Chapter 40

Chapter 40

    The announcement woke up Ling Qiqi who was in a daze. She raised her head slightly, and then she remembered the reward before participating in the dungeon of Crazy Zombie City.

    Ling Qiqi rubbed his brows irritably, temporarily putting away the thoughts in his heart. She silently put away the crystal ball pendant in her hand. The rest here are the relics left by He Zhiqiang, and all she can do is bring these relics back to the city center first.

    After waiting for half a minute, Ling Qiqi opened his crystal ball space and quickly found a tightly sealed red package in the corner.

    Ling Qiqi picked up the package and threw it out of the space. The package fell on the ground in front of Ling Qiqi. Organize old times, welcome to join us, tens of thousands of historical novels are free to read. She took out her dagger and cut open the outer packaging of the package.

    When I opened the package, there were only two stones inside. One of the stones is grey as a whole, and there is nothing particularly prominent in appearance.

    [Name: Power Step Up Stone]

    [Type: Special Item]

    [Quality: Perfect]

    [Function: After use, the existing power level can be upgraded to the next stage immediately. ]

    [Remarks: The props are one-time use, and the next one can be used seven days after each use. 】

    Ling Qiqi weighed the power step-up stone, and then turned his attention to another stone. This stone looks unremarkable, with a lightning symbol printed in the middle, flashing a strange blue light, revealing a mysterious color.

    [Name: Chat Communication Stone]

    [Type: Special Game Item]

    [Quality: Perfect]

    [Function: Players who have this stone at the same time can bind relatives and friends to each other. Players with relatives and friends, no matter when and where they are, can You can chat and communicate with relatives and friends through this stone immediately. ]

    [Remarks: The chat communication stone is an exclusive prop for official players, it cannot be transferred to increase, it cannot be traded, and the number of times it can be used is unlimited. Remember, once the relatives and friends die or the communication stone is damaged, the binding relationship will be automatically cancelled. 】

    Ling Qiqi was a little surprised.

    I didn't expect that this time the harvest was not small.

    Ling Qiqi played with the power step-up stone in his hand, got up and walked into the safe area of ​​the clinic next to him. After confirming that there were no suspicious people nearby, he started to use the power step-up stone.

    When the stone was triggered, it immediately released a huge amount of energy that enveloped Ling Qiqi's body. A steady stream of heat poured into her body, frantically nourishing her internal organs.

    The energy of this stone is not only strengthening supernatural powers, but also improving Ling Qiqi's own physique.

    The bright white light source continued for a long time before gradually returning to calm. The huge energy just now was also absorbed into the body by Ling Qiqi.

    Ling Qiqi opened his eyes and looked at his palm curiously. She could feel that both abilities had indeed been greatly improved.

    She raised her hand to activate the teleportation ability first, and tried to exert a pulling force on the nearby items, and the items flashed in front of her in an instant.

    Although the function is still the same as before, the mental power consumed after activating the ability this time has become smaller, three times less than before.

    Moreover, the range distance over which objects can be moved is also greater.

    Ling Qiqi dived down and began to try to move his body. Ling Qiqi had done this experiment before, but it failed because the supernatural powers at that time were not enough to support the movement of the human body.

    But this time, things have changed.

    After Ling Qiqi's mind issued the command, the next second her body teleported to a distance of one meter.

    The consumption of mental power is reduced, the living creature can be moved in the air, and the control range of the power is enlarged.

    These are the biggest changes to the telekinesis ability after it has been upgraded to tier 2.

    There is another wind power. Ling Qiqi summoned the power of the wind element and wanted to see the changes after the upgrade of this power.

    But no matter how she tried, she never found any change in the wind element's ability.

    While Ling Qiqi was wondering, she suddenly found another bigger surprise.

    [Name: Ling Qiqi]

    [Identity Card: Official Player]

    [Talent Primary Ability: Tier 2 · Unknown (Wind Element? Fire Element?)]

    [Talent Secondary Ability: Tier 2 · Teleportation]

    【Main Difference Can function: ? ? ? It seems that there is an additional ability to control the element of wind and the element of fire. ]

    [Auxiliary ability function: After activating the ability, with the user as the center, all entities within a radius of ten meters can be instantly moved. 】

    Although there is no change in the wind element ability, a new ability has been added directly, and it is still an ability that sounds very powerful. No matter how you say it, this wave is still profitable.

    Ling Qiqi also began to seriously study her new fire power.

    The energy of the fire element itself will become more violent, Ling Qiqi felt that it was out of control as soon as he summoned it. The flames flew everywhere, almost setting her clothes on fire.

    In desperation, Ling Qiqi could only release more mental power to try to suppress the restlessness of the fire. Under the restraint of mental power, the fire energy energy recovered a little and began to act according to Ling Qiqi's thoughts.     A few minutes later, a ferocious flame rushed from Ling Qiqi's hand, like a frightening dragon dancing back and forth in the air, changing into various postures and sketching a smooth and free line picture.     At this time, Ling Qiqi has completely controlled the operation of fire-type abilities. She put away the flame with satisfaction and began to fiddle with another chat communication stone.     【Drip! If you want to bind the relatives and friends function of the chat communication stone, you need to enter the exclusive serial number of the communication stone of the other party or perform one-to-one binding face-to-face. 】    Looking at the light curtain text slowly emerging above the communication stone, Ling Qiqi could only temporarily give up the binding of relatives and friends.     Now she doesn't know if she can meet Lin Meng and Shi Lei smoothly, let alone bond with them.

    There are also Chu Yi and Jiang Sanduo. Although they are new members of the team, after all, everyone has also fought and passed the level together, I don't know how they both are doing.

