Chapter 21

Chapter 21

    Ling Qiqi put aside all the information that disturbed the line of sight on the surface, and began to think from the most essential laws of things. Under normal circumstances, there are two ways to prevent an event from happening:

    first, after predicting in advance, try to avoid it through a series of preventive measures.

    Second, completely stop things from happening at the source.

    So in the same way, there are only two ways to save the residents of the whole town before the sun falls:

    one is to build a dungeon that is enough to accommodate the whole town's residents in advance to prevent doomsday disasters. This is considered from the perspective of early prevention.

    The only other way left is to stop the doomsday at the source, which is...

    to stop the sun from falling.

    But even if they tried their best, it was still difficult to change the trajectory of the sun with only manpower, so this was still a dead end.

    If so, the only plausible explanation is that they were presumably misled by the copy again.

    Ling Qiqi slowly raised her head, her gaze cast towards the sky through the iron window railings. At this time, the night has gradually faded, the sky is slightly bright, and the eastern horizon is white with fish belly.

    An extremely ridiculous guess gradually formed in Ling Qiqi's mind.

    "Qiqi, what did you think of?" Wang Xueer noticed Ling Qiqi's movements and raised her head along her line of sight.

    Ling Qiqi gave a low "um", recalling everything he had experienced in the copy, "I found that we overlooked a problem."

    "Ah? What is the problem?" Wang Lin didn't understand.

    Ling Qiqi turned her head and looked into the depths of the forest, the front was shrouded in unknown darkness, like a bottomless black hole.

    "The reminder of the dungeon just reminded me of one thing. When we first entered the dungeon, we were trapped in a nightmare cycle, which was telling us that everything around us could be an illusion. The same is true for small towns. ."

    No matter how hard Ling Qiqi and the others worked, they couldn't rely on manpower to stop the sun from falling, so if they wanted to save the town, they had to find another way.

    At that moment, aura burst out in Wang Xue'er's mind. She vaguely guessed Ling Qiqi's thoughts and raised her head in disbelief.

    "You mean, since we first entered the dungeon and got trapped in that cycle of dreams, the falling sun has always been an illusion that misleads us, so now the sun in the town may be just a pretense."

    Ling Qiqihe She nodded, "Yes, and haven't you noticed a place that has always been weird? Our dungeon mission is to save the vanished fairyland town and all its residents. There is a key word here, saving the vanishing fairyland town instead of Save the fairyland town that is about to disappear."

    "The fairyland town that is about to disappear means that the town has not completely disappeared. But the dungeon mission always talks about the disappearing fairyland town, which proves that the town is now in a state of disappearance."

    According to Ling Qi After what Qi said was done in this way, it happened to match the dungeon prompt given earlier.

    ——"It turns out that the town has long since disappeared, and everything I see is just an illusion..."

    Seeing Wang Xueer and Wang Lin sinking into contemplation, Ling Qiqi reminded: "Xiao Hongguo said before that since seven years ago, the surrounding area of ​​fairyland town has Suddenly, some saplings grew, but the people at the time didn't care about them, and it grew into the dense deep forest that it is today, completely isolating the whole town from the outside world."

    "Isolated from the world..." This sentence As a reminder, Wang Xueer gradually developed some ideas, she turned and swept towards the surrounding green sea forest, "So, is there something wrong with this forest?"

    Ling Qiqi: "If you think about it from a different angle, to the outside world, a fairyland The town is now in a state of disappearance. What indirectly caused the entire town to disappear is this nightmare forest."

    This finishing touch finally made Wang Xueer fully understand.

    It turned out that she was misled by the copy again from the beginning.

    When she senses the danger of the sun falling, she will unconsciously focus on the sun itself. But just like the content of the copy prompt, in fact, everything you see is an illusion.

    In that nightmare, what they needed to decipher was not the falling sun at all, but to find the key point of the dream and wake up from the dream.

    The same is true for the current fairyland town.

    The fairyland town is in danger of "disappearing" because it is isolated from the rest of the world. Then their mission should not be to stop the falling sun at all, but to bring the vanished fairyland town back to reality.

    After a long time, Wang Lin, who finally understood the whole truth, also looked at the forest ahead in shock.

    "Then to remove the illusion, do we have to get out of this nightmare forest first?"

    Now this forest is like a barrier, separating the town from the outside world. Then they can only find the truth of everything if they walk out of this forest and find the outside world.

    Ling Qiqi took out the remaining alcohol and lighter from the crystal ball space, "This forest is too big, if you just walk away, you don't know when you will go."

    Ling Qiqi pressed the lighter and lit a weak flame, "The quickest way to verify our guess is to set fire to the forest." The faint light shone on her side face, revealing a delicate little face.

    For a while, both Wang Xueer and Wang Lin were frightened by Ling Qiqi's crazy behavior.

    The two hurriedly stopped Ling Qiqi, and Wang Xueer said nervously, "What if we guess wrong?"

    Ling Qiqi gave them a reassuring look.

    "Do you remember that before I left the palace, I chatted with Xiaohongguo alone for a while? I was just asking her what the raw materials for making matchsticks are."

    The raw materials related to matches...

    Wang Xueer's eyes swept over the surrounding trees subconsciously. An outrageous guess flashed: "Could it be these trees in the Nightmare Forest?"

    Ling Qiqi nodded, "Yeah. The matchsticks made by Xiaohongguo have a magical effect. I was very curious at the time, what kind of raw materials can be produced. This kind of magical thing."

