Chapter 35

Chapter 35

    In the ward, under the constant flashing red light, the beds, walls and floors were stained with a layer of blood, and the atmosphere was even more terrifying.

    Ling Qiqi was the first to react, quickly dodged to the door of the ward, and pressed the door handle to gently lock the door. She glanced at the light that was still on above her head, and closed the light door again.

    The room was instantly plunged into darkness.

    Everyone quickly understood Ling Qiqi's intentions, Jiang Sanduo and Lin Meng both made silent gestures, signaling everyone to keep quiet.

    With the extra quiet atmosphere in the room, the bells and whistles outside the corridor also became more obvious.

    I just heard the sound of hurried footsteps approaching outside the door, followed by a few knocks on the door abruptly.

    "Open the door! Did anyone see a patient running this way!" Hearing the voice, he could tell that the person outside was a male doctor.

    Ling Qiqi turned around and gestured to Lin Meng, and made a mouth shape: Come on.

    Lin Meng understood what she meant, and quickly adjusted her state. She walked to the door of the room and talked to the outside through the door: "Doctor, I'm Lin Meng who was just admitted to the hospital today. Everyone else in the ward is already asleep. I've never seen outsiders come in."

    The doctor outside seemed to think for a while before replying: "Okay, if it's all right, then you can continue to rest."

    Hearing this, everyone in the ward was relieved.

    But Ling Qiqi's expression was still solemn, and she didn't move her hand away from the handle, because she didn't hear the footsteps of people outside the door leaving.

    Sure enough, in the next second, the sound of smashing the door more forcefully rang out.

    "Come out! I know you are all hiding here, you can't run away!!" The

    doctor outside the door opened his mouth with a sly smile, his eyes were full of lifeless sullenness, and he didn't seem to feel pain in his hands. Hammering on the door.

    At the same time, doctors and nurses from the entire building are rushing towards this side.

    Seeing that the matter had been exposed, Ling Qiqi quickly turned back to look at everyone.

    "This door won't last long, and people outside will soon rush in. At that time, everyone will act according to the circumstances. In addition, Lin Meng's supernatural ability is special, and she needs someone to accompany her."

    Shi Lei stood up and patted his chest. , "Don't worry, I'm here."

    Chu Yi's brows flashed a bit of hesitation, pursed her lips, and said, "I have a proposal."

    Ling Qiqi and everyone's eyes immediately shifted to her.

    Chu Yi quickly expressed his thoughts: "Since we have already been exposed, it will be detrimental to us if we continue to consume it. So I think it is better to divide into two groups, one group will go directly to the sixth floor to find the dean, and the other group will stay. Here, try my best to hold back the doctors and nurses on the fifth floor below, and support the teammates who went to the sixth floor to find the dean."

    Ling Qiqi retracted his gaze on Chu Yi, "She's right, spend it with the doctors outside. , it is indeed not a long-term solution."

    Now, who comes to the sixth floor to find the dean, it becomes a problem.

    Based on the information they had just learned along the way, they could tell that the dean was definitely not a simple little person, and he was definitely more dangerous than the doctors and nurses outside.

    "I'll go by myself." Ling Qiqi made a decisive decision without giving others time to react, and made a decision directly.

    Lin Meng was a little worried, "Why don't I go with you too, if I get hurt, I can still help."

    Ling Qiqi signaled her to be relieved, "You stay below to help them. I can handle it with the dean."

    Hearing this, Lin Meng didn't insist any longer. After all, if she didn't get it right, she might still drag Ling Qiqi down.

    At the time of their brief conversation, the sound of slamming on the door outside the corridor grew louder and louder, seeing that the door frame was already crumbling, and dust powder fell from the crack of the door.

    "Open the door quickly!! You can't run away!"

    Everyone knows that we can't continue to delay.

    Jiang Sanduo led the other three back.

    Ling Qiqi stood in front of the door, slowly put his hand on the handle, and finally twisted the door lock.

    The moment the door lost its lock, it was violently smashed open by someone outside. I saw a male doctor rushing in with scarlet eyes. His scarred mouth showed signs of cracking at any time, and he looked extremely scary.

    "Let me see, which two disobedient patients escaped from the room?" Then, a giggling sound of quirky laughter sounded, causing goosebumps all over.

    The door was pushed open to the inside of the ward, Ling Qiqi was hidden behind the door, and the male doctor didn't notice her immediately.

    When no one was paying attention to herself, she decisively turned around and ran out of the ward, trusting the doctors in the house to Chu Yi and the others to deal with.

    Her target is the dean on the sixth floor.

    At this time, more and more doctors and nurses who behaved strangely in the dark corridor came out, and they were all frantically looking for the two patients who escaped.

