Chapter 26

Chapter 26

    The darkness enveloped Ling Qiqi's mind, as if he had fallen into an abyss, completely unaware of any perception from the outside world.

    The unconscious Ling Qiqi came to an unknown space.

    A gentle calling sounded from Ling Qiqi's mind. But the voice was very vague, and it was impossible to hear the specific content at all.

    After an unknown amount of time, Ling Qiqi's consciousness gradually returned to her cage, and she slowly opened her eyes, only to see Song Qingzheng standing aside worriedly.

    "What's wrong with me?" Ling Qiqi frowned slightly and sat up from the bed.

    Song Qing hurriedly leaned over in surprise, supported Ling Qiqi's arm, and turned around and shouted outside the room, "Yi Chu, Xue'er, come here! Qiqi is awake." After the

    voice came out, Wang Xue'er was the first He rushed to the bed and looked at Ling Qiqi worriedly.

    "You suddenly fainted on the road outside yesterday. Later, a passerby found out and told us. Did something happen to you?"

    Ling Qiqi rubbed her temples, trying her best to recall yesterday's situation, thinking about the inside of her body. After the mutation, he came back to his senses.

    "It's okay, it seems that after I drank the potion, my supernatural ability reacted a little bit." After

    hearing this, Wang Xueer and Song Qing were relieved.

    But they were very measured and didn't ask Ling Qiqi's ability question. After all, everyone has their own privacy, even the best friends should keep a distance.

    After confirming Ling Qiqi's physical condition, the two took the initiative to leave the room.

    Ling Qiqi looked at the bracelet, closed his eyes and moved his mind slightly, and chose to read the information in the [Talent Ability] section.

    [Name: Ling Qiqi]

    [Awakening main ability: Level 1 · Unknown (Wind Element)]

    【Awakening secondary ability: Level 1 · Teleportation】

    【Main ability function: ? ? ? It seems that there is an additional ability to control the element of wind. 】

    [Auxiliary ability effect: After activating the ability, with the user as the center, a part of objects within a radius of five meters can be instantly moved. 】

    Ling Qiqi's originally calm eyes flashed a surprise when he saw the information about the wind-type ability in the board.

    Although she had long known that this unknown ability might be unusual, she never thought that other new abilities could be awakened. And looking at the information of this bracelet, it seems that there is far more than one kind of ability.

    Ling Qiqi raised his palm and tried to harness this new energy.

    I saw a small vortex slowly forming in her palm, like a whirlwind. The small wind current caused the surrounding air to accelerate, leaving an invisible white circle.

    "It's the ability of the wind element." Ling Qiqi muttered to himself while observing the whirlwind in his hand.

    As described in the bracelet information, this wind power is the ability to control everything related to the natural elements of the wind between heaven and earth.

    Compared with the ability to teleport objects, her wind power is more flexible, and her attack method is no longer limited to using the control of foreign objects to fight the enemy.

    Not bad indeed.

    As Ling Qiqi's mental strength concentrated, the whirlwind in her hand turned faster and faster, and even brought a sound of breaking wind.

    I saw that Ling Qiqi's body was constantly flashing with blue light, and the strength of the whole body had been fully mobilized.

    Gradually, an extremely terrifying cyclone eye appeared around Ling Qiqi, and this dangerous force was still brewing.

    The strong wind swept across the ground, whipping up pieces of dust and debris in the house, as if a doomsday tornado swept in.

    Ling Qiqi was shocked when she felt the power attached to her by the wind power.

    Sure enough, the power of nature is the most amazing.

    After trying the new ability, Ling Qiqi put away the whirlwind power that was just brewing in his hand.

    Ling Qiqi got up and got out of bed, and looked out the window, only to see the bright sunlight scattered wantonly outside.

    It was dawn, and she had to leave.

    A quarter of an hour later, when everyone learned that Ling Qiqi was about to leave the safe area, they took the initiative to see him off.

    Wang Xueer turned around and took the car key from Wang Lin's hand, and handed it to Ling Qiqi with a serious expression.

