Chapter 51

Chapter 51

    Of course Nicholas knew they weren't breaking any rules of the game.

    But what he wanted to achieve was to get rid of Ling Qiqi, the troublemaker, cheating was just an excuse he made casually.

    "So, all three of you are now questioning what I say, right?" Nicholas looked at them nonchalantly, like he was looking at a dead man.

    ——Fourth Law of the Metaverse:

    Citizens of the entire universe have the right to put to death on the spot any inhabitants with misbehavior encountered during a speech event.

    And the attitude is not correct, in fact, it is defined by Nicholas himself.

    Chu Yi reacted to this incident immediately, and had a premonition that Nicholas was malicious, and immediately pulled Jiang Sanduo back a few steps, and began to prepare to activate the ability.

    Finally, Nicholas stopped covering up and gave an order indifferently, "What are you still doing? These three people have seriously violated the laws of the cosmos, so they should be arrested immediately!"

    Ling Qiqi lowered his eyes, and his body quickly retreated.

    Originally, she wanted to play according to the rules, but now Nicholas turned his face and refused to admit it, so she could only find another way out.

    Just as the guards rushed towards Ling Qiqi and the others, a siren sounded sharply.

    [Please pay attention to the guards, it has been detected that there is a dangerous wanted criminal in the vicinity! 】

    The detectors carried by the guards have their own tracking and positioning function. Chu Yi's genetic aura has been bound in the database before, so when the guards brought the instruments close to Chu Yi to a certain distance, an alarm sounded immediately. .

    This time, the actions of the guards were also stunned for a moment.

    I probably never thought that this wanted criminal would dare to come here so boldly.

    After regaining consciousness, all the guards looked at Chu Yi's position in unison with a serious face, "Attention to all, the person who violated the laws of the cosmos just now is a dangerous wanted criminal who was unsuccessful in his pursuit yesterday, please do your best. All-round arrest preparations!"

    With an order, the guards were dispatched in an instant.

    Chu Yi and Jiang Sanduo also quickly summoned their abilities and attacked the guards who were already chasing them.

    The powerful mental force quickly covered the opposite side, and soon several guards' eyes suddenly glowed red, and their bodies suddenly became uncontrollable.

    Jiang Sanduo jumped vertically, bounced back and forth in the air, and with a few dodges, he swept down several guards.

    At this time, Ling Qiqi just avoided the infrared guns of several guards, and quickly took out a bottle of pink liquid from the crystal ball space.

    Her move immediately attracted the attention of many people.

    The residents who had been standing below also reacted to the changes at the scene, and began to hurriedly back away in fright, for fear that the guards would accidentally spread themselves in when they started.

    The guards who noticed Ling Qiqi's actions quickly became solemn.

    Although he didn't know the specific function of the medicine bottle liquid in Ling Qiqi's hand, what he could take out at such a time of crisis would definitely not be beneficial to them.

    Sure enough, in the next second, Ling Qiqi quickly unplugged the cork on the medicine bottle and threw the liquid in the bottle into the air.

    After the pink liquid touched the air, it instantly turned into a cloud of steam and annihilated before his eyes.

    "Not good! It may be poisonous gas, hurry up to protect Mr. Nicholas from the scene." The guard quickly responded and shouted.

    Nicholas, who was directly attacked by the liquid, also subconsciously covered his mouth and nose nervously, holding his breath.

    And Ling Qiqi didn't stop, just after releasing a bottle of medicine, he took out two more bottles from the space, pulled out the cork without hesitation, and sprinkled the medicine liquid around.

    This time, the residents below also started to flee in fear, thinking that the potions that Ling Qiqi sprinkled were all highly poisonous.

    Originally, Chu Yi and Jiang Sanduo had a tendency to back away from this place at first, but they soon received the antidote from Ling Qiqi. The two did not hesitate and swallowed it immediately.

    The scene that was extremely orderly just now fell into a huge chaos in an instant.

    Many guards were also very afraid of the medicine in Ling Qiqi's hands, covering their mouths and noses in a hurry, and their movements were slightly restricted.

    "Go." Ling Qiqi turned back and called Shangjiang Sanduo and Chu Yi, quickly dodged and teleported a few times, and disappeared above the tree canopy, and even Chu Yi and Jiang Sanduo were pulled by Ling Qiqi. gone.

    The culprit has fled, but the chaotic scene still has not been calmed down.

    "Everyone should be quiet, stay where they are and don't move!" The captain of the guard was forced to stand up and preside over the overall situation, but the residents, because they were afraid of the effect of the potion, didn't listen to anything at all, and were still running around in place.     It wasn't until a few seconds later that a burst of laughter suddenly came from below, " Ahahahahahaha

    ...why do I suddenly want to laugh like this...hahahahaha."

A resident laughing.

    Nicholas, who was still desperately backing up and covering his mouth and nose, also glanced at the man with a dark face.