    Ling Qiqi rushed all the way to the sixth floor along the stairs. Because most doctors and nurses were wandering in the corridor, Ling Qiqi did not encounter any obstacles in the stairwell, and rushed all the way to the sixth floor smoothly.

    But what's weird is that the scene you see when you come to the sixth floor is completely different from the one below.

    The entire sixth floor was empty, not even half a shadow could be seen, and the environment was so quiet that Ling Qiqi could hear his heart beating.

    She lowered her body, touched the wall with her hand, and started walking down the corridor.

    "Tick... tick..."

    The more you went in, the more you could hear a sound like water droplets falling on the ground, and it became clearer and clearer.

    The door of the dean's office was tightly closed at this time.

    Ling Qiqi stood in front of the door, put her ear to the door, and tried to listen to the sound inside. Only then did she realize that the sound of water she heard just now came from this office.

    And there was a very strange sound, it was hard to describe what it felt like, like someone was tearing at something.

    Ling Qiqi knew that it was most likely the legendary dean who made these movements.

    She raised her hand, paused for a moment, and then began to knock on the door.

    "Is that the dean inside?"

    After Ling Qiqi said, the strange voices in the office disappeared immediately. Then, heavy footsteps sounded, and the people inside seemed to be moving towards the door.

    Ling Qiqi narrowed her eyes, she had already activated the wind power in her hand, ready to attack at any time.


    The door of the Dean's office opened, and the Dean's figure inside the door also appeared.

    It was a pair of empty and godless eyes, as if looking at a dead person. The corners of his mouth were full of dark red blood, and there were some residues hanging on it. I don't know what he ate just now.

    "Who are you?" The dean looked at Ling Qiqi numbly, as if he was chanting scriptures, and his words were emotionless.

    Ling Qiqi glanced at the dean's hand, only to see wet blood on his palm, and the residue of raw meat, "I am a patient who has recovered from the disease, Director Zheng asked me to come and ask you to issue a discharge certificate. Hearing this, the

    dean seemed to raise his head in response. He looked at Ling Qiqi and smiled coldly, "The condition has recovered?"

    He didn't know what the dean's question meant, but Ling Qiqi had already sensed something was wrong and took a half step back before answering: "Yes, After taking the medication on time, Director Zheng finally confirmed that we have recovered from the disease." The

    director looked up and down Ling Qiqi with lifeless eyes, "But... our hospital has never had a patient who has recovered..." The

    voice fell, The dean instantly showed his sharp fangs stained with blood, and with a sly smile, he stretched out his hands to Ling Qiqi's neck, and was about to bite at her.

    Ling Qiqi's reaction was also very fast. When the Dean made an attack intention, Ling Qiqi quickly retreated to the rear, and at the same time threw the small whirlwind that had already been condensed in his hand on the Dean.

    In the past, most of the NPCs Ling Qiqi encountered could be solved with just one ability, but this time the situation has escalated.

    I saw the dean laughed grimly, and waved his hand in the air, a group of the same whirlwind appeared out of thin air, directly colliding with Ling Qiqi's ability.

    The two equal energies were on par with each other and dissipated in the air.

    Ling Qiqi frowned and looked at the position where the two forces disappeared.

    It is not surprising that the dean has an ability, but why is this ability the same as hers?

    Ling Qiqi held the idea of ​​​​testing, and condensed a larger storm and threw it towards the dean.

    The strong whirlwind airflow left a white streak in the air, and the storm with devastating force swept away, and the strong wind blew up the pages of the office.

    What's even more bizarre is that just before the storm was about to reach the dean, a storm of the same size blocked the way.

    The two same forces hedged again, each counteracting the other's energy, and was slowly exhausted.

    Ling Qiqi paused for a moment, then glanced at the dean, "Your ability is a copy." The

    dean raised his hand to wipe the red blood on the corner of his mouth, and sneered: "It seems that you are not stupid."

    But to Ling Qi Seventh, this situation is a bit troublesome.

    The ability of the dean to copy is equivalent to changing another Ling Qiqi to let her defeat herself in a short period of time. This is obviously an extremely difficult thing.

    I don't know how long they can hold on downstairs. Once Chu Yi and the others can't hold it, other doctors will rush up. At that time, with the advantage of the large number, the scale of victory will inevitably tilt to the Dean's side.

    Ling Qiqi tapped the crystal ball pendant with her fingers, raised her eyes, and smiled suddenly.

    "President, let me play a song for you."

    The dean probably didn't expect Ling Qiqi to have such leisurely elegance at this time. His face became even colder, "Don't think about any crooked thoughts, continue to drag on, the only disadvantage will be you."

