Chapter 43

Chapter 43

    After the background information of the dungeon was explained, the five people in different regions were instantly pulled into the void space.

    The silver-white metal equipment covered the entire room, and the high-tech instrument dials that occasionally made a beeping sound were still in continuous operation. The style and furnishings of the entire space are full of fantasy elements of futuristic technology.

    After Ling Qiqi woke up, he immediately realized that he had been put on a silver-white space suit out of thin air. Wearing an air hood on his head, his body seems to have lost its gravity, and he walks lightly like he is drunk.

    "Dong dong..."

    Ling Qiqi turned back subconsciously after hearing the knocking movement, and saw Shi Lei on the opposite side, also wearing a space suit, floating in circles in the air curiously, and knocking on the ceiling above his head from time to time. Very happy.

    "What is this place?" Lin Meng was the third person to be pulled into the space. She was suspended in the air in surprise, looking around at the various three-dimensional technological products that were running automatically.     In the farthest corner of the wall, there are five extremely handsome and cool spaceships. The overall style is blue and white, with no wheels, and the shape is similar to that of a ship in the 21st century, except that the volume will be slightly smaller than that of a large ship, each of which can just carry one person.     Ling Qiqi looked up to the left and right, and saw a woman who was almost no different from a normal person walking towards this side. She has beautiful facial features, a perfect smile on her face, and those charming peach eyes are like a soul that can seduce people's hearts at any time.     "I am Xiao Ding, an artificial intelligence robot. Welcome to Interstellar 7305. This is the starting point before entering the metaverse space. Please take a break and adapt to the players and wait patiently for other players to load."     With the coldness of the woman The voice sounded, and a series of equipment in the space began to operate at high speed.     Ling Qiqi could feel that there was no emotion in this woman, as if she was facing a robot with a very strong IQ. Although she understood everything, she couldn't read people's hearts.     About a few seconds later, Jiang Sanduo and Chu Yi were also pulled into the space one after another.

    The five people were all wearing advanced space suits, and their postures were strangely floating in the air. The body is light and easy to turn somersaults in the air, it is really like coming to outer space.

    "It has been detected that all five players have successfully loaded into the metaverse space starting station, and the information and data are verified. The next beginner's tutorial on staying in the metaverse life will be completed by Xiao Ding himself."     [Dungeon reminder: Interstellar 7305 , the Metaverse was born. Five civilians from the outside world were invited to the Metaverse for inspection activities. Here they have been welcomed and valued by the highest authority in the Metaverse Federation, but they seem to have hidden murderous intentions. 】    "Then now, players please sit down..." Xiao Ding stopped abruptly after half of his words.     In her beautiful eyes, there was a rare expression of human astonishment.     The rest of the people followed Xiao Ding's surprised eyes and saw Ling Qiqi, who was still hanging in the air just now. At this time, they didn't know where to pick up a huge gift box package, which was banging on the ground.     "..."     Although Lin Meng was accustomed to Ling Qiqi's frequent convulsions, he was still stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.     It was only when Jiang Sanduo saw the violent side of Ling Qiqi that he could not help but retreat to Shi Lei with some fear, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with her?"     Shi Lei casually glanced in Ling Qiqi's direction, surprised. It is not surprising to explain: "It's normal. Before the school exam, she used to be so windy, and then she went straight to the first place in the grade."     Chu Yi didn't have any extra reaction, just after seeing the package in Ling Qiqi's hand , suddenly remembered something.     A few seconds later, Chu Yi also took out a gift box package of the same size from the space. Like Ling Qiqi, he started to carry it and slammed it on the ground.     Everyone: "..."     Shi Lei turned his head weakly and glanced at Xiao Ding who was also at a loss, "Excuse me... Is this a necessary process before entering the dungeon?"

    Even if Ling Qiqi is so crazy alone, even with Chu Yi, who has always been aloof, it's a bit strange.

    Xiao Ding was a little confused by this unexpected situation. She stood there and started talking to herself.

    "The artificial intelligence core system is being tested, and the detection progress is 10%..."