    A good speech conference, before it officially entered the theme, was completely disrupted by Ling Qiqi, and Nicholas was obviously the most humiliating one.

    The loud laughter at this time will inevitably make people wonder if this person is laughing at Mr. Nicholas.

    "Arrest that man for me!" Nicholas ordered immediately angrily.

    However, just a few seconds after the words were said, another burst of laughter came from below, and it was even louder than the previous one.

    "Ahahahahahahahahahaha, why do you want to laugh like that."

    Nicholas' face darkened on the spot.

    "Hahahahahahaha, it's so funny, what's going on? Hahahahaha..."

    And what's even more exaggerated is that the guards who were originally carrying out the pursuit order also began to laugh, "Hahahahaha..."

    Nicholas' face was already dark to an indescribable level.

    "Ahahahahahahahahaha!" The captain of the guard turned pale and quickly covered his mouth, but laughter still came from the gap between his fingertips.

    All kinds of laughter came from all directions, and finally fell into the ears of Nicholas, whose face was uncertain.

    Gradually, listening to the laughter in his ears, Nicholas also felt that there was a joyous energy reviving in his body, and that feeling of energy filled his body in an instant, causing him to laugh uncontrollably.

    "Hahaha..." Nicholas suddenly covered his mouth and looked around in astonishment, not knowing what was going on with him.

    But the more he endured it, the more he wanted to laugh out loud in his body, Nicholas blushed, and finally he could not help letting go, and together with the laughing crowd around him began to say, "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !"

    The reward package Ling Qiqi obtained from completing the hidden task in the food street before: Hahaha Magic Potion.

    ——Effect: Open the potion bottle and sprinkle the pink potion into the air, which will instantly evaporate into colorless and transparent drug molecules. Once inhaled, it will quickly produce a strong sense of laughter. This effect lasts for 20 years. minute.

    At this time, inside the electronic eyeball.

    The cabin door of the mechanical shell was tightly closed, but a faint medicament molecule still floated in through the tiny gap in the cabin door.

    A group of high-level VIPs sitting around the table stared at the picture on the screen.

    Although they didn't know what happened at the scene, they were threatened by Gu Xijue's force at the moment.

    Colorless and transparent drug molecules floated back and forth in the air, and were finally inhaled into the nose of the VIP wearing a cat-face mask.

    It didn't take long for him to feel the restless joy in his body, and at first he held it too hard, for fear that his laughter would attract the attention of others.

    But the more he held it, the less he could control it, until he burst out laughing.

    "Pfft...hahahahahahaha..." The VIP with the cat face mask burst into laughter while covering his stomach.

    The other VIPs who were also holding back were infected and finally couldn't control it, and they all started laughing.

    This time, the scene on both sides was overwhelmed by the sudden laughter.

    Gu Xijue glanced at the distinguished guests who couldn't help laughing, got up and pulled on their ties.

    The waiter hurriedly stepped forward to ask for instructions: "Sir, what about today's lecture?"

    "Cancel it." Looking at the scene that was already full of laughter outside, it was obviously difficult to carry out the speech as planned.

    The waiter nodded and hurriedly stepped back to deal with the matter.

    【Ding! The Metaverse Age of Fallacy dungeon has seriously strayed from the plot line. Please ask Gu Xijue, the boss of the dungeon level, to immediately come forward to maintain order. 】

    This prompt sound only sounded in Gu Xijue's mind, but he turned a deaf ear and left without any unnecessary reaction.

    【Ding! The Metaverse Age of Fallacy dungeon has seriously strayed from the plot line. Please ask Gu Xijue, the boss of the dungeon level, to immediately come forward to maintain order. ]


    The dungeon reminder sound is still in Gu Xijue's mind constantly rewinding the old times. Welcome to join us, tens of thousands of historical novels are free to read. play.

    While the scene was in chaos, Ling Qiqi and Chu Yi and Jiang Sanduo rushed into the household registration office under the tree canopy.

    Chu Yi took them to the room that was listed as a forbidden area before she found it.

    The gray door was inconspicuous, and it was tightly closed at this time, with a warning sign for dangerous forbidden areas hanging on the top.

    "This is it."

    Ling Qiqi raised her eyes and swept towards the opposite door, but did not sense any dangerous aura from inside. She walked to the door and tried to unscrew the door handle, but no matter how hard she tried, the door handle couldn't be opened, it was probably locked.

    It seems that the only way to break the door is to use force.

    Ling Qiqi's thoughts moved slightly, and he summoned a rapidly surging vortex in his hand, hitting the doorknob with all his strength.

    With a "ding" sound, the moment Feng Xuan touched the door handle, it made a crisp collision sound.

    But until the power of Fengxuan disappeared, the door handle was still intact, as if nothing had happened just now.

