Chapter 70

Chapter 70

    With the triggering of Ling Qiqi's time retrospective ability, everything will return to its original origin. Therefore, Gu Xijue also lost a lot of memory for a while.

    However, even after amnesia, Gu Xijue always remembered that there was a very important person in his life because of the obsession in his heart. Even if I can't remember who it was.

    It was not until that day that he met Ling Qiqi again in the dungeon, and the memories that were suppressed in his heart came like a flood.

    At that time, he looked at Ling Qiqi, who no longer had any memory, and guarded himself like a stranger. He slowly guessed that her memory should have been affected by the side effects of the time rewind ability.

    At that time, Gu Xijue was also struggling, whether to tell Ling Qiqi what happened before. But seeing that Ling Qiqi, who lost his memory, didn't have any burden and psychological pressure, he couldn't bear to tell her these heavy truths again.

    While hesitating like this, Ling Qiqi broke the core of the dungeon and was successfully sent out of the dungeon. Gu Xijue lost the chance to finally confess to Ling Qiqi.

    "Time is running out, but I believe in you. The way to stop this game from continuing is in the last level of this unit copy."

    [Ding! The call time has ended. 】

    The numb machine tone sounded abruptly. Before Ling Qiqi could react, he saw Gu Xijue's body gradually becoming transparent.

    She immediately reached out to grab Gu Xijue, but when her arm touched his body, it penetrated directly.

    Gu Xijue showed her the last smile, and his body slowly disappeared into the space.

    Suddenly, Ling Qiqi's mood fluctuated. Because she didn't know what happened to Gu Xijue's sudden disappearance, or whether he would appear again after he disappeared like this.

    After the depressed mood continued for a while, Ling Qiqi regained his spirits. She remembered Gu Xijue's first sentence just now: The way to stop this game from continuing is in the last level of this unit copy.

    That is, she has a chance to prevent this from happening.

    "Di... Di... Di..."

    After the countdown of the three clear prompts ended, Ling Qiqi's body was forced to be sucked into a new unit copy again.

    [Dungeon Tip: At the beginning of the Magic Age, the mysterious crystal ball came to the world, bringing colorful magic to people. With the advent of magic, humans gradually established magic schools to teach and guide humans who have successfully awakened to magic. 】

    After Ling Qiqi woke up, he began to carefully consider the reminder of this dungeon.

    She is now experiencing the third unit dungeon, and the timeline of each dungeon has been going backwards. I don't know what it means.

    "Hi... my head hurts." Shi Lei who appeared beside him rubbed his temples and shouted.

    Just now, Ling Qiqi was pulled into the void space by Gu Xijue, avoiding the painful squeezing process, but the others did not.

    Moreover, as the number of such squeezes increased, they found that the pain in the body gradually became unbearable.

    Chu Yi and Jiang Sanduo frowned, and they didn't look very comfortable.

    "Are you freshmen coming to sign up for the entrance exam?" A woman with a serious expression suddenly appeared behind everyone.

    She was wearing gray clothes all over, showing a bit of meanness, and her face was slightly cold.

    Lin Meng, who had just slowed down, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the woman. She patted her chest twice, "scare me."

    Ling Qiqi has quickly adapted to the current situation. She took the woman's words and said, "Yes, we are all freshmen, where do you want to take the entrance exam?" The

    woman pointed to the left, "It's over there. It's probably about to start now, hurry up."

    Ling Qi After thanking him seven times, he called the others and left quickly.

    Not long after walking in the direction the woman pointed, they saw a notice board erected on the side of the road.

    The notice board was marked with [Magic School Entrance Exam Point]

    "We want to take this test?" After reading the content of the notice board, Shi Lei looked back at the others.

    Chu Yi nodded and replied, "It is estimated that you can only get access to the crystal ball by taking this entrance exam.

    " All of them had nervous expressions on their faces, all worried about the upcoming entrance exam.

    Ling Qiqi stood low-key in the crowd, still analyzing the background information of this copy in his mind.

    "Children, welcome to the magic school, I'm the instructor who will take you to the entrance exam." An amiable elder walked over with a cane, and at first glance he looked like the kind of old pedant with high morals.

    Many freshmen immediately restrained their expressions, showing a serious attitude.

    The instructor continued to gently explain the entrance examination process to the freshmen: "This entrance examination is divided into three processes. The first stage is the magic awakening ceremony, which I will personally preside over. Freshmen who can successfully awaken magic will be able to enter. The next stage of the exam. There will be other teachers who will continue to lead you to take the exam."

    After speaking, the instructor slowly took out a crystal ball from his hand.

    The crystal ball was exactly the same as what Ling Qiqi and the others had seen before, still emitting a dazzling light, attracting the attention of the audience all the time.