    Ling Qiqi counted the time silently in her heart, and every second passed, and she kept smashing the ground with the box in her hand.

    Until a full minute passed, the gift box package that had been under tremendous impact pressure in Ling Qiqi's hand suddenly exploded, and all kinds of ribbons and sequins flew out from the inside, hovering in the sky, looking extremely gorgeous.

    Ling Qiqi casually pulled away the ribbon fireworks that fell on top of his head, and lowered his eyes to look at the ground. I saw that the half-height gift box had been completely opened, revealing bottles containing various colorful potions.

    The shape of the bottle is large or small, there are square, triangle and spherical. Each glass bottle has a special label to distinguish the different types.

    Ling Qiqi walked to the side of the various potion bottles, bent down and picked up one of them.

    Look at the name of the label attached to the bottle: Hahahahaha magic potion.

    Pharmacy use effect: When the medicament is sprinkled into the air, it will instantly evaporate into a colorless and odorless gas. Humans who smell the gas will laugh collectively, and the effect will end after half an hour.

    Ling Qiqi: "..." It's not a useful thing to hear.

    So why did you give her this kind of sand sculpture reward?

    Not long after, Chu Yi, who frantically smashed the gift box next to him, also stopped. She regained the aura of the flower of the High Mountains, as if the person who smashed the gift box just now had nothing to do with her.

    Similarly, after the gift box on Chu Yi's side exploded, a bunch of strange things were revealed.

    There are frog masks, durian-flavored gas bombs, and a bunch of gadgets that don't even know what to do.

    "What are you two?" Lin Meng said curiously after seeing Ling Qiqi and the two finally stop moving.

    Just now, Lin Meng and Shi Lei also rummaged through the space, but they didn't see any similar gift boxes.

    Ling Qiqi put away the bottles and jars on the ground, and then explained: "This is the reward I got from completing the hidden task in the food street before."

    "Me too." Chu Yi began to clean up the mess on the ground.

    After triggering the special hidden task in the food street, as long as the player can successfully complete it, they can get a reward package for the hidden task.

    Ling Qiqi also suddenly remembered when he first entered the dungeon, that his gift bag had always been in the space and forgot to open it. Thinking about stockpiling more props for emergencies before officially entering the dungeon.

    As a result, a bunch of unidentified sand sculpture props exploded...

    Lin Meng looked at the two of them strangely, "Then why do you keep smashing it?"

    Ling Qiqi's expression was also helpless, "The gift box package prompts that it must be within one minute. It takes more than a hundred times to open the gift box with the gift box inside."

    Chu Yi nodded lightly and replied, "Yeah."

    Apparently, the reason for her collapse was the same reason.

    At this time, Xiao Ding also completed the security inspection of his own system. "It is confirmed that the core of the system has no loopholes and damage, and the operation can be performed normally."

    After the sound, Xiao Ding smiled again, facing the five players, and continued to repeat the previous steps. The progress of the process, "Now, please get five players on the hovering spaceship and go down the rabbit hole with me."

    This time, Ling Qiqi and Chu Yi, who had finished unpacking, did not make any unexpected moves.

    The five people got on the suspended spaceship one after another in order. After pressing the button to start the shock wave of the engine, a light blue flame slowly reflected from the bottom of the spacecraft.

    An invisible momentum emerged from the bottom of the spaceship and began to support the entire spaceship to levitate upwards.

    Just when the five people took off in the suspended spaceship, a deep black hole slowly leaked from the top of the space.

    This is what Ding calls the rabbit hole. The inside of the rabbit hole is dark, revealing an unknown mystery. Even if light shines into it, it will be swallowed and disappeared in an instant.

    Ling Qiqi controlled the hovering spaceship and drove down the rabbit hole first.

    The tunnel inside the cave is very long, but it is still pitch-black, and nothing can be seen, except for the occasional sound of the spaceship sprinting.

    After driving all the way for a long time, I finally saw some light ahead.

    Because the sudden dazzling light made his eyes uncomfortable for a while, Ling Qiqi closed his eyes slightly, and then opened them again after a while.

