look, Dean, this thing, it kills –"

"In threes."

"In threes."

"But you already know that."

"He's two down. You're coming with me. We've got to get this thing before it grabs the last one."

"Okay, so, so, wait, uh... Does... does this mean that I'm an Untouchable now?"

"It means we got to get you two into some new clothes. You look like some kind of bindlestiff."

"Stiff your br – bin – what?" 

We were driving to a clothing store. A woman is measuring and pinning trousers at a table inside the store as our car rounds the corner. Eliot Ness, Dean, and I pull up in a car outside. We get out of the car and smile after a passing serviceman. Eliot grabbed Dean's arm and pulled him into the shop I followed close behind. "What's the rumpus, Eliot?" The woman asked turning her attention towards us. "Ezra Moore. Dean Winchester and Eden.... I didn't catch your last name doll." Eliot said turning to me. I smiled, "That's because I don't have one... doll." Dean cut Eliot off before he could respond. "Hey nice to meet you." He said to Ezra. "Who's he? Some farmer clown?" She spat scowling at his flanel. "He's, uh, from the future." Eliot explained. Dean nodded, "Yeah. Gas costs four bucks. You can get cheese out of a spray can. And... the President, he's a black guy. I could go on." Ezra's eyebrows raised, "Paint me impressed. I assume you need some clothes. Come on... You sweet heart can borrow one of my dresses. You'll give the fellas a heart attack in those." She said referring to my skinny jeans. She took me to a back room and brought out a mint green dress and some heels.  Then Ezra fixed up my makeup and did my hair so i'd fit in better.

I walk out of the dressing room the same time as dean.  Dean is dressing in brown clothes, he comes out of a fitting room wearing a dark suit. His hair is parted on the side. Eliot smiles and whistles at us. Dean looks at himself in the mirror as Ezra smooths the suit jacket from behind. "Not bad Dean-o" I said. He turned around and paused for a second looking at me. "What?" I asked. He shook his head and spoke, "No-nothing Eddie... you just look...Awesome." He smiled and I smiled back. "Awesome? You some religious kook?" Ezra asked. "No, he just likes saying that." Eliot explained. "So, spill already. What bucket of syrup did you two idjits step into?" Me and Dean chuckle. "Something funny, sweetheart?" Ezra spat at dean. "No, you, uh... You just kind of remind us of someone." Dean smiled. "Okay, Ezra... we need your help. It seems we're hunting a time traveler." Eliot cut in. "Delightful." Ezra rolled her eyes.

"Look, let's just stick with what we know. Ezra, see if you can find something in all this junk that will kill a God." Elliot said. "No trouble at all. Come in a few hours, see what I can scrounge up." Ezra said. "No need... I can handle Time lord Justin Timberlake we just gotta find him." I said. Elliot laughed on the side, "No offense doll but how's a pretty little lady like yourself gonna take down a god?" He smiled cockily. That pissed me off. "I am God you ass." I spat. He laughed again but it stopped when I let my eyes glow bright blue. He stumbled back a few feet. "God is a woman? Damn I woulda never guessed. Alrighty Almighty you can take out this Chronos cat. You said you fellas found his house? Well, let's go see if it's been built yet. And then let's kill that bastard, because that –" Dean smiled and put on a fedora. "Is the Chicago way." He finished for Elliot. "Chicago way?" Ezra asked. "Who talks like that?" Elliot  asked. "Sean Connery." Dean said. "Come on Dean."I said helping Dean into a coat. "We are ever watching that movie again." Dean whispered to me. I nodded and we were off to find our purp. 

Dean, Eliot, and I are outside the front door of the house. "It looks empty. You got a lock pick?" Elliot said. "Sure." I said holding up my hand and used my powers to blow through the wooden door. Splinters of wood fell all around the room, the door was in pieces. "After you." I smiled as Elliot walked passed me, gun drawn. "Take a look around. Where's he getting all the lettuce to support this?" Dean picked up a large journal and opens it. It contains horse racing results. "He's using the "Biff strategy."" I said. "Using what?" Elliot asked confused. "He's – Chronos is betting on races he already knows the outcome of. Look at this." Dean said "He's spent a lot of time in '44." Eliot said. We nod in agreement. Dean pointed to initials in the journal. "What's L.Y.?" Dean asked. "It's not a what. It's a who. Lester Young. He lays bets for a lot of the flunkies in town. Let's say we go pay him a visit." Eliot said. 

Dean pushed Lester down the stairs and into a chair. "Hey! W-whoa! Hey! Hey! Easy with the jacket! Yeah, I ain't talking. I'm no stoolie." Lester spat. Dean punche Lester, who falls backwards in the chair. Eliot looked at Dean. "I learned it from watching you." Dean pushed the chair and Lester upright. "Look, you seem like a swell guy, Lester." Elliot said as Dean took off his jacket. "And I want to help you out. I do, but my partner here? He just back from the war. And he's spent the last two years kicking in Nazi skulls. If he doesn't kick in a skull every couple days, he gets real touchy." Dean put on a stern face and glared at Lester, "Lester. That a German name?"  "Hey, okay, okay. There's no need to snap your cap. W-who you looking for?" "Fella by the name of Snider." Elliot said "What, that guy? I mean, bum never missed a bet, but he gave me the heebie-jeebies, so I cut him off." Lester explained. "Where would you meet him for the payoff?" Lester hesitates but Dean raises an arm and steps closer. "T-the Early Bird! It's a dive on Haggerty. Practically lives in the joint." Lester panicked. "Thank you for your help." I smiled and walked outta the room with the boys following close behind. 

We found him at the diner. I had a plan but I couldn't tell dean what it was because well... he'd stop me. "I'll be right back" I said walking into the dinner. I sat down at the booth with Chronos. "Hello Chronos." He stiffened.  "How do you know who I am?" He spat. "Oh sorry! How rude of me to not introduce myself... Hello I am God" 

A few minutes later I walked out holding onto the Chronos' arm. He was terrified.... good. "How the hell you manage that?" Elliot asked. "I told you. I'm god." I turned to Chronos and my eyes glowed blue. "You will take us back to our time and then I will kill you... understood?!?!" I said in my God voice. Chronos panicked and nodded. "So this is goodbye huh?" Elliot said. "We have it from here mr. Ness.... It was a pleasure meeting you." I smiled. "Trust me the pleasures all mine... not every day you get to meet God." He scoffed to himself. He then turned to talk to Dean. "You take care of doll face, ya hear?" He smiled shaking Dean's hand. "Not she needs it" He added. We said our goodbyes and I forced Chronos to take us home.

I turned to Chronos to kill him. I placed my hand on his chest and he began to glow white. He screamed in agony. "You want to know your future? I know your future." He smiled evilly. He looks over at Dean. "She's gonna die! The Darkness will destroy creation." He then turned back to me. "Enjoy oblivion." He laughed. With that Chronos fell dead on the floor. I knew what he was talking about. "The Darkness will be freed from her prison and when the darkness is risen she shall take up sword against the light and creation will fall." It was a prophecy told long ago. I knew my fate. But lately I've learned that fate doesn't dictate our lives. After all I'm a member of Team Free Will. Who said fate was ever certain? 