    Ling Qiqi leaned against the wall and rested for a while before re-adjusting her state and regaining her spirits.

    Although the game is getting tougher, there is still hope.

    The drones that have just flown have proved that the country is also working hard to study the game, trying to find new solutions for everyone.

    Ling Qiqi turned on the map navigation function of the bracelet, and started to drive alone, and continued to move towards the city center.

    He didn't know how long he had walked, but when Ling Qiqi looked up, he realized that the surrounding scenery had undergone earth-shaking changes. Since the advent of the game, the world seems to have been painted with a terminator in an instant, all the rhythms of life have been interrupted, and the lively city has become empty.

    But the street market in front of Ling Qiqi is extremely prosperous and very lively, and there is even an opening ceremony held with colorful lights.

    A strange look appeared in Ling Qiqi's eyes, and he became a little wary before continuing to move forward.

    At the entrance and exit of the market, there is a quick plaque, supported by a sturdy bamboo pole below, just so that the plaque is suspended directly above the head.

    [Other World Food Street]

    After seeing the word "Other World", Ling Qiqi guessed: this food street is probably not a product of the human world.

    【Ding dong! Congratulations to player Ling Qiqi for discovering the hidden attractions in the game. The Otherworld Food Street is an entertainment venue jointly established by NPC employees, dedicated to providing a warm and comfortable place for players who are fighting to the death. ]

    [There are a series of delicious shops such as the famous Boss Huang hamburger fast food restaurant, Mr. Wu's music bar, Miss Happy's bubble milk tea shop, etc. Players can enjoy a good and relaxing moment here. ]

    Ling Qiqi's attention was attracted by the shop of Mr. Wu's Music Bar.

    Mr. Wu was the inspector of her last copy, and it turned out that he opened a music bar here?

    Ling Qiqi got a little curious and walked into this street market loaded with otherworldly delicacies.

    On both sides of the road are all kinds of squat houses and small villas with peculiar shapes. There is a pointed roof, a canopy shaped like an umbrella, and a hanging garden in the shape of a small dragonfly toy and a Ferris wheel.

    Each store has its own unique style, and the various neon signs are particularly eye-catching.

    "Ding Ding Ding Ding Dang Dang Dang! Boss Huang's hamburger fast food restaurant officially opened today!" A middle-aged man wearing a chef hat held a spatula in his left hand and an iron spoon in his right, and tapped with both hands.

    This violent movement immediately caught Ling Qiqi's attention. She followed her curious eyes, swept across the deserted storefront, and looked up and down the chef man.

    The man had a ring of stubble around his mouth, but he was smiling all the time and looked very amiable.

    "That little girl, our fast food restaurant officially opened today. There are many discounts and benefits. Would you like to come and see?" The owner of the fast food restaurant quickly set his sights on Ling Qiqi.

    Although it was a big reward for the opening of the new store, the street market was still sparsely populated. The boss was beating gongs and drums for a long time, and in total only attracted the attention of Ling Qiqi.

    A gust of wind blew past, rolling up the dust and leaves on the ground. The chef hat shop owner and Ling Qiqi looked at each other, other than that, there was literally no one around.

    Ling Qiqi also looked at the pitiful boss, and then nodded in response, "Okay."

    Entering this fast food restaurant with a childlike decoration style. As soon as I entered the door, I found that the whole house was covered with colorful rainbow wallpaper, and the carpet was also a touch of red, with a vigor of sunshine, conveying beautiful positive energy.

    Ling Qiqi's mood also relaxed. She picked a seat by the window and sat down.

    The owner of the chef hat shop hurriedly came over with a menu, "Girl, this is the menu of our fast food restaurant. The top ones are the new products recently developed by our top chef, Mr. Owen. If you are interested, you can consider it. Ah. By the way, you can just call me Boss Huang."

    Ling Qiqi looked up at Boss Huang before nodding, "Okay, thank you." Right

    above the menu is this season's special offerings from Irving's Super Chef.

    [Rose flower cake] 10 points

    /piece [Butter toast] 8 points/piece

    [Specially prepared cola cocktail] 15 points/cup


    After scanning the menu, Ling Qiqi remembered the point. She remembered that when she participated in the dungeon of Crazy Zombie City, Mr. Wu specifically said that the points obtained in the city could be brought back to reality for use.

    She clicked on the bracelet to check the balance of points:

    [Currently available points: 826]

    Looking at her very wealthy pocket, Ling Qiqi put down the menu boldly, and directly brought all the new products specially provided by Owen.

    "Okay, a rose flower cake, a piece of butter toast, and a specially prepared cola cocktail, a total of 33 points. Today our fast food restaurant opened a big deal, you are the first customer again, I will give you a zero, Another 50% off."

    After calculating a series of discounts, the final charge is 15 points.

    【Ding! Congratulations to the player who has triggered the special hidden mission of Boss Huang's Hamburger fast food restaurant. ]

    [Task content: Help Boss Huang, who has just opened his business, to increase his single-day turnover to 5,000 points. ]

    [Task reward: The same reward will be issued according to the final completion progress of the player's task. Moreover, over-completing the task can get the extra favor of Boss Huang, and there is a chance for Boss Huang to help the player realize a wish. 】

    After hearing the task trigger mechanism that sounded in his mind, Ling Qiqi rubbed his temples. She turned her head to look out the window, and saw that there was no one in the empty street except for the occasional gust of wind.

    Without even a single customer, where does the turnover come from? To increase the single-day turnover to 5,000 points is simply outrageous.

    Just when Ling Qiqi was about to ignore it, the sky outside suddenly darkened.

    The street market, which was not even half a figure just now, suddenly became crowded with people, filling the entire street in a strange way.
