Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Multiplayer Trial Dungeon

    As the dungeon started, Ling Qiqi felt a swirling sensation in his mind, making people dizzy, and his body continued to descend as if weightless.

    After an unknown amount of time, the dizziness finally disappeared.

    Ling Qiqi slowly opened her eyes, and the dazzling sunlight made her subconsciously raise her hand to block her eyes.

    "What is this place?" Wang Xue'er, who was beside her, stared blankly at the new scene outside the car window.

    Ling Qiqi gradually adapted to the light of the outside world, and the blurred vision in front of her eyes became clear.

    I saw a lush jungle green tree outside the car window, and a few strange purple-blue mushrooms were blooming under the shade of blue trees that covered the sky. The dry black branches took on all kinds of curved and weird shapes, and a devil with fangs and claws was reaching out to them.

    At the end of the unseen road ahead, gorgeous fireflies are flying and circling, adding a touch of light and vitality to this wonderful world.

    Ling Qiqi rolled down the car window, and the smell of the damp earth outside drifted into the car, a very fresh and natural smell.

    Suddenly, a white fluffy dumpling elf came out of the woods. Its body was a ball of white fluffy, and there were two slender black feet under it. Bouncing vigorously past the car.

    Seeing that this could not be a strange species in the real world, Wang Lin, who had just woken up, was also stunned, "What is this?"

    "The lost fairyland town." Ling Qiqi silently read her into this place The beep the world heard before.

    【Ding! Players have successfully loaded the multiplayer trial dungeon "The Vanishing Fairyland Town" in the large-scale fog in Huaxia District, please work hard to clear the level. ]

    [Dungeon Tip: Three tourists were about to go to the fairyland town for vacation, but accidentally broke into the forest hidden in the mist. This forest seems a little weird, and people who enter here by mistake can't get out. 】

    Ling Qiqi silently wrote down the reminder, turned around to open the car door, and called Wang Xueer and Wang Lin, "The car can't be driven here, get out of the car first. We should walk out of this forest."

    Wang Xueer and Wang Lin were also the first experienced this kind of thing. The two were stunned for a long time before slowly accepting this reality.

    After Wang Xueer reacted first, she quickly got out of the car and pulled up Wang Lin, who was in the driver's seat.

    She pulled Wang Lin to stand beside Ling Qiqi, and said with great confidence, "Let's go with you."

    Ling Qiqi didn't refuse. No one knows what dangerous situations will be in the dungeon. Of course, it is better to walk together. She turned and walked towards the end of the road.

    Wang Xueer and Wang Lin didn't stay any longer, they quickly raised their legs to follow Ling Qiqi.

    The three of them hurriedly set off into the distance.

    The forest where Ling Qiqi and the others were located seemed to be very large, because after walking for more than an hour, they were still circling in the woods, and they couldn't even see the end.

    "How long do we have to walk in this broken forest?" Wang Lin felt the sweat dripping from his forehead and said speechlessly.

    Wang Xueer and Ling Qiqi also had beads of sweat on their foreheads.

    I don't know what's going on, it's like they encountered a ghost hitting the wall, there is always a vast green forest in front of them, no matter which direction they go, they can't get to the end.

    Ling Qiqi finally realized something was wrong. She stopped and began to look around.

    I don't know since when, the surrounding scenery has become exactly the same. No matter which angle you look at, the lush forest is always in front of you.

    Ling Qiqi frowned slightly, stopped Wang Xueer and Wang Lin, turned around and left, "Go back and look for the car we just had."

    In the confusion where there is no direction, the best way is to find a reference, come Determine the coordinate position. And here are all similar woods that spread all around, and there is no way to use them as a reference.

    That's why Ling Qiqi thought of looking for their car for the first time.

    Wang Xueer and Wang Lin also realized the seriousness of the problem. The two of them didn't ask any further questions, they just started to walk back with Ling Qiqi nervously.

    After walking for more than an hour, it stands to reason that the three of them have returned to the same way, and they should be able to see their previous vehicle.

    But the fact is that there is still a vast green in front of them, and there is no trace of any vehicle at all.

    Ling Qiqi frowned, remembering the previous copy reminder.

    This forest seems a little weird, and people who enter here by mistake can't get out.

    The Wang brothers and sisters also slowly realized that something was wrong.

    All the way back, no matter which direction they went, the surrounding scenery looked the same, as if they were trapped in a closed forest.

    Because of the long-term predicament, everyone's emotions began to become irritable. That feeling is like a fire buried in my heart, ready to burst out at any time, burning the whole body with fiery heat.

    Wang Lin sat down impatiently in the shade, "What's the matter with this broken forest?"

    Wang Xue'er and Ling Qiqi's endurance was fairly strong, but looking at the expressions on their faces, they knew that their hearts were not at the moment. feel good.

    Ling Qiqi took a deep breath and calmed down again.

    The reason why this dungeon created such a desperate situation must be to disturb the emotions and minds of the players. If they are in disorder, they are condemning themselves to death.