    At this time, Ling Qiqi and the others had come to a new high-tech future city.

    Is there a hovering spaceship with a silver-white metal shell passing by in the super-altitude horizon, and there are bursts of air-breaking sounds in my ears. There are various buildings with peculiar shapes, including islands floating in the air, mechanical houses that can be manipulated and moved, and spherical houses that are shrouded in water patterns.

    The surrounding flowers and trees are lush and lush, and the tall tree canopy covers the sky and the sun. Each tree hole is a separate shop, and there are signs outside.

    Passers-by and residents wearing various metallic clothes are walking around with mechanical cats and dogs. Occasionally, there are very magical human beings, who rise directly from the ground, fly to the canopy, and look into the distance.

    "This is the era of the Metaverse in Interstellar 7035. Here, all your dreams can be realized." Xiao Ding came out from behind the crowd and patiently explained the things of the Metaverse to everyone.

    Ling Qiqi thought a little more, turned to look at Xiao Ding, "Can any dream come true?"

    Xiao Ding paused for a moment after noticing Ling Qiqi's bottomless eyes, as if he was in the middle of a message What meaning and emotion might be conveyed by Ling Qiqi's expression in the library.

    But after searching for a long time, no similar case information could be found. Xiao Ding's system program chose to ignore this information automatically and directly began to answer Ling Qiqi's question: "Of course. But everything must be within the allowable range of the laws of the Metaverse. It 's okay."

    At this time, Shi Lei also flew out of the rabbit hole and began to look at this high-tech city in shock.

    "Is this what the future will look like? It's amazing."

    Lin Meng, Jiang Sanduo, and Chu Yi drove out of the cave one after another, and controlled the spaceship to stop at a high altitude.

    [It has been detected that new residents have entered the Metaverse, and the allocation of various indicators and housing allocation for new residents will be started soon. 】

    After the prompt sound, a translucent light curtain popped up in front of Ling Qiqi.

    All kinds of information related to Ling Qiqi are displayed on it.

    【Name: Ling Qiqi】

    【Gender: Female】

    【Age: 22】

    【Temperament: You can choose by yourself】

    【Occupation: Not yet assigned】

    【Special ability: Not assigned yet】

    【Hobbies and dreams: You can choose by yourself】

    Ling Qiqi was a little puzzled after seeing the attribute information that was almost completely blank in this row.

    Ling Qiqi can understand other attribute choices, but what the hell is this temperament and charm that you can choose by yourself?

    After seeing the players expressing doubts, Xiao Ding quickly received a prompt from the internal system, and she began to explain the next process.

    "I think everyone must be wondering what these light curtain information and optional attributes mean, and Xiao Ding will explain it in detail for you below."

    "As I said just now, living in the metaverse, any of your Dreams are all achievable, including adjusting your career, superpowers, and attractiveness, and even your future."

    Xiao Ding's words made the five people raise their heads in unison.

    Jiang Sanduo asked incredulously, "I can choose my future as well?"

    Xiao Ding nodded happily, "Yes. At the Metaverse Future Dream Workstation, each resident can configure the future they want. In the future time period you set, your dream will come true."

    The particularity of this dungeon shocked Lin Meng. She touched her face expectantly, "Then this temperament and charm can be chosen by yourself, does it mean that I can directly fill up my face value score?"     Xiao Ding turned to Lin Meng with a smile and nodded again, "Yes, When each resident enters the Metaverse, they can set their own appearance and temperament for a free adjustment. If you want to change various values ​​in the future, you need to go to the Metaverse Character Attribute Adjustment Store. There , as long as you spend a little money, you can create a brand new character attribute for yourself."     This time, even Shi Lei and Jiang Sanduo were touched.     In the modern age of the 21st century, how many people are eager to sell iron to become beautiful, and risk countless failures. And here, it only takes a little money to recreate a perfect self.     A cautious look appeared in Ling Qiqi's eyes.     She knows very well that the more things that seem easy to get, the greater the price that needs to be paid behind.     Switching to the metaverse must be the same, nothing can come for free.     With the infrared eyes of the scanner, Xiao Ding quickly scanned the expressions of the five people, and then explained the next step according to the process: "So, the residents of the Metaverse live and work in peace and contentment, and the people here live a happy life every day. Also, please keep this in mind at all times." These     words were like an iron law, and were suddenly marked in everyone's mind.     At this time, Shi Lei, who had just been immersed in various beautiful dreams, was also suddenly awakened. The four of them all remembered the four iron laws just before entering the dungeon.

