Chapter 66

Chapter 66

    Ling Qiqi looked in the direction that Jiang Sanduo pointed, and thought for a moment, "If you want to find another one, get the two together."

    If you get two monsters directly in one trip, you can just get them together Five swipe rewards, and you don't have to wait for another trip.

    Jiang San thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Then you drag this hamster first, and I'll look for it elsewhere." "Okay

    ." After speaking, Ling Qiqi himself rushed directly to the hamster monster.

    The hamster, who was eating a feast of human flesh, heard the movement and immediately raised his head vigilantly, squinting his small eyes to look at the opposite side.

    Ling Qiqi landed smoothly on the ground, only to find a breathing living person lying beside her feet.

    When the despairing power user saw someone appear, he first exuded some ray of survival in surprise. Thinking of the strength of the hamster monster, he closed his eyes resignedly.

    In just a few seconds, this person's heart seemed to have experienced all the ups and downs of life.

    Ling Qiqi didn't have the time to take care of this person's inner drama, because the hamster monster in front of him had already launched an attack.

    "Hee hee hee hee..." The sound of the hamster monster was very different from the previous monsters. It was a playful cry similar to that of a child, and it sounded particularly frightening in the middle of the night.

    It landed on all fours, ran very fast, and even gave birth to a few afterimages.

    If Ling Qiqi didn't have the ability to teleport, he really wouldn't have any chance of winning against this hamster monster.

    With a "bang", the hamster monster that was moving back and forth in the vicinity slammed into Ling Qiqi's supernatural fusion ball, making a loud noise.

    In the following time, Ling Qiqi began to play with the hamster more patiently.

    After seeing the bizarre picture presented in front of his eyes, his eyes widened.

    I saw Ling Qiqi playing with the hamster in circles, occasionally giving him a slap, and the burned hamster's fur was scorched and smoking.

    The ability user climbed up from the ground in disbelief, and his stunned eyes repeatedly stayed on Ling Qiqi's body.

    As a result, at this moment, there was a sudden roar from the next door and the movement of the giant beast stomping the ground, so scared that he quickly crawled back to the ground, motionless.

    Ling Qiqi followed the voice and saw that Jiang Sanduo was bouncing from the air and running towards him.

    He was also chasing a wild boar monster with sharp fangs, purring and chasing after Jiang Sanduo desperately.

    Seeing that the two monsters were complete, Ling Qiqi didn't stay any longer. Suddenly, the hamster was repelled by a violent blow and began to run in the direction of the original road.

    Ling Qiqi and Jiang Sanduo quickly left the area with the monster in tandem.

    After all the movement disappeared, the ability user who was lying on the ground raised his head dully, his eyes full of shock.

    Those were two big bosses, and they were taken away like they were being played.

    Chu Yi stood close to the monster, ready to meet the arrival of a new monster. While waiting for Ling Qiqi and the two of them, she had already killed a lot of zombies, and her achievements had reached the level of killing a thousand corpses.

    Just when she was about to put away her sword and rest for a while, the purring of the wild boar suddenly went from far to near, and quickly approached here.

    The voice was also accompanied by a creepy laughter of "hee hee hee hee".

    "Is that Qiqi and Jiang Sanduo?" Shi Lei asked, pointing to the two figures on the left.

    Lin Meng also raised his head, and when the two vague figures gradually approached, it was clear that it was Ling Qiqi and Jiang Sanduo.

    Behind them each followed a huge beast resembling a wild boar and a hamster, which should be the spoils they brought back this time.

    Chu Yi and Shi Lei hurried forward to meet them.

    Counting the three monsters in the same place, this time I finally got five.

    In a short while, with the joint efforts of the five people, the monsters got together, and one of them accidentally attacked their own kind, and they began to fight each other.

    As the battle between the five monsters became more and more intense, Ling Qiqi and the others got more and more lottery qualifications, because the attack damage in the invincible mode of multiple monsters fell on another monster, and the combined attacks were considered superlative. □ □ hit.

    In less than an hour, Ling Qiqi had already obtained five lottery rights here.

    Shi Lei and Lin Meng also qualified four times each.

    Jiang Sanduo and Chu Yi's monsters arrived relatively late, so there are only three so far.

    Gradually, the system, which had always been slow to respond, finally discovered something was wrong. Insane red light alarms flashed one after another in Mr. No's office.

    【warn! It is suspected that some players are disrupting the balance of the game in the zombie siege mode, please go to the site of the incident to verify as soon as possible, the game administrator Mr. Wu. 】

    Mr. Wu, who was just thinking about taking a break for a while: "..."

    This day, there is still no end to it.

    A few minutes later, Mr. Wu received a list of player profiles that displayed abnormal information.

    When he saw Ling Qiqi's name appearing on the list again, Mr. Wu couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

    On the southern side of Sichuan, the sky is still getting brighter.