    【warn! The core system of the metaverse is suspected to have been invaded from outside! warn! The core system of the metaverse is suspected to have been invaded from outside! 】

    Didi's alarm sounded abruptly from the sky, immediately attracting the attention of all residents and guards.

    Nicholas, who was laughing, was suddenly awakened by this sound, and he stood up in a hurry, commanding the guards, "Quick! Go to the household registration office, and never allow outsiders to invade the forbidden area!"

    He just finished speaking, and he started again. lol.

    The movement of the thousand-year-old tree and Nicholas' choice to give a speech in the canopy were certainly not unintentional. The reason for everything lies in the key system core carried in this ancient tree.

    Because Chu Yi discovered the forbidden area in advance yesterday, the guard team must ensure that during the speech, the core system is always in a state of protection and monitoring, weighing the pros and cons before making the decision to temporarily move the ancient tree.

    The captain of the guard knew the seriousness of the matter, tried his best to hold back his smile, and called back to a team of guards, "Follow me to the household registration office first!" The

    alarm sounded, and Ling Qiqi and the others quickly realized that this forbidden area was very dangerous. Probably the most critical place to leave the copy.

    Failing a single blow, Ling Qiqi summoned fire-type abilities again and started smashing towards the door frantically.

    The sound of sizzling roasting came one after another, but there was still no change in the closed door.

    Seeing this scene, Chu Yi and Jiang Sanduo also started to attack and attacked the door. After a series of operations, the door was still as smooth as usual, and the three people's attacks seemed to be sucked into a bottomless pit, leaving no trace on the door.

    "Let me come, you guard both sides of the corridor." Ling Qiqi stared at the seemingly inconspicuous door in front of him.

    Chu Yi and Jiang Sanduo didn't show their abilities either. After all, the two of them's attack methods are really not high. If Ling Qiqi can't break the door, adding the two of them won't help.

    The two of them spread out and guarded the corridor at one end, leaving their backs to each other with confidence.

    The sound of the alarm sounded, and the time became short.

    Ling Qiqi summoned the familiar wind and fire fusion ability and started smashing at the door.

    "Boom", and thick smoke billowed up.

    This time, there were some black traces of burning on the door, but even so, the door still didn't open.

    Ling Qiqi frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that this door lock could not be broken.

    If the two abilities still can't break the door immediately, then you can only try to add the third one.

    Although the ability to teleport objects is only a simple operation, in fact, Ling Qiqi can sense that the invisible power that supports this ability also exists in nature.

    So this energy can also be fused into other abilities.

    A lot of guards had poured into the corridors on both sides, and they began to fight fiercely with Jiang Sanduo and Chu Yi.

    Time was running out, Ling Qiqi immediately concentrated, first summoned the familiar burning flames, and then the other hand stimulated the surging wind.

    Tighten the strings all the way, and start to balance the hedging and repulsive forces after the fusion of the two abilities.

    Because there have been successful attempts before, Ling Qiqi quickly fused a ball of fusion energy of the wind and fire element according to the previous experience.

    The irritable flame molecules are surrounded by a wind of soft white light. The two forces are operating each other in a very balanced state. As long as a little other things are added, this delicate balance will be immediately broken.

    "Everyone immediately put down their weapons and stop resisting! Touching the core system of the Metaverse is considered a felony. After my warning, if you don't put down your weapons, you will bear all the consequences!" The

    captain of the guard rushed to the front, shouting loudly that he wanted to Stop Ling Qiqi and the others.

    But hahaha, the effects of the magic potion continued to flare up, and every now and then the guards would throw away their serious expressions and start laughing.

    In the face of such guards whose combat effectiveness has been reduced by half, Chu Yi and Jiang Sanduo can still hold on for a while.

    Ling Qiqi completely ignored any of the captain's words. She was concentrating on researching how to integrate the third power into this energy ball.

    The molecular repulsion force of the two kinds of abilities is already very strong. If the third kind is added rashly, the destructive force caused by it will be even stronger.

    Ling Qiqi could only be more cautious, holding the energy ball fused with the wind and fire elements, and the other hand picked up the invisible energy wave of teleportation and began to fuse into the energy ball.

    The addition of the third supernatural element immediately caused the originally stable energy ball to undergo manic mutation, and Ling Qiqi himself found that the power of this power gradually became uncontrollable.

    Bean-sized beads of sweat fell from her forehead, and a dangerous aura that seemed to destroy everything in the world suddenly rose.

    【warn! It has been detected that the copy of "Metaverse Age Fallacy" has the power to destroy the core of the metaverse system, and it is preliminarily determined to be a suspect for destroying the copy of "Crazy Zombie City". Please go to the target location for verification immediately. 】

    The power that broke out in Zombie City last time was enough to destroy the dungeon and the breath of Ling Qiqi's fusion ability has reached 90% similarity, so the dungeon system was locked immediately.