    "Qiqi, you can drive away, it's safer."

    Wang Lin also nodded.

    Although he knew that Wang Xueer was kind, Ling Qiqi still smiled helplessly, "It's not that I'm being polite with you, it's that I really don't know how to drive."

    These words made everyone stunned.

    Afterwards, Jiang Yichu and Song Qing each laughed, recalling their experience of driving out of the campus together with Lin Meng.

    In such an atmosphere of laughter, the sadness of the upcoming separation was also weakened a lot.

    "Don't worry about me, I'll go to the supply station later to redeem the points and leave immediately. I don't have to cry and make a lot of trouble when I meet you." After speaking, Ling Qiqi turned around freely and was ready to leave.

    Jiang Yichu and Song Qing stood side by side and watched Ling Qiqi.

    The brothers and sisters of the Wang family also bowed their heads one after another, feeling a little depressed.

    "Ah, that's right." Ling Qiqi suddenly thought of something, turned around again, and faced Jiang Yichu, "Let me make a suggestion to your association."

    Jiang Yichu smiled, and immediately said he was listening, "Speak." The

    sun shines from the top of his head . Falling down, Ling Qiqi's pink face glowed with a unique charm, "Find a way to completely destroy this game, and bring peace to the world."

    After all, there are most survivors without abilities, and it is impossible for the association to cover everything. to protect everyone. So they can only have a chance to end the doomsday by completely destroying the game.

    At that moment, there was an agreement in their hearts.

    Jiang Yichu has a heavy burden of responsibility in his heart. But he still had a firm gaze, "Okay." The

    Power User Association is still very weak at the moment, but ending the doomsday of the fall will become the goal of all of them in the future.

    Ling Qiqi walked out of the stronghold of the Power User Association, turned his back to Jiang Yichu and waved goodbye to the supply station.

    "Safe journey." Wang Xue'er whispered.

    Other than that, they didn't say anything, just watched Ling Qiqi's back silently until it disappeared.

    Ling Qiqi returned to the Owen supply station and happened to meet Lan Meimei at the door to welcome guests.

    When Lan Meimei saw Ling Qiqi, her face instantly burst into a smile, and she took the initiative to greet her, "Are you coming back to redeem the points left over from yesterday's discount?"

    Ling Qiqi nodded and walked over, "Well, by the way, buy some more supplies. Dry food."

    Because of the clear goal, after Ling Qiqi redeemed the points, he went straight to the materials area and started to choose.

    It is worth mentioning that not only ordinary dry food is sold here, but there are also a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, which seem to be freshly picked, and the fruits are plump, juicy, and brightly colored.

    Ling Qiqi took a few fragrant pears, and then pushed the shopping cart to checkout at the counter.

    "After this discount, you have spent a total of 78 points. Please check your shopping information." Lan Meimei handed the bill to Ling Qiqi.

    After Ling Qiqi checked the billing information, he picked up a fragrant pear and started nibbling.

    A few minutes later, Ling Qiqi turned around and walked out of the supply station, not knowing that her series of actions had already aroused the envy of many onlookers.

    Since the advent of the game, more than 90% of the people have never been in contact with dungeons. Naturally, they have no points to buy goods from the supply station. They can only sort out the old times here. Welcome to join us. There are tens of thousands of historical novels. Watch for free. Baba watched.

    When a woman sighed and held her little daughter's hand and was about to leave, she was suddenly stopped by Lan Meimei.

    "Everyone, please stay. Just now, Miss Qiqi, a member of this site, bought some dry food supplies for everyone. If you need it, you can come to the cashier to line up to receive it. The elderly, women and children are given priority, and each person can only receive one copy. If there are fish in troubled waters who want to collect them multiple times, don’t blame me for being rude~”

    Ling Qiqi took away a lot of materials from the school, and after storing them in the crystal ball space, the food and drinking water will not deteriorate, which is enough for Ling Qiqi himself Eat another month.