    "Yes, it is the key item that can help you successfully awaken magic. Please line up all the freshmen present and come to me in order to perform the awakening ceremony."

    Under the organization of the instructor, the freshmen at the scene lined up obediently. Come.

    Ling Qiqi5 also sneaked into the team in a low-key manner, and everything was calm. It seemed that there were no surprises in this dungeon.

    But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of laughter and scolding around.

    "Look at him, you'll die of laughter. You have awakened such a useless magic, why can you still learn with us?"

    I saw the boy who just spoke with a group of people pointing and scolding the other thin and thin body with disgust. boy.

    This movement immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the eyes of the audience shifted.

    Ling Qiqi's eyes stayed on the thin boy, always feeling that his tender face looked a little familiar.

    After a long time, Lin Meng suddenly reacted and whispered: "Wait a minute, does he look a bit like the leader of the undead clan we saw in the first unit copy?

    " This is slowly remembered.

    A bit of surprise flashed across Jiang Sanduo's face, "It's true. He looks much younger than that leader."

    At this time, the instructor had already reacted, and hurriedly went over and sternly drove away the troublesome boys.

    He helped the boy who was pushed to the ground with a bit of helplessness, "Brian, don't have contact with these people in the future. You have to believe that your magic is not weak at all, but you have made some sacrifices.

    " Ryan clenched his fists in both hands and stood up slowly, holding back his anger.

    No one knows that the little boy in front of him will become the leader of the most powerful evil organization, the undead tribe, in the next hundred years.

    After listening to this conversation, Ling Qiqi finally determined that this Brian should be the leader of the undead clan when he was a child.

    Shi Lei and the others' eyes changed slightly one after another. They probably never thought that such an awesome character would be bullied so badly when he was a child.

    "However, what did those boys mean when they said that his magic was useless?" Shi Lei asked with a frown.

    Shi Lei had seen with his own eyes the scene of Brian fighting Nuoqi by himself, so how could magic be useless?

    Soon, his questions were answered.

    A freshman who knows the situation joins in the fun and explains: "Don't you know? This Brian has awakened the most wasteful magic undead system in history. This magic can only improve its own strength by sacrificing the souls of living people. Sacrificing a human being is a serious illegal act, and he would not dare to do it rashly, so this magic can only be treated as waste."

    In the human world now, magic has just arrived, and all laws and regulations are still in accordance with the original. Homicide is still considered the most serious crime.

    Shi Lei's eyes widened, and he didn't know what to say.

    In other words, Brian has not taken the initiative to increase his strength by sacrificing living people. Then why did Brian finally go down the path of being the enemy of the whole world?

    Everyone's expressions gradually became heavy.

    Because they seem to have guessed the real reason.

    Judging from all the dungeon units they have experienced, everyone's hostility and disgust for the undead race is far more than what they see on the surface.

    Under this kind of oppression, it will inevitably arouse the anger of some people and cause disaster.

    Brian lowered his head and slowly turned to leave the scene.

    The instructor also returned to the front of the team and continued to perform the magic awakening ceremony for the new students.

    Ling Qiqi was in the middle of the line, and it was estimated that it would take some time for her turn. Her gaze stayed on the opposite direction where Brian left and didn't move for a while.

    I always feel that there is a bad premonition that is about to happen.

    Not long after Ling Qiqi came up with this idea, a rumbling sound of explosion came from there, which was the direction Brian left before.

    "Murder, kill! Run!" A frightened shout came from a distance.

    I saw that the companion who bullied Brian and his group just now was sprinting towards this side in a panic, as if there were monsters chasing him.

    The instructor frowned, and immediately interrupted the magic awakening ceremony.

    With the changes in the magic school, teachers from all walks of life also appeared in the air. They looked vigilantly at the spirit body that suddenly and mysteriously rose up in the school, shrouded in a dead atmosphere, and quickly guessed that this should be the exclusive attack magic from the undead system.

    In the entire magic school, only Brian was the one who awakened the undead magic.

    The magician teachers suddenly quarreled.

    "I said at the beginning that this kind of magic is dangerous. You have to believe it. Now that something has happened, I will see what you will do!"

    "Impossible, I understand this kid Brian, he can't do this kind of thing for no reason. Come on." "     Fart

    ! His soul body has been activated now, and the effect will only appear after sacrificing the soul of a living person. Do you still want to cover him up!"

The number of soul bodies is increasing.

    The teachers did not dare to hesitate any longer, turned around and quickly shot, and attacked the abnormally powerful soul body one after another.

    The instructor who originally presided over the entrance examination for freshmen was finally forced to join the battle.