    One of them seems to be saying: Children who can enter the metaverse life are the most honest in the world, and they never lie. The people here live and work in peace and contentment and live a happy life every day.

    Shi Lei nervously swallowed his saliva. The excitement that had just risen disappeared in an instant, leaving only fear and silence.

    Lin Meng and Jiang Sanduo also just looked at each other, and a cautious look appeared in their eyes.

    "Then I'll lead you to the Metaverse Resident Household Registration Office now. Everyone who enters the Metaverse must have a Cosmos ID card. After registering your various attributes there, you can choose by yourself."

    As Xiao Ding's voice fell, blue flames slowly emerged from her feet, pushing her whole body to start flying forward.

    Ling Qiqi and the others hurriedly got back into the spaceship, started the engine and followed Xiao Ding.

    After flying in the air for about ten minutes, everyone saw a 10,000-year-old tree with a diameter of 100 meters. The huge tree canopy covered half of the sky, and at the top of the tree hole hung a striking sign [Original Universe Residents' Household Registration Office]

    Xiao Ding landed smoothly on a sturdy branch and vine extending out from the tree hole. The branches and vines are two or three meters wide, enough for dozens of spaceships to rest on it.

    A middle-aged man in a dark suit came out of the tree hole. He is the official administrator of this household registration point and has considerable power.

    Xiao Ding stepped forward and greeted the administrator, "Hello, these five are the new residents today. I'll take them to apply for the Cosmos ID card and assign attributes." The

    Metaverse household registration administrator nodded to Xiao Ding . , "Let them come in one by one."

    Ling Qiqi first walked into the tree hole of the household registration office. The space in the tree hole is not very large, about the size of an ordinary breakfast restaurant. The interior decoration is nothing special, except for a silver platform with an inquiry sign and a few chairs, there is nothing extra.

    The administrator motioned Ling Qiqi to sit down in front of the platform and began to ask.

    "Gender and age cannot be changed at will. Are there any careers you are interested in? You can focus on three, and I will try my best to help you arrange them."

    Ling Qiqi thought for a while before answering: "I want to be unemployed. Vagabond, can you?"

    Of course, Ling Qiqi didn't really want salted fish, but because in this dungeon, if there are any tasks or clues that need to be investigated, it is obvious that unemployed vagabonds have a higher degree of freedom.

    If you choose another career and you end up being confined and unable to escape, you will lose more than you gain.

    The administrator paused for a moment before nodding, and quickly ticked out some options on the computer, "No problem. The job requirements of the homeless have already been selected for you."

    He continued to ask: "What about your appearance or attractiveness? What are your thoughts on the bonus? At present, the most popular suits are the cold royal sister type, the hot and sexy type, the soft and cute type, the girl next door type..."

    After listening to the administrator say a long list of words, Ling Qiqi's mouth twitched slightly.

    However, she also thought of a way to quickly "cheat" in this dungeon, and she asked tentatively: "Is there such a beauty that can make everyone look at me, and I can't wait to give my life to me. charismatic temperament?" The

    administrator really thought about it for a while, and then nodded.

    "Yes, but there is a fee for this item, and it's not cheap. You have to wait until you go to the character attribute control franchise store to replace it. Then I'll help you book this package first, and then you can just bring the money to buy it. ."

    Ling Qiqi had already firmly remembered this package in his heart, and decided to change it as soon as he went out to make money.

    After all, in the dungeon, this buff is simply an invincible existence, and you don't even need to fight, just clear all obstacles with one look.