    So she is not short of supplies. Come back to the supply station, mainly to exchange the remaining points from the discount. Secondly, he wanted to help Jiang Yichu and his association to reduce some of the burden when he could do his best.

    Of the supplies that Ling Qiqi had just purchased, she only took the few fragrant pears and left the rest. He also specifically entrusted Lan Meimei to help distribute the survivors in the safe zone.

    Near the edge of the safe zone, Ling Qiqi nibbled at the pears in his hands one by one, staring at the scenery outside from a distance, thinking about something in his heart.

    "Girl! Girl!"

    Ling Qiqi turned around slowly holding the fragrant pear, realizing that someone seemed to be calling her from behind.

    I saw a man in a dark green cloth running towards him. His dark skin is a little rough, and his appearance is a little simple. But there was a firmness that was hard to ignore in those clean eyes.

    The man panted and ran to Ling Qiqi before stopping, "Girl, please stay."

    Ling Qiqi glanced at the man and found that he didn't know him, and was a little confused, "Are you calling me?"

    The man quickly got up and nodded again and again, "Yes. I saw you walking out of the supply station just now. I know that you bought supplies for everyone. You are a good person."

    Ling Qiqi was stunned for a moment.

    She didn't do these things in return at all, so she didn't know how to respond for a while.

    At this time, the man has adjusted the rhythm of his breathing. He suddenly showed a simple and honest smile and stretched out his hand to Ling Qiqi, "Hello, my name is He Zhiqiang, I'm a recently discharged veteran. I came to you because I heard Miss Lan say that you are going to leave the safe zone. If If possible, is it convenient for me to go with you?"

    Probably because his father was a policeman, Ling Qiqi also had an inexplicable admiration for soldiers since he was a child.

    She nodded happily, "Of course you can."

    "However, where are you going to leave the safe zone?" Ling Qiqi asked curiously.

    I saw He Zhiqiang bow his head slightly, "I was originally from the city center to go back to my hometown. But two days ago, this game appeared inexplicably, and I also awakened my ability. I thought that the country should be in great need of support now. , I'll come back quickly, and plan to go back to the city center."

    Looking at He Zhiqiang's sun-tanned skin and the rough calluses on his hands, spontaneous respect rose in Ling Qiqi's heart.

    In such troubled times, soldiers like He Zhiqiang are really lucky for China.

    In this way, Ling Qiqi and the veteran who was nearly forty years old set foot on the road to the city center together.

    It has been a day since they left the safe area. Ling Qiqi and He Zhiqiang walked all the way towards the city center.

    Fortunately, with the navigation of the bracelet map, the two did not accidentally get lost.

    As the sky was about to darken, Ling Qiqi and He Zhiqiang stopped temporarily and chose to rest in a building in a small safe area, preparing to leave before dawn.

    Ling Qiqi took out the fragrant pear he bought before, and threw it to He Zhiqiang, "Eat a pear to quench your thirst."

    When the words fell, He Zhiqiang just raised his hand to take the fragrant pear. He smiled honestly, "Thank you."

    [Ding! The novice period of the doomsday game has ended, and it is about to enter the global player selection competition - Crazy Zombie City. ]

    [The copy of "Crazy Zombie City" is a large-scale selection and elimination round, and it is mandatory for people with global abilities to participate. The countdown will end in three seconds. At that time, players with abilities will be automatically divided into their own exclusive competition areas and start the dungeon to pass the level. ]

    [The dungeon environment is being generated...]

    [Starting to match player information...]

    Ling Qiqi was forced to pull into the dungeon the next second just after he recovered.

    The familiar sense of weightlessness swept Ling Qiqi, like falling into an abyss. There was only endless darkness in front of him, but his body continued to fall, as if there was no end.

    When Ling Qiqi woke up and opened his eyes again, the scene around him had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

    At this time, Ling Qiqi seemed to be standing in a void space, surrounded by gray that could not be seen, no sound could be heard, and the world had completely entered a static mode.
