Chapter 64

Chapter 64

    Hearing this, the ability users who were still patiently queuing for registration information all panicked.

    They have long seen the true strength of big and small bosses. In the face of monsters of that level, they may not be able to completely defeat them all together, and they are naturally anxious.

    The person in charge of the Southern Sichuan District Supply Office walked over from next door. His expression was solemn, but his performance was fairly stable.

    Long before the zombie mode was activated, he already knew the invincibility mechanism of the BOSS, so it was only a matter of time before the monsters would sweep here.

    "Notify everyone at the supply station, pack up the supplies, and take as much as you can. As long as the monster has any tendency to attack here, we will retreat immediately." The person in charge of the supply station decided.

    At this time, Mu Siyang was wearing logistical clothes and hurried over here. He is tall and straight, his expression is stern, and he has the aura of a strong man.

    He originally planned to come over to inform the other abilities, but as soon as he turned his head, he noticed Ling Qiqi and the others, and stopped in surprise, "You just came here?"

    Lin Meng nodded helplessly, "I was originally I was about to register, but an accident happened again."

    A strange expression suddenly appeared on Ling Qiqi's face next to him.

    Because just a few seconds ago, a prompt sounded in her mind: [Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the small BOSS stone monster and unlocking the BOSS stumbling block achievement! Qualify for the lottery spin once. 】

    Ling Qiqi looked down at his hand after recovering, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

    She clearly stood here and did nothing, how could she still kill the little boss.

    However, she soon realized that the two monsters were fighting each other outside just now.

    If you guessed correctly, the stone monster mentioned in the notification sound should be one of the two monsters who fought each other just now under the guidance of Ling Qiqi.

    So, it was the iron armored monster that killed the stone monster, but the last human head was counted on him by the system?

    I have to say that this wave of achievement rewards is probably the easiest one in history.

    Linking this series of things, Ling Qiqi gradually guessed a new idea in his mind.

    Ling Qiqi raised his head and looked at the five people opposite Mu Siyang, "I think of a plan, maybe we can kill these bosses to get achievements." These

    words instantly attracted everyone's attention.

    Everyone was curious when they heard that they could kill the boss to get the achievement.

    Mu Siyang cautiously looked at the surrounding power users, interrupted Ling Qiqi, and lowered his voice: "Let's find a place with fewer people and talk about it."

    Now everyone in the supply office seems to be very united, mainly because everyone The interests and life and death are tied in a boat. Once there is a dispute about achievements and rewards for these interests, there may be chaos, and Mu Siyang will inevitably be a little more cautious.

    Everyone quickly found a secluded corner, and after making sure that no one was nearby, Ling Qiqi continued the previous topic: "I won't sell the lawsuit, the stone monster that died outside just now should barely be counted as me killed. .And after the kill was successful, the system sounded a prompt, unlocking the qualifications for the achievement and the turntable lottery."

    Shi Lei's eyes widened in surprise, "But weren't you lining up with us just now?"

    "I didn't follow you just now . The purpose of coming directly is to guide the two monsters to fight against each other, so I was the only one who attacked the monster before he died. I guess the rules of the game do not count the killing of the monster as another thing. A monster, then the kill will finally fall to me, the only human player who has attacked monsters."

    After Ling Qiqi simply finished his conjecture, everyone's three views were instantly subverted, and everyone did not expect that, There is such a big bug in this game.

    Chu Yi, who had not spoken much, finally raised his head, "If this conjecture is correct, then this game mode does have loopholes that can be used to score points."

    As long as the player is in the zombie siege mode, bosses will continue to appear. In this way, operating according to Ling Qiqi's reward can indeed achieve the effect of brushing points.

    Although Mu Siyang was shocked by this matter, he also knew that this kind of dangerous operation to seduce the boss was something he couldn't play, so he automatically quit, "You should come. I will continue to work with the people in the supply office, This is also safer."

    Soon, Ling Qiqi5 began to discuss plans in secret.

    Ling Qiqi and Jiang Sanduo both have the ability to control the sky, and it is safest for them to guide the monster.

    Chu Yi has winged boots, which is very suitable for walking back and forth in the middle, supporting both sides at any time.

    Shi Lei and Lin Meng couldn't control the sky, but they had the strongest resistance and recovery ability, so they were suitable for dragging out monsters from below, freeing up time for the other side to guide the monsters to fight each other.

    In this way, the five tacitly settled on their final division of labor, and the scoring team opened again.

    The Iron Armored Monster, which has been invincible for a period of time, is now back to normal combat effectiveness. His huge head swayed back and forth, and his feet swept the surrounding ordinary zombies without any scruples, causing waves of shocks.

    The five of them burst into the position of the iron armored monster.

    At that moment, all the power users who were originally guarding the entrance of the supply station vaguely sensed that there were a few dark shadows floating in front of them, but because they were too fast, they could not see exactly what it was.

    Ling Qiqi rushed to the front. She stepped on the air lightly under her feet and flew forward quickly, and quickly arrived in front of the Iron Armored Monster.