    After Ling Qiqi clarified his thoughts, he stretched out his hand to activate the ability, trying to see if the ability could still be used. But after she activated the power in her body, there was no change in her hand, and it seemed that the power had failed.

    All of this in front of us cannot be broken by powers.

    At this time, Wang Lin also discovered the situation where the power was invalid, and he was on the verge of collapse. "The power can't be used, and the broken forest can't get out even after 800 turns. This copy is crazy!

    " Said that even if he was put into the zombie group, he would still be struggling for a while.

    But in this boundless sea of ​​woods, no matter what, there is no end in sight, which is simply killing people's fighting spirit a little bit, and finally makes people completely desperate.

    Ling Qiqi was still calmly studying the surrounding scenery, looking for differences.

    Wang Xueer also observed the situation around her.

    After a while, she suddenly guessed: "Qiqi, I think we may have entered a dream."

    Ling Qiqi's eyes paused for a moment, then looked back at her, "Mmm", "It's possible."

    Wang Xueer continued: "Then the way to wake up from a dream..."

    She thought along natural common sense: "If someone else wakes us up from the outside world, everyone will naturally wake up. But the three of us are all in a dream now. , no one will wake us up at all, so this method won't work."

    Wang Xue'er raised her head, a look of worry flashed in her eyes.

    "Then what should we do?" As

    soon as her voice fell, the surrounding environment suddenly fell into a strange silence. The surroundings are very quiet, and all the bells and whistles have disappeared.

    In fact, there is a strong murderous intent hidden in this silence.

    A drop of rain fell, sliding down Ling Qiqi's cheek to his neck.

    Before everyone could react, more and more raindrops fell, slapping on the ground, and there was a ticking sound.

    "It's raining?" Wang Lin's irritability seemed to be drowned out by the deserted rain. He looked strangely at the sunny sky, the sun was burning hot, there were no dark clouds, and he had no idea where the rain came from.

    Ling Qiqi stretched out his hand to catch the raindrops and was also looking at the sky. For some reason, she always felt that the sun in the sky was slowly enlarging, as if it was approaching them.

    It didn't take long before the sun, which was only slowly expanding, suddenly accelerated. In Ling Qiqi's sight, the sun on the horizon was rapidly falling towards them.

    Wang Lin also reacted to this mutation.

    "Look! The sun seems to be falling towards us." The

    three of them anxiously watched the sun on the horizon getting closer and closer to them.

    "The sun isn't going to fall, is it?" Wang Lin looked up at the sky with a pale face.

    The burning sensation became clearer and clearer, the air became dry, and Ling Qiqi's breathing became more labored.

    As the sun approached rapidly, the oppressive feeling that came upon him became stronger and stronger, and the ear was affected by the impact force, and a buzzing tinnitus began to occur.

    When the sun was already approaching, the feeling of doomsday came again.

    "Om--" A

    high-decibel air chirping sounded, and a strong dazzling white light covered his eyes, and everything around him seemed to be distorted and collapsed.

    Sweat dripped from Ling Qiqi's forehead, she was awakened abruptly opened her eyes, her chest heaved violently, and her breathing was tight.

    I saw that she was still sitting in the car, next to Wang Xueer who was still in a coma. Wang Lin closed his eyes and leaned on the driver's seat in front.

    This familiarity made Ling Qiqi slowly regain consciousness. Did she leave that dream?

    "What place is this?"

    Wang Xue'er woke up at some point. The expression on her face looked a little dazed, as if seeing these scenes for the first time.

    Ling Qiqi turned her head slightly hesitantly, "You don't know where this is?"

    Wang Xue'er was stunned for a while, "What do you mean?"

    Facing Wang Xue'er who didn't seem to be lying at all, Ling Qiqi quickly turned her head to look in front of the car.

    At this moment, the very familiar white fluffy dumpling elf came out of the woods happily again, and hopped away from the front of the car.

    At this time, Wang Lin just woke up. He also seemed to be seeing these things for the first time, and said in surprise, "What are these things?"

    [Ding! Players have successfully loaded the multiplayer trial dungeon "The Vanishing Fairyland Town" in the large-scale fog in Huaxia District, please work hard to clear the level. ]

    [Dungeon Tip: Three tourists were about to go to the fairyland town for vacation, but accidentally broke into the forest hidden in the mist. This forest seems a little weird, and people who enter here by mistake can't get out. 】

    When the familiar prompt sounded again, Ling Qiqi pursed his lips in confusion.

    So... what she experienced in the dream before seemed to have happened all over again.

    "Qiqi? What's wrong with you?" Because Ling Qiqi was in a daze for a long time, this time it was Wang Xue'er's turn to speak first.

    Ling Qiqi watched her silent for a moment, not knowing what to say, "I seem to have... a dream just now."

    Wang Xue'er was stunned, "Ah?"

    Wang Lin in the driver's seat in front came over curiously, "You What are you dreaming about?"

    Ling Qiqi had a headache. She held her forehead and thought about how to explain it for a long time, and finally gave up after thinking about it.

    "It's nothing, let's study the copy first."