    At this time, Mr. Wu, who was sitting in the space warehouse, suddenly got up and turned to look at the surveillance screen that was monitoring everything in the metaverse world.

    There are hundreds of screens large and small, all neatly listed on the wall opposite Mr. Wu.

    Mr. Wu's sight finally locked on a screen with a red warning light flashing, and the screen just showed the familiar figure of Ling Qiqi and the others.

    He narrowed his eyes slightly, finally finding evidence.

    A few seconds later, Mr. Wu quickly lay down into the space warehouse and began to load the metaverse world, ready to go to arrest the culprit who destroyed the dungeon.


    A violent crash sounded, as if something exploded.

    [The core system of the Metaverse has been destroyed, and the copy of "The Fallacy of the Metaverse Age" is over. 】

    At this time, Gu Xijue leaned lazily in the room full of bright red wedding decorations, and received a punishment reminder from the Doomsday game.

    [Verified by the supervision system, Gu Xijue, the dungeon boss of the "Metaverse Age of Fallacy", is a serious violation of regulations and dereliction of duty to easily let players go through the dungeon. 】

    Mr. Wu's spiritual consciousness that had just been loaded into the metaverse was directly ejected in this way.

    In the space warehouse next door, countless cosmic residents who fell into a coma have woken up from their cabins.

    "Eh? What's wrong with me?"

    [Dungeon ending: The metaverse holographic core system has been destroyed, and the metaverse era plan has failed. ]

    [Dungeon Truth: Starting from Interstellar 7305, Nicholas began to study the creation of the metaverse world, but he tried many methods and methods, but he was still unable to create a metaverse world that really existed in reality.

    In the end, Nicholas chose to start a lie. He lied to the inhabitants of the stars that he had created a metaverse that could satisfy all his dreams and wishes. The interstellar residents became interested and volunteered to enter the Metaverse as the first residents.     In fact, the metaverse created by Nicholas is just a method similar to a holographic game. After the consciousness of the residents falls into a coma, they are forcibly pulled into the holographic space, which is the so-called metaverse world.     In the Metaverse, Nicholas controls the spiritual consciousness of everyone, and has formulated a series of rules and regulations that facilitate his privileged actions. In this way, Nicholas began to vigorously promote and sell VIP tickets to watch the lives of residents in the Metaverse in the real world to satisfy his personal desires.     Countless groups of residents who entered the metaverse life gradually indulged in a world of illusory fantasy, and eventually became the funeral objects of each death watching game. ]     Back in time to the year the Metaverse was just born, the first influx of residents into the Metaverse Project loaded into the world with anticipation.     They thought that what awaited them was the legendary happy life, until Nicholas brought them the first small game and speech full of bloody killings.     At that time, residents who were on the brink of death because of the game were plunged into moments of utter darkness and despair. The evil thoughts they had hidden in their hearts continued to erupt, finally calling for the advent of the doomsday game.     "I can help you get out of the misery of the fallacy of the metaverse era, but in exchange, you have to stay in the metaverse temporarily and wait for the arrival of future players."     Countless residents nodded frantically, bit their fingers, and signed with their bright red blood. A soul contract with the Doomsday game system.     【Ding! A copy of the Metaverse Age of Fallacies has been generated, waiting for players to come. ]     ...     After the metaverse space-time was destroyed, Ling Qiqi was instantly pulled into the void space.     It was an almost dark feeling, as if falling into a huge bottomless black hole, falling and falling aimlessly.

    The fusion of supernatural powers this time obviously caused a riot of unknown power hidden in Ling Qiqi's body.

    More memory fragments began to flood into Ling Qiqi's mind like a tide, as if to burst it.

    Ling Qiqi closed her eyes and struggled with a splitting headache.

    "There are only three chances. If I can't succeed the third time, I'm afraid..."     "     Do

    n't worry, I will fulfill my promise."

    "We believe in you." Qi Qi's mind resounded.

     "Qiqi?" Chu Yi's voice suddenly woke Ling Qiqi up.

     Ling Qiqi suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils were full of daze.

    Recalling the countless voices that flashed in her mind just now, her thoughts became even more messy.

    Ling Qiqi's breathing gradually calmed down. She raised her eyes and looked at Chu Yi for a moment before continuing: "I... I seem to hear your voice, but you never said that to me."     Chu Yi looked After Ling Qiqi woke up, she was relieved a little, but she was also puzzled by Ling Qiqi's question, "What voice?"

    Obviously, Chu Yi did not hear these voices.     "We believe in you."

     Ling Qiqi recalled the momentary impression that floated in his mind just now, and affirmed: "You seem to have said this to me." 

   The author has something to say: I

     didn't dare to write this dungeon setting in depth, everyone You can imagine for yourself. In addition, everything is overhead, do not substitute into real life!

     Sprinkle flowers~