    After the iron armored monster smelled the familiar smell from Ling Qiqi, it became obvious that he became violent. It waved its arms and weapons frantically, trying to knock down Ling Qiqi in the air.

    But every time the attack fell, Ling Qiqi flexibly avoided it.

    The attack failed to hit, causing the Iron Armor's anger to soar wildly. At this time, Ling Qiqi suddenly violently threw a bunch of element fusion balls, which immediately exploded after touching the armored skin.

    The defense and attack of the iron armored monster without invincibility are only equivalent to the level of the zombie king, so Ling Qiqi's violent attack immediately caused a lot of damage to it.

    The iron armor monster's rage value is full, triggering the invincible mode again.

    The dark red light flickered in the body of the iron armored monster, and amazing energy was being released from the body of the iron armored monster.

    "Qiqi, run this way. There are monsters here!"

    Jiang Sanduo, who was exploring the situation on the other side, found new monsters and quickly reminded Ling Qiqi.

    Ling Qiqi turned around decisively and began to lure the armored monster to Jiang Sanduo's direction.

    The thumping sound of the iron armored monster chasing Ling Qiqi was very clear in the silent night.

    The sound of the iron armored monster moving has a huge impact, making many nearby power users nervous, for fear that they will be targeted by this thing accidentally.

    After a while, a blurry shadow slowly appeared in front of Ling Qiqi.

    It was a thin, cyan mantis monster. The slender legs have extremely explosive muscles, making them a master jumper at first glance. Two big eyes flickered and flickered around, looking full of flexible wisdom.

    Just as Ling Qiqi flew over, the mantis monster jumped up at a high speed, bursting with astonishing bouncing power, and jumped directly into the sky dozens of meters high.

    Ling Qiqi sensed a dangerous aura, and quickly ducked back.

    Sure enough, just as she dodged, the mantis monster, who was still dozens of meters away, jumped in front of her, waved a sharp mantis knife, and slashed at Ling Qiqi.

    "Be careful! This monster should also be a big boss." Jiang Sanduo reminded.

    When Ling Qiqi and Jiang Sanduo were fighting with the boss monsters, Chu Yi had quickly cleaned up some nearby zombies that were in the way, freeing up a slightly empty route for Ling Qiqi.

    Two monsters attacked Ling Qiqi at the same time, which was obviously very dangerous.

    Shi Lei, who had been standing by the side waiting for support, quickly stepped forward to block the attack of the Iron Armored Monster.

    The mechanical round shield with a quaint atmosphere has switched to an attacking form, and a circle of spikes has grown on the edge, and it begins to rotate rapidly, like the propeller of an airplane about to take off, gradually accelerating and spinning out a phantom.

    "Dang bang", Shi Lei's mechanical disc flew directly to the body of the armored monster, wiping out weak sparks.

    The two monsters were dragged on both sides at the same time, and the initial progress of the plan went smoothly.

    But next, getting the two monsters to fight each other is the most troublesome thing. Under normal circumstances, monsters of the same level will not be hostile to each other, unless one party breaks the rules first and causes attack damage to the other party, so that monsters on both sides may be beaten.

    So, guiding the monster to attack the other side is the key.

    Ling Qiqi and Mantis Monster have been fighting back and forth for several rounds, and both sides are very flexible. For a moment, no one has taken advantage of it first.

    The battle situation was somewhat stalemate.

    On the other side, Shi Lei used all his strength to hold back the Iron Armor Monster, pulling its hatred to himself.

    The Iron Armor was fixed in its original position and continued to attack Shi Lei.

    The distance between the two monsters is currently only a few hundred meters. After seeing the situation stabilized, Ling Qiqi began to try to guide the mantis monster to move to the other side.

    The mantid apparently already has rudimentary human judgment. After Ling Qiqi learned about this feature, he began to teleport backwards continuously. Each teleport only moves back a short distance.

    After the mantis monster has experienced many such failures of the attack, it will have a kind of thinking inertia, and it is determined that Ling Qiqi's next dodge will still be teleported back a short distance.

    "Fat man, get out of the way!" Ling Qiqi's last dodge jumped directly in front of the armored monster.

    The mantis monster had already fallen into the trap set up by Ling Qiqi. It was limited by its habitual thinking, and it waved the mantis knife in the same way, to chop the position that Ling Qiqi would teleport to.

    As a result, after Ling Qiqi dodged away, the head of the Iron Armored Monster was directly exposed.

    The mantis monster did not expect that its own kind would suddenly appear here. At that time, it wanted to withdraw the attack, but it was too late. The blade still fell on the head of the iron armored monster.

    The attack of the mantis monster was implemented, and the hatred value of the iron armored monster was directly pulled to the peak.

    The iron armored monster, who had nowhere to vent, was instantly furious, and suddenly raised his fist and smashed it into the big eyes of the opposite mantis monster.

    Because the mantis monster who accidentally attacked his companion was still in a dazed state, he didn't react at all, so he endured this wave of attacks head-on.