    The scene of the five monsters beating each other was still in a stalemate, and the loud bang continued to break out, causing the emotions of many surrounding power users to be shocked.

    "What's going on with these five monsters?"

    "I'm also quite puzzled. I remember that the hamster monster was obviously in the most marginal area, why did it suddenly come here."

    The passers-by who don't know the truth are still fierce He discussed the bizarre scene of monsters fighting each other in front of him.

    And Ling Qiqi and the others have returned to the previous safe area and started to continue the previous barbecue entertainment activities.

    "Come on, the chicken wings should be cooked this time, you guys have a taste." Lin Meng enthusiastically handed the roasted chicken wings to Chu Yi and Ling Qiqi, his face full of anticipation.

    Ling Qiqi took the grilled chicken wings and took a bite while it was still hot. Take a bite of the roasted chicken wings, which are tender on the outside and tender on the inside, and they will sizzle with oil, which will greatly increase your appetite.

    Chu Yi also quickly took over another string of chicken wings and began to taste it carefully.

    Jiang Sanduo helped to add the fire from time to time, holding the rest of the skewers in his hands and grilling them by the fire.

    While the five were enjoying the food, reward reminders kept popping up in their minds.

    After about a while after this kind of reward cycle, the entire land began to shake violently, and the flames on the ground continued to sway from side to side.

    Ling Qiqi looked in the direction from which the movement came, and saw that the five monsters fighting each other not far away seemed to be bigger than before. Moreover, even after such a long distance, I can still feel that the dangerous aura from the monster seems to have become heavier.

    This change immediately made the five people vigilant.

    Then suddenly a siren sounded from the sky.

    [Detected that a number of invincible monsters have evolved into the rage mode, and are shooting at the real world, causing the core of the game system to be seriously damaged...]

    Just halfway through the broadcast, there was a sudden squeak of electric current. Like an old-fashioned radio from the 70s and 80s, the signal suddenly cut off.

    Ling Qiqi had already stood up, looking at the direction where the five monsters were beating each other, frowning slightly.

    I saw a bottomless black hole in the sky in that direction. The light wave molecules around it are constantly rotating and moving, as if everything can be sucked into it.

    "Look, what's going on with that black hole? And the system broadcast sound just now, what happened?" Lin Meng asked hesitantly, pointing to the strange phenomenon on the horizon.

    Ling Qiqi recalled the sound of the system broadcast just now, "It seems that the core of the game system was mentioned just now."

    [Warning! The core of the game system has been seriously damaged, and the dungeon and the real world are about to appear disordered loopholes. Please stay where you are and try not to move around! 】

    The rapid warning sound quickly spread all over the city center, but the mutation also happened.

    I saw that black holes one after another suddenly appeared in the vicinity of the five people. Like the black hole they had just seen in the sky, no one could see what was inside.

    Shi Lei was so frightened that he hurriedly jumped in the middle, "What are these things?" But

    it turned out that some things were unavoidable.

    Just when the five people didn't pay attention, a gap was suddenly opened on the top of their heads, and a strong suction force erupted, directly sucking all five people into the black hole.

    [Congratulations to the player for loading the original copy of "The Birth of the Magical World". ]

    [Starting to detect the dungeon environment...]

    [Loading the player's personal information...]

    [Dungeon background data being generated...]

    [Dungeon reminder: On February 17, 765, the age of magic, the great ice magician Nuoqi Mr. led countless heroic magicians to face the undead clan, and the battle for the peak of magic kicked off...]

    Just when Ling Qiqi5 was involved in the dungeon by the game loophole, Mr. Wu next door just investigated the cause of the game loophole. .

    I don't know who it is, and I have nothing to do to get the five invincible monsters together and let them fight each other.

    The five monsters just happened to have invincible effects, and they kept attacking, causing the five monsters' anger values ​​to soar wildly. When the growth of the rage value exceeds the limit, the monster will trigger the rage mode.

    A monster in this state, any attack, is enough to distort the real space locally. And now the attacks of the five furious monsters are all added up, and the consequences can be imagined.

    It took Mr. Wu a long time to separate the five monsters from each other, and let them calm down their anger at a distance. Welcome to join us, there are tens of thousands of historical novels to read for free. value.

    The number of various black holes floating in the air also stopped and continued to increase. With the efforts of the system to repair, the black holes are slowly shrinking back.

    But the player who has been sucked into the black hole just now estimates that there is no way to get out in a short time.

    After Mr. Wu dealt with the situation in which the monsters were fighting each other, he began to look for the culprit of this incident. As a result, he searched a lot and found no half of the people on the list.

    Finally, it was found out after using the internal authority of the system. Because of the emergence of the black hole bug, Ling Qiqi and five people had already been involved in a taboo copy that had been closed by the system for a long time.