    "Later, Xiao Hongguo told me the truth, the raw materials for making the matchsticks are the trees from the Nightmare Forest. These materials have always been purchased from the soldiers guarding the restricted area. No. The soldiers did not dare to enter the core area of ​​the Nightmare Forest, so they kept cutting down some trees on the periphery of the forest, and then sold them through underground channels to make money."

    Wang Lin looked at the surrounding trees in shock, and suddenly felt something behind him . Chills.

    "These trees actually have a hallucinogenic effect?"

    The forest that surrounded the entire fairyland town not only caused the town to be isolated from the world, but all of them had hallucinogenic effects, which sounded a bit scary.

    Ling Qiqi glanced at the surrounding lush trees one by one: "Just like the legend in the town, the Nightmare Forest will indeed trap people in a dream state. When people stray into the core of the forest, they will continuously inhale from The hallucinogenic smell of trees. That's why people get trapped in nightmares without realizing it."

    "Xiaohongguo's principle of making matchsticks is also based on this. Every matchstick she makes is added with the quantitative wood of Nightmare Forest. So after her match is lit, it will immediately release the magic effect stored in the wood. , pulls people into a dream. When the match burns out, the illusion effect will also be exhausted. Those who use the match will be freed from the dream."

    Wang Xueer looked around the surrounding forest in astonishment, and the more she looked, the more she felt inside. cold.

    She was gradually frightened by some things she thought about and feared, and finally no longer hesitated, "Then let's quickly set it on fire."

    Wang Lin also looked around in horror, "Right, right, burn it. This sounds too scary."

    After a few minutes, the three of them walked to three places in the forest with torches and started lighting the flames.

    The sky was already bright now. The scorching sun is still hanging steadily above the sky, and the scorching temperature makes people sweat profusely.

    A gust of breeze blew, and instantly ignited the weak flames, and the rally exploded in an instant, the fire soaring into the sky.

    Thick smoke billowed, and as the fire increased, there was a burst of thunderclaps.

    Shi Lei and Lin Meng, who remained in the palace, were walking around the palace worriedly.

    "Your Majesty, it's not good. The soldiers guarding the restricted area came to report that the core area of ​​the Nightmare Forest suddenly caught fire. They did not dare to break into the restricted area at will. They didn't know what to do." report.

    Shi Lei's footsteps stopped, and his body instantly became tense.

    "Aren't Qiqi and the others still in the Nightmare Forest? Why is there a sudden fire there?" Lin Meng frowned and worried.

    The two quickly walked out of the main hall of the palace and looked towards the direction of the Nightmare Forest where the smoke was billowing, and saw that the area had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

    "Fat man! Look at the sun!" Lin Meng, who suddenly noticed the strangeness of the sky, became extremely excited.

    Shi Lei quickly looked up and saw that the huge sun that originally occupied half of the sky was like a shattered tile, and it turned into small fragments and fell from the sky bustlingly.

    It turned out that the sun was really an illusion.

    A post-robbery look of joy rose from Shi Lei's face, "It must be Qiqi and the others who have found a way!"

    As time passed, the Nightmare Forest that surrounded the fairyland town gradually disappeared into the fire. The sun that has been threatening the lives of the residents of the town is also slowly receding at this moment.

    This huge fire burned for a long time, and more and more town residents heard the movement and walked out of the door curiously. They stood in the street watching the fiery forest and the shattered sun in the distance.

    "Oh my God, the sun has disappeared."

    "What the hell is going on?"

    Little Hongguo and Little Mushroom sisters held each other's hands tightly, and their eyes flashed with gratitude.

    Princess Lanmeimei stood in the palace, her original worry gradually turned into a faint smile on her face.

    They all knew that it was the three tourists who came from afar who saved the town.

    【Ding! Congratulations to players Ling Qiqi, Wang Xueer, Wang Lin, Shi Lei, and Lin Meng for successfully clearing the "Disappearing Wonderland Town" dungeon on April 4, 2022. 】

    【Dungeon truth: Seven years ago, a nightmare came, and the whole fairyland town was pulled into the void space and disappeared into the real continent out of thin air. When Grandpa Wen of the fairyland town was observing celestial bodies, he suddenly noticed an abnormality in the sun. After telling Xiao Hongguo and General Tie the secret that day, he took the observation instrument and went to the depths of the Nightmare Forest to prepare to observe again, but accidentally broke into the space loophole and accidentally passed through the Nightmare Forest to the outside world. 】

    [After Grandpa Wen discovered the truth that the fairyland town disappeared in the real continent, he could no longer return to the town. He can only turn to three real-world reasoning explorers for help, hoping they can save the town. ]

    [Three explorers came to the place where the fairyland town disappeared to look for clues, but they were inexplicably pulled into the nightmare cycle, and their memories were erased, and they turned into tourists and came to the fairyland town. ]

    [Dungeon ending: After some twists and turns and exploration, the three explorers joined forces with the king and princess of the fairyland town to remove all the misty illusions that disturbed the sight, and successfully saved the fairyland town that had disappeared for many years. 】

    When the flames of the Nightmare Forest burn out, the world outside the town will also reappear its original appearance.

    A passer-by outside looked at the fairyland town that appeared out of thin air in front of him with a face full of astonishment. He opened his mouth and raised his finger to point to the town.

    "The disappearing fairyland town...appeared."

    [Congratulations to player Ling Qiqi for successfully clearing the vanishing fairyland town copy and winning the title of "Nightmare for Newcomers"! 】

    【Drop! The "Disappearing Wonderland Town" dungeon has ended, and will soon enter the player's personal score settlement mode...]

    [Player information is being loaded...]

    [The settlement space is being generated, please wait patiently...]