    Ling Qiqi ignored what he said, just stretched out his hand to hide behind him, and quietly took out the dance from the space. Big horn.

    Since the game item was used last night, the two-hour cooldown period has already ended.

    Ling Qiqi put his hands behind his back, pressed the play button of the speaker, and another song with a very familiar melody sounded.

    "You are my little apple, I can't love you too much~" The

    age-like singing quickly enveloped the entire office.

    Dean: "..." You

    can see that the expression on Dean's face is a little impatient. But gradually, as the lyrics and melody came into his ears, a wonderful feeling of happiness quickly spread throughout his body.

    It is a kind of beauty that is difficult to describe in words, and people unconsciously start dancing to the melody of the song.

    When the dean recovered from this happiness, he realized that his body had already danced uncontrollably in the square dance.

    Dean: "...What's going on?"

    He widened his eyes in horror and forcibly twisted his neck to look in Ling Qiqi's direction, but his hands and feet were still dancing completely uncontrollably.

    Ling Qiqi silently retracted the speaker, too lazy to continue entanglement with the dean, and went straight to the topic.

    "My loudspeaker only works on mutant zombies. What do you think is going on?"

    Ling Qiqi had a guess after hearing what Dr. Zheng said that he had seen the dean eating people's brains.

    It eats human brains raw, and has sharp fangs. All kinds of physiological habits are completely consistent with the habits of zombies. This is enough to prove that the dean should be a mutant zombie.

    Although he has not completely lost his mind, he can only be regarded as an advanced version of the zombie at most.

    That's why Ling Qiqi suddenly took out the dancing loudspeaker to take a risk.

    Seeing that his identity has been exposed, the dean still has no fear, and he is still smiling grimly, "Don't think that you can be discharged from the hospital in this way. Without my autograph, your discharge certificate will be invalid!"

    And this Not in Ling Qiqi's consideration, the moment he took out the loudspeaker, Ling Qiqi's plan already had a whole set of links.

    Ling Qiqi quickly turned around and took out his mobile phone, and skillfully dialed a series of numbers.

    After the beep, the person on the other side answered the phone.

    She skillfully said what she had prepared in her heart: "Hello, I'm the player who reported the cinema staff last time. I'm at the abandoned unmanned hospital next door, and I want to report the hospital's director NPC in real name, please. Help me report it to my superiors."

    A few days after the dungeon was opened, it was connected to two real-name reporting calls, which really caught the attention of the upper management of the NPC class.

    With the help of the theater staff to reflect, half a minute later, the superior leader called in person.

    The dean, who was still dancing in ecstasy, was still dancing wildly with his hands and feet, but his head was fixed on Ling Qiqi, looking funny and a little distorted.

    After Ling Qiqi answered the call, a voice came from the other side, "I'm Mr. Wu, the inspector of Crazy Zombie City. I heard that you are going to report the npc again. What's the matter?"

    Ling Qiqi was a little surprised. The gentleman is still the upper-level leader of the NPC.

    After adjusting her state, she continued to report in a businesslike manner, "Is it convenient for you to switch to a video call? I just happened to show you directly." The

    other side was silent for three seconds, and then the phone was automatically switched to video mode.

    Mr. Wu's indifferent face appeared on the phone screen.

    The camera on Ling Qiqi's side was aimed at the dean who was still dancing, and she began to explain: "Mr. Wu, look. This dean is the boss of this level, but he has been dancing and having fun, neglecting his duties. The sense of responsibility as an NPC. What do you think of this situation?" The

    dean heard Ling Qiqi's frame-up, and immediately shook his head vigorously, "I don't have it, don't listen to her—"

    Halfway through the words, a rag It was quickly shoved into his mouth.

    "Ugh..." The dean struggled frantically to speak, but his body was still dancing uncontrollably.

    Ling Qiqi had already switched the camera to the selfie perspective, and did not give the Dean any chance to defend himself.

    Mr. Wu pursed his lips tightly into a straight line. I don't know if he was angry or speechless. After a long time, he replied: "I know, in a minute, there will be special supervisors to verify."

    Ling Qiqi asked again: " Then look, our discharge certificate?"

    Mr. Wu: "If you have successfully clocked in, just leave the hospital gate."

    [Ding! Congratulations to players Ling Qiqi, Chu Yi, Jiang Sanduo, Shi Lei, and Lin Meng for successfully punching in the unmanned abandoned hospital. ]

    [Abandoned unmanned hospital attractions will be temporarily closed for rectification after three minutes. Players in the hospital are requested to leave as soon as possible to avoid being mistakenly locked into the attractions. ]

    The prompt sound plays three times in a loop before it stops.