    The administrator registered a string of information on the computer, "Then I'll just arrange an attractive appearance package for you."

    Ling Qiqi didn't care much, after all, she didn't care much about appearance, "Okay."

    "Are there any special abilities you want? It's similar to super abilities, such as invisibility, mind reading, and water control. In addition, I want to add that this special ability is only one percent of the citizens of the universe. Only you are eligible to enjoy it. Because you are currently inspected by outsiders, the federal government has specially approved this ability for you."

    Hearing this, Ling Qiqi immediately became interested again.

    It turns out that not everyone has superpowers, so this is a bit interesting.

    "Is there any special ability that turns stone into gold?"

    This time, the administrator looked at her more, "Yes. But this super ability will have some limitations. Because metaverse life still needs to maintain a certain balance, since you have it In order to balance this powerful special ability, other aspects must make some concessions."

    Ling Qiqi: "For example, what kind of concessions?" The

    administrator checked the details of the super ability of the touch of stone into gold. , "A resident with the super power of turning stone into gold needs to donate at least 100,000 universe coins every day. And this resident must serve as a public welfare ambassador, and any behavior and moral standards that violate the laws of the universe are not allowed. So this is There is a contradiction with the jobless occupation you chose before. Which one do you want more?"

    In short, if you want to have the special ability of turning a stone into gold, you have to make some concessions in occupation and daily life. This balances normal cosmic life.

    In the next few minutes, Ling Qiqi struggled a little between the two options of homeless and turning stone into gold.

    Homeless people have the highest degree of freedom, but other than that, there is no benefit.

    Turning stone into gold is the fastest way to get money. As soon as the money is in hand, it can be exchanged for the beauty of the city and the world, and the almost invincible golden finger can also be obtained immediately.

    No matter how you look at it, it is the most cost-effective.

    In the end, Ling Qiqi made a final decision, "I want to turn stone into gold."

    "Okay, your attribute data configuration has come out, you can check it again."

    [Name: Ling Qiqi]

    [Gender: Female]

    [Age: 22]

    [Appearance: Charm: Random Match]

    [Occupation: Public Welfare Ambassador]

    [Special Ability: Touching Stone into Gold]

    [Hobbies and Dreams: Donating, Doing Public Welfare, Dedicated to the public welfare of the world]

    Ling Qiqi clicked the confirmation button.

    A beam of laser light at the top of the ceiling instantly enveloped Ling Qiqi's entire body. The weak light source spread out along Ling Qiqi's body surface, and a warm airflow penetrated into her body.

    Half a minute later, Ling Qiqi walked out of the tree hole with a fresh look.

    The four Lin Meng, who were waiting at the door, were still looking nervously back and forth in the tree hole, and they were probably curious about what Ling Qiqi had experienced inside.

    Ling Qiqi walked past the crowd, stopped and turned around, "Who will go next?"

    Then, she waited until there was silence.

    No one responded to Ling Qiqi's words, as if they didn't see her at all.

    Shi Lei was still circling anxiously, "Why hasn't Qiqi come out yet? Did you encounter an accident?"

    Lin Meng and Jiang Sanduo heard this, and their faces became a little dignified.

    Only Chu Yi frowned and looked back at Ling Qiqi, who had just walked over, "Isn't she here?"

    After being reminded by Chu Yi, the other three came back to their senses. Shi Lei's eyes widened with a look of surprise, "Qiqi? When did you come out, why didn't I see you?"

    Lin Meng turned around and was taken aback when he saw the sudden appearance behind him. I just noticed Ling Qiqi's appearance.

    Ling Qiqi finally thought of something after standing there for a long time. She picked up her cosmic ID card and checked the character attribute information.

    I saw that the column of temperament and charm was marked:

    [The ordinary appearance and temperament are like a stone on the side of the road when placed in the crowd, and there is no sense of existence at all. 】

    Ling Qiqi: "..." That's all for random matching.

    The author has something to say:

    This chapter is written in my yearning for this copy, and I also want to fill up my appearance! Wealth is full! All attributes are full!

    Please ignore me who has gone mad
